Biden to Netanyahu: The US won’t support Israel.

All but the truce with American and NATO forces. Beginning with:

"After the announcement of guarantees for a complete withdrawal of foreign forces and timeline in the presence of international witnesses, and guarantees and the announcement in the presence of international witnesses that Afghan soil will not be used against the security of the United States and its allies, the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan which is not recognized by the United States as a state and is known as the Taliban will start intra-Afghan negotiations with Afghan sides on March 10, 2020, which corresponds to Rajab 15, 1441 on the Hijri Lunar calendar and Hoot 20, 1398 on the Hijri Solar calendar.

A permanent and comprehensive ceasefire will be an item on the agenda of the intra-Afghan dialogue and negotiations. The participants of intra-Afghan negotiations will discuss the date and modalities of a permanent and comprehensive ceasefire, including joint implementation mechanisms, which will be announced along with the completion and agreement over the future political roadmap of Afghanistan."


Did you review the objectives and the established timelines?

  • Withdrawal of troops: 14 months
  • Infra-Afghan Negotiations: Timeline uncertain
  • Cease-Fire: Longer term goal .. Timeline uncertain
  • Rights of Women / minorities: Based on Infra-Afghan Negotiations
  • Humanitarian Assistance: Ongoing through peace process
  • Prisoner Release: Agreed to be completed after signing negotiations
  • Transitional Government: Agreed to be completed during the peace-process
Translated: It wasn't all going to be done during 2020 .. Biden took over in 2021 and fucked up the withdrawal that led to dead soldiers and billions of dollars of free equipment, munitions and ammunition that the Taliban seized and are selling for their revenue stream.

Try again ..

Did you review the objectives and the established timelines?

  • Withdrawal of troops: 14 months
  • Infra-Afghan Negotiations: Timeline uncertain
  • Cease-Fire: Longer term goal .. Timeline uncertain
  • Rights of Women / minorities: Based on Infra-Afghan Negotiations
  • Humanitarian Assistance: Ongoing through peace process
  • Prisoner Release: Agreed to be completed after signing negotiations
  • Transitional Government: Agreed to be completed during the peace-process
Translated: It wasn't all going to be done during 2020 .. Biden took over in 2021 and fucked up the withdrawal that led to dead soldiers and billions of dollars of free equipment, munitions and ammunition that the Taliban seized and are selling for their revenue stream.

Try again ..

Are you saying Biden should have taken out all that equipment before pulling out of Afghanistan?
That doesn't answer my question. My question wasn't, was Biden in charge. It was, are you saying he should have pulled all that equipment out before withdrawing our troops?
Why are you asking me? Any sane individual would understand logistics around withdrawal, including not leaving billions of dollars of weapons and equipment to a terrorist organization.

I suggest you read the agreement to see if it stated "Leave billions of dollars of weapons / equipment to the Taliban"
Why are you asking me? Any sane individual would understand logistics around withdrawal, including not leaving billions of dollars of weapons and equipment to a terrorist organization.

I suggest you read the agreement to see if it stated "Leave billions of dollars of weapons / equipment to the Taliban"


I'm ask you because you were the one who mentioned it. It's a simple yes/no question yet you seem to be too scared to answer yes or no. Your fear speaks volumes.

Did you review the objectives and the established timelines?

  • Withdrawal of troops: 14 months
  • Infra-Afghan Negotiations: Timeline uncertain
  • Cease-Fire: Longer term goal .. Timeline uncertain
  • Rights of Women / minorities: Based on Infra-Afghan Negotiations
  • Humanitarian Assistance: Ongoing through peace process
  • Prisoner Release: Agreed to be completed after signing negotiations
  • Transitional Government: Agreed to be completed during the peace-process
Translated: It wasn't all going to be done during 2020 .. Biden took over in 2021 and fucked up the withdrawal that led to dead soldiers and billions of dollars of free equipment, munitions and ammunition that the Taliban seized and are selling for their revenue stream.

Try again.

The intra Afghan negotiation never began. Trump still complied with all of our conditions and ordered an unsustainable skeleton crew of 2,500 troops before he left office and gave the deteriorating situation in Afghanistan to Joe Biden and our military to handle. Recall there were 12,600 US troops when the Accords were signed. The only condition they complied with the reciprocal truce where we didn't soot at them and they didn't shoot at us or our NATO allies as we left.
The intra Afghan negotiation never began. Trump still complied with all of our conditions and ordered an unsustainable skeleton crew of 2,500 troops before he left office and gave the deteriorating situation in Afghanistan to Joe Biden and our military to handle. Recall there were 12,600 US troops when the Accords were signed. The only condition they complied with the reciprocal truce where we didn't soot at them and they didn't shoot at us or our NATO allies as we left.
Pedo Joe pulled out in disastrous form.

No way we should have used the downtown airport surrounded by Taliban instead of Bagram AFB. Tater owns this debacle 100%

You can bleat ORANGE MAN BAD for the next 10 years and it won't change that fact, Simp.
No way we should have used the downtown airport surrounded by Taliban instead of Bagram AFB. Tater owns this debacle 100%
Sec. Lloyd Austin: (23:40)
"So let me take each in turn. Retaining Bagram would’ve required putting as many as 5,000 US troops in harms way just to operate and defend it. And it would’ve contributed little to the mission that we’ve been assigned and that was to protect and defend the embassy, which was some 30 miles away. That distance from Kabul also rendered Bagram of little value in the evacuation. Staying at Bagram even for counter-terrorism purposes meant staying at war in Afghanistan"

You can bleat ORANGE MAN BAD for the next 10 years and it won't change that fact, Simp.
Your denials do not change the facts about how Benedict Donald stabbed the Afghans, our own military, and President Biden in the back during 2020 when he never insisted that the intra Afghan negotiation began, (or 6 out of 7 of their conditions), and still forced our generals to comply with all 8 of our conditions. Nor do you have any answer for why he did that. All you do is repeat Benedict's Homily "Saul Biden man, it's Saul Biden". No facts.
Sec. Lloyd Austin: (23:40)
"So let me take each in turn. Retaining Bagram would’ve required putting as many as 5,000 US troops in harms way just to operate and defend it. And it would’ve contributed little to the mission that we’ve been assigned and that was to protect and defend the embassy, which was some 30 miles away. That distance from Kabul also rendered Bagram of little value in the evacuation. Staying at Bagram even for counter-terrorism purposes meant staying at war in Afghanistan"

Your denials do not change the facts about how Benedict Donald stabbed the Afghans, our own military, and President Biden in the back during 2020 when he never insisted that the intra Afghan negotiation began, (or 6 out of 7 of their conditions), and still forced our generals to comply with all 8 of our conditions. Nor do you have any answer for why he did that. All you do is repeat Benedict's Homily "Saul Biden man, it's Saul Biden". No facts.
Milley and Austin? :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Milley and Austin? :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Show me Benedict Donald's testimony under oath! We know what he proudly blurted out in his first rally after losing to Joe.

"Afghanistan, where, by the way, I started the process. All the troops are coming back home. They couldn’t stop the process.

Donald Trump: (22:53)
21 years is enough. Don’t we think? 21 years. They couldn’t stop the process. They wanted to, but it was very tough to stop the process when other things…yeah. Thank you. Thank you. It’s a shame."
Show me Benedict Donald's testimony under oath! We know what he proudly blurted out in his first rally after losing to Joe.

"Afghanistan, where, by the way, I started the process. All the troops are coming back home. They couldn’t stop the process.

Donald Trump: (22:53)
21 years is enough. Don’t we think? 21 years. They couldn’t stop the process. They wanted to, but it was very tough to stop the process when other things…yeah. Thank you. Thank you. It’s a shame."
What prevented Biden from stopping The process? Tater didn’t follow anything in the agreement, Simp.

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