Biden vs Trump 2024 from Now till November 5, 2024

I’ve waited 36 years to write those words, ever since on Sunday, July 10, 1988, I became the first journalist to write about the prospect of this master con artist becoming the American president.

And yet, after documenting decades of Trump’s crimes and misconduct, I watched as the American people put him in the White House in 2017. If they are believed, polls show he may get back there in 2025.

Complacency can put Trump back in the Oval Office. Being smug and staying home out of a false belief that Trump cannot claw his way back to power now that he’s a felon on Election Day is precisely what Trump hopes.
You should be troubled about the spin in news coverage of Trump’s conviction because it’s already going badly for truth, justice, and the American way.

Please don’t make the mistake of believing it’s curtains for Trump’s candidacy now that a jury has found him guilty of conspiring to pay off a porn star to hide this one example from his life of despicable conduct. It won’t be over until the last vote is cast and counted—and then only if Trump loses both the popular vote and the Electoral College.

David Crook and I launched DCReport as the Trump administration began in 2017 as an antidote to awful and shockingly naïve coverage of Trump, which we expected would continue during his presidency. Our work at DCReport is not done.

For a half-century, Republicans have branded themselves as the party of law and order. Still, by submitting to Trump, the GOP has made itself into the party of lawlessness and disorder. Every Republican candidate who supports Donald Trump, especially those who want voters to ignore his 34 felony convictions, is undermining the rule of law to put us under the boot of an ignorant, immoral, and incompetent power monger who has repeatedly declared his intent to become America’s dictator.

Already, Trump’s obsequious acolytes are busy lying and denying, trying to brush away verdicts that would have ended the career of any other office seeker.

Just hours after the jury came in, I was a guest on the News Nation program Dan Abrams Live, paired with a Trump operative. The other guest insisted that Joe Biden was behind this prosecution (brought by an elected local district attorney), that the charges are bogus (ignoring the jury verdicts), and that our federal government is “occupied” by an illegitimate tyrant (ignoring that Republican elections officials say Biden handily won the 2020 election fair and square).

The Big Lie often works. And it can put Trump back in the White House if it takes hold as the dominant narrative in American politics. Below are some little-known hard facts to help you counter Trump’s Big Lie.

(full article online)


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