Biden is the dumbest blame game player in history...


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
This is the dumbest blame-game in history.
OK, fine, let's look at the scoreboard for a moment:
Under Biden, the level of the CPI has gone up over 19% in 38 months.
His average inflation rate per year is 6.1%.
It's the highest in 40 years.
Under Trump, for his entire four-year term, the CPI went up 7%, or 1.9% yearly.

Biden’s Plan B on Inflation: Turn It Against Trump​

And if Bidenomics is not only been destructive of our economy... But Biden "GUARANTEES" the destruction!
I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels” September 06, 2019, 5:49 PM

Biden Administration Announces Rule Aimed at Expanding Electric Vehicles​

The regulation would essentially require automakers to sell more electric vehicles and hybrids by gradually tightening limits on tailpipe pollution.
Folks.. please answer this question:
If Biden's guarantee to "rid fossil fuels" happens where will Americans get the additional $1.2 trillion to $8.399 trillion to replace "fossil fuels" and making 50% of cars/light vehicles by 2032 EVs. (no mention of semis!.. )

Inflation is lower in the USA than worldwide. Biden has been stellar in every aspect of handling the economy.

Of course, that's just the the facts, so it will have no effect on corrupt Trump cultists. They've been ordered to repeat stupid and crazy things, so they have to obey. They have no choice. Their conditioning is so powerful, even considering disobedience causes them severe pain.
Inflation is lower in the USA than worldwide. Biden has been stellar in every aspect of handling the economy.

Of course, that's just the the facts, so it will have no effect on corrupt Trump cultists. They've been ordered to repeat stupid and crazy things, so they have to obey. They have no choice. Their conditioning is so powerful, even considering disobedience causes them severe pain.
Worldwide inflation is Biden's fault.
I see. And exactly how did he accomplish that? Be very specific.

(This should be hilarious.)
I've answered this numerous times before in other threads. It's getting old.

spending pushed through without Republican support

getting out of Afghanistan so badly that it encouraged Russia to invade Ukraine

Democrats locking down the country due to Covid

support for higher wages

pushing through green policies

sending aid to the Palestinians which they then used for military infrastructure and the Oct 7th invasion and subsequent problems in the Middle East

open border, increasing the national debt

forgiving student loan debt

anti-business policies and regulations
I've answered this numerous times before in other threads. It's getting old.
And none of it makes a bit of sense, as none of it causes inflation.

So, you didn't disappoint. Your crazy talk was hilarious.

You faceplanted hard in two separate ways.

First, you claimed that a bit of government spending causes inflatino ... except it doesn't. That's not how economics worrks.

And second, Trump was a much crazier spender, and you don't care. That double standard shows you're just a party hack, and so nothing you way should be taken seriously.
Inflation is lower in the USA than worldwide. Biden has been stellar in every aspect of handling the economy.

Of course, that's just the the facts, so it will have no effect on corrupt Trump cultists. They've been ordered to repeat stupid and crazy things, so they have to obey. They have no choice. Their conditioning is so powerful, even considering disobedience causes them severe pain.
Really? "Stellar" in helping start 2 wars, fewer jobs...
LMAO are your pants on fire? :290968001256257790-final:
"Stellar" for sure when a future president like Biden said these two truly devastating and proven destructive statements:

"I would, in fact, make sure that there is, we immediate surge to the border, "

The above statement has CAUSED millions of ILLEGAL entries that have included KNOWN terrorists wanting to destroy the USA and Biden urged them to "surge to the border"!

The following statement has cause gas prices to rise.

Biden said "I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels” September 06, 2019,

BIDEN guarantees to destroy an industry that provides:
So BIDEN GUARANTEES to destroy $1.3 trillion a year and 8.1 million jobs!

Whenever something disastrous is happening for Republicans, Republicans leaders order the rubes to throw BDS tantrums.

Thus, we love seeing these whiny BDS threads. Seeing them always means good things are happening in the USA.
Whenever something disastrous is happening for Republicans, Republicans leaders order the rubes to throw BDS tantrums.

Thus, we love seeing these whiny BDS threads. Seeing them always means good things are happening in the USA.
If your man Biden stopped LYING for 5 seconds we wouldn't have to constantly call BS on his lies. For example, blame game Biden just said inflation was skyrocketing when he took office when in fact it was 1.4%. Lie lie lie lie lie this is the Dem party. What a bunch of useless shit stains. Do the world a favor Dems, move to another planet.

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