Biden to Send Troops to Stop Texas from Protecting the Southern Border

Biden to Send Troops to Stop Texas from Protecting the Southern Border

6 Feb 2024 ~~ By Victoria Taft

Joe Biden has called out the cavalry to ride to the rescue of illegal aliens breaking into the country.
You read that right.
Joe Biden is listening to his far-left base and has nationalized a National Guard contingent to "support the federal government’s U.S.-Mexico border control efforts," which is to say Biden's opening up of the Southern Border to the illegal invasion.
The left has been urging President Biden to federalize National Guard troops to reopen Texas's border where illegal immigrants have been overrunning the state. It appears Biden has begun the process of doing that by ordering the Alaska National Guard to get ready to deploy to the border in support of the federal government, not the security of the border.
Texas has been securing the border with layers of concertina wire on top of stacks of shipping containers — a wall, in other words. Texas Gov. Gregg Abbott calls the program "Operation Lone Star."


Personally, I have long believed that the United States should increase the number of legal immigrants allowed into the country per year. Right now, one million non-citizens are legally allowed to call America home. But we should allow people into the country based on our needs as a nation and a person's willingness to learn the language and customs and to be an American. Biden doesn't even care about that. He's literally flooding the zone with a number of strangers that represent the size of a military division each day. Many of those people are commanded by cartels.

Wow. Sending American troops to confront American troops. Where have we heard this before?
It is also crazy that the Feds are going after their own for doing the job the Federal government is supposed to be doing that they are not doing.
Once again, Democrats are on the march toward secession and/or Civil War.
Despots do not tolerate opposition.
November can't come soon enough. Stoppimg DNCPUSA Democrat Socialists and their brain addled president from destroying America is imperative.


If the Alaska National Guard doesn't disobey this order to not guard the nation, we should give its state back to Russia.

Biden to Send Troops to Stop Texas from Protecting the Southern Border

6 Feb 2024 ~~ By Victoria Taft

Joe Biden has called out the cavalry to ride to the rescue of illegal aliens breaking into the country.
You read that right.
Joe Biden is listening to his far-left base and has nationalized a National Guard contingent to "support the federal government’s U.S.-Mexico border control efforts," which is to say Biden's opening up of the Southern Border to the illegal invasion.
The left has been urging President Biden to federalize National Guard troops to reopen Texas's border where illegal immigrants have been overrunning the state. It appears Biden has begun the process of doing that by ordering the Alaska National Guard to get ready to deploy to the border in support of the federal government, not the security of the border.
Texas has been securing the border with layers of concertina wire on top of stacks of shipping containers — a wall, in other words. Texas Gov. Gregg Abbott calls the program "Operation Lone Star."


Personally, I have long believed that the United States should increase the number of legal immigrants allowed into the country per year. Right now, one million non-citizens are legally allowed to call America home. But we should allow people into the country based on our needs as a nation and a person's willingness to learn the language and customs and to be an American. Biden doesn't even care about that. He's literally flooding the zone with a number of strangers that represent the size of a military division each day. Many of those people are commanded by cartels.

Wow. Sending American troops to confront American troops. Where have we heard this before?
It is also crazy that the Feds are going after their own for doing the job the Federal government is supposed to be doing that they are not doing.
Once again, Democrats are on the march toward secession and/or Civil War.
Despots do not tolerate opposition.
November can't come soon enough. Stoppimg DNCPUSA Democrat Socialists and their brain addled president from destroying America is imperative.

Not surprising, democrats once fought their countrymen to keep their slaves. So today's democrats fight to keep their Illegal Alien Invader base

Biden to Send Troops to Stop Texas from Protecting the Southern Border

6 Feb 2024 ~~ By Victoria Taft

Joe Biden has called out the cavalry to ride to the rescue of illegal aliens breaking into the country.
You read that right.
Joe Biden is listening to his far-left base and has nationalized a National Guard contingent to "support the federal government’s U.S.-Mexico border control efforts," which is to say Biden's opening up of the Southern Border to the illegal invasion.
The left has been urging President Biden to federalize National Guard troops to reopen Texas's border where illegal immigrants have been overrunning the state. It appears Biden has begun the process of doing that by ordering the Alaska National Guard to get ready to deploy to the border in support of the federal government, not the security of the border.
Texas has been securing the border with layers of concertina wire on top of stacks of shipping containers — a wall, in other words. Texas Gov. Gregg Abbott calls the program "Operation Lone Star."


Personally, I have long believed that the United States should increase the number of legal immigrants allowed into the country per year. Right now, one million non-citizens are legally allowed to call America home. But we should allow people into the country based on our needs as a nation and a person's willingness to learn the language and customs and to be an American. Biden doesn't even care about that. He's literally flooding the zone with a number of strangers that represent the size of a military division each day. Many of those people are commanded by cartels.

Wow. Sending American troops to confront American troops. Where have we heard this before?
It is also crazy that the Feds are going after their own for doing the job the Federal government is supposed to be doing that they are not doing.
Once again, Democrats are on the march toward secession and/or Civil War.
Despots do not tolerate opposition.
November can't come soon enough. Stoppimg DNCPUSA Democrat Socialists and their brain addled president from destroying America is imperative.

I am all for constantly adjusting legal immigration to be in line with our economic needs as long as they are self sufficient and not dependent on the government, including their children. After that, ZERO come here illegally and that means if you cross the border illegally you are NOT allowed to claim asylum, ever. You will be blacklisted forever.
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Biden to Send Troops to Stop Texas from Protecting the Southern Border

6 Feb 2024 ~~ By Victoria Taft

Joe Biden has called out the cavalry to ride to the rescue of illegal aliens breaking into the country.
You read that right.
Joe Biden is listening to his far-left base and has nationalized a National Guard contingent to "support the federal government’s U.S.-Mexico border control efforts," which is to say Biden's opening up of the Southern Border to the illegal invasion.
The left has been urging President Biden to federalize National Guard troops to reopen Texas's border where illegal immigrants have been overrunning the state. It appears Biden has begun the process of doing that by ordering the Alaska National Guard to get ready to deploy to the border in support of the federal government, not the security of the border.
Texas has been securing the border with layers of concertina wire on top of stacks of shipping containers — a wall, in other words. Texas Gov. Gregg Abbott calls the program "Operation Lone Star."


Personally, I have long believed that the United States should increase the number of legal immigrants allowed into the country per year. Right now, one million non-citizens are legally allowed to call America home. But we should allow people into the country based on our needs as a nation and a person's willingness to learn the language and customs and to be an American. Biden doesn't even care about that. He's literally flooding the zone with a number of strangers that represent the size of a military division each day. Many of those people are commanded by cartels.

Wow. Sending American troops to confront American troops. Where have we heard this before?
It is also crazy that the Feds are going after their own for doing the job the Federal government is supposed to be doing that they are not doing.
Once again, Democrats are on the march toward secession and/or Civil War.
Despots do not tolerate opposition.
November can't come soon enough. Stoppimg DNCPUSA Democrat Socialists and their brain addled president from destroying America is imperative.

Biden promoted the illegals crossing of the Southern US Border. Since he won't back down, I am holding him responsible for the Cartel killings of Americans with fentanyl in their drugs. Did you know that for the last 3 years, 100,000+ Americans have been killed each of the last 3 years which tallies at over 300,000 deaths of Americans because of allowing the Drug Cartels to rule the roost at the border, and removing power from the Border Patrols who used to be encouraged to do their jobs. Governor Abbott is a hero for doing all he can to discourage more Cartel creepsisters from coming over here with little girls for hire for prostitution brought in by the busloads, with little colored wristbands telling cartel people how much they have to give their money back to the Cartels, their pimps.

The Congress needs to either impeach Biden or remove him with removal clause #25 of the constitution to put Presidents too addled to do their jobs right, and in this case, causing horrible outcomes for the little children the Cartels proffer off of from sex trafficking, not to mention their windfall profits on drugs sold illegally to drug addicts, many of whom have died due to the Cartel using a form of fentanyl that has killed 300,000+ Americans in the last 3 years. We've haddit here in Texas. Biden is not welcome to destroy any more Texans by his cowtowing to the super-rich drug cartel mob bosses to rape children and kill drug users looking for a cheaper high and getting eternal peace due to the death experienced by fentanyl killer drugs engineered just for Americans. :cranky:

Oh, yes,, and some Texas lawnakers have it right:

Gov. Abbott and NG troops from a dozen or so states have only accomplished pissing off the Eagle Pass residents for a political photo-op.

Then did shut down that crossing. Too bad the border isn't that short.

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