Biden Doesn't Want An Audience

Biden is used to not having an audience when he talks, so I guess this is an advantage. He also wants muted mics.

If he shits himself, the only person in the room that will act like they noticed it would be Trump. And if he mentions it the media will claim he made it up.

It's difficult to think that a president is so afraid of his voters that he would demand that none of them be anywhere near him when he debates.

That's a really BIG red-flag, folks.

Trump said his only demand is that Biden get a drug test before the debate.

I don't think it matters if the mods provide Biden with the questions in advance because he won't be able to remember them or respond in a rational manner.

And if they give Biden a communications device, he won't be able to repeat what they feed him anyway.

The only way Biden wins is if they refuse to let Trump talk, or that they edit the debate and only show what helps Biden. That would cut a 90 min debate down to roughly 60 seconds.

I'd bet my paycheck that they're actually discussing how they can edit a live broadcast.

Biden could never ad-lib like this if something goes wrong.

This is hilarious. Are you a paid comedian?

Did Trump REALLY ask that he get drug tested (biden) b4 the debate?

That should probably be done with ANY candidate. I mean, geez, everyday workers in many field have to undergo such...

tired of his elite BS... double standard
Any "debate" that includes Trump isn't a debate. It's a middle school playground argument. Worthless and embarrassing.
Do you want my real thoughts on this?

Ok, I'll assume you do since you ARE at a forum

I think anti-Trump people have SERIOUS mental issues. I am not saying that bc you disagree with me or any other R. I am saying it because I really, really think it.

I mean, we have 2 choices for president and.. how anyone can think that biden is a better choice..

something is very WRONG with that person

that person is either misinformed/uninformed (same thing a lot of the time) or just plain STUPID

or both
And the more Biden talks the more you loons ignore his mental issues. I swear it's like when I would point out things to my kids when they where young and they would look every where but where I was trying to get them to look.

Obligatory statement that I don't like Trump to head off the spit filled MAGA rant just pointing out the hypocrisy that you won't see.
Some of your blob’s signs of early onset Parkinson’s.



From June 2018

"“I have broken more Elton John records. He seems to have a lot of records. And I, by the way, I don’t have a musical instrument. I don’t have a guitar or an organ. No organ. Elton has an organ. And lots of other people helping. No, we’ve broken a lot of records. We’ve broken virtually every record. Because you know, look, I only need this space. They need much more room. For basketball, for hockey and all of the sports, they need a lot of room. We don’t need it. We have people in that space. So we break all of these records. Really, we do it without, like, the musical instruments. This is the only musical – the mouth. And hopefully the brain attached to the mouth, right? The brain. More important than the mouth is the brain. The brain is much more important.”

Your blob’s polices are dog shit. His temperament is that of whiny baby. He’s thrown a four year temper tantrum since he got his ass kicked in an election.

If all of the above had not happened...I still wouldn’t have voted for your sack of shit....

You know why?

Because he made fun of a handicapped person.

I really don’t know why or how is political career didn’t end right there. There is something wrong with you folks--that you look the other way on something like that. But you do...and yes....there is something wrong with your character.
Do you want my real thoughts on this?

Ok, I'll assume you do since you ARE at a forum

I think anti-Trump people have SERIOUS mental issues. I am not saying that bc you disagree with me or any other R. I am saying it because I really, really think it.

I mean, we have 2 choices for president and.. how anyone can think that biden is a better choice..
Biden hasn’t been indicted 91 times.
He hasn’t paid a porn star for sex
He hasn’t fired people by tweet

Just 3 reasons why Biden is superior to your blob as a man, as a husband, as a father, and as a President.
Now that shit’s funny…it’s not Trump supporters Biden is worried about, it’s his own…The Pali-nazi’s would heckle him endlessly…

That will actually help Trump…Biden will surely stick both feet in his mouth, and this will let him…

Why is Biden scared of one?

🤣 Again Biden is afraid of being boo’ed off the stage…

🤣 Sure, as evidenced by how quickly he accepted the morons terms…

Itll be Biden coming up with excuses…

🤣 Oh yes, the big bad FNC…talk about being a coward, and wanting only sycophants….🙄🖕
I smell your fear.

Biden hasn’t been indicted 91 times.
He hasn’t paid a porn star for sex
He hasn’t fired people by tweet

Just 3 reasons why Biden is superior to your

1 Biden SHOULD be indicted ---for "doing business" (ha ha) with foreign countries, selling his influence at the cost of national security

2 Trump likely didn't pay a porn star for sex either but biden acts like he wants to "do" every female he sees including VERY young ones. Plus he is accused of sexual assault

3 Biden hasn't fired people by tweet? He should fire himself by tweet and every other means available

Just 3 reasons why Trump is superior to your half dead candidate
Do you want my real thoughts on this?

Ok, I'll assume you do since you ARE at a forum

I think anti-Trump people have SERIOUS mental issues. I am not saying that bc you disagree with me or any other R. I am saying it because I really, really think it.

I mean, we have 2 choices for president and.. how anyone can think that biden is a better choice..

something is very WRONG with that person

that person is either misinformed/uninformed (same thing a lot of the time) or just plain STUPID

or both
Okie dokie!
Biden is used to not having an audience when he talks, so I guess this is an advantage. He also wants muted mics.

If he shits himself, the only person in the room that will act like they noticed it would be Trump. And if he mentions it the media will claim he made it up.

It's difficult to think that a president is so afraid of his voters that he would demand that none of them be anywhere near him when he debates.

That's a really BIG red-flag, folks.

Trump said his only demand is that Biden get a drug test before the debate.

I don't think it matters if the mods provide Biden with the questions in advance because he won't be able to remember them or respond in a rational manner.

And if they give Biden a communications device, he won't be able to repeat what they feed him anyway.

The only way Biden wins is if they refuse to let Trump talk, or that they edit the debate and only show what helps Biden. That would cut a 90 min debate down to roughly 60 seconds.

I'd bet my paycheck that they're actually discussing how they can edit a live broadcast.

Biden could never ad-lib like this if something goes wrong.

There will be bo debate. Your hero, the pussiest rich boy on the planet, will make excuses and drop out AGAIN! Pussy
Biden is used to not having an audience when he talks, so I guess this is an advantage. He also wants muted mics.

If he shits himself, the only person in the room that will act like they noticed it would be Trump. And if he mentions it the media will claim he made it up.

It's difficult to think that a president is so afraid of his voters that he would demand that none of them be anywhere near him when he debates.

That's a really BIG red-flag, folks.

Trump said his only demand is that Biden get a drug test before the debate.

I don't think it matters if the mods provide Biden with the questions in advance because he won't be able to remember them or respond in a rational manner.

And if they give Biden a communications device, he won't be able to repeat what they feed him anyway.

The only way Biden wins is if they refuse to let Trump talk, or that they edit the debate and only show what helps Biden. That would cut a 90 min debate down to roughly 60 seconds.

I'd bet my paycheck that they're actually discussing how they can edit a live broadcast.

Biden could never ad-lib like this if something goes wrong.

Trump is an idiot, however, if he allows the left to make all the ground rules and has no input of his own. He will be given no opportunity to speak about anything other than his legal troubles and issues going back decades while Biden will be given questions that will make him look wonderful.

CNN has apparently assigned Jake Tapper, one of the most TDS infected and dishonest people on their staff to moderate the debate. If Trump doesn't set some ground rules--no listening devices allowed and candidates will be checked for that, no performance enhancing drugs, no questions about legal issues unrelated to his Presidency.

The debate should be focused on policy, cause and effect, results or lack thereof on past performance in office and what the candidates intend to accomplish in the next four years.
Some of your blob’s signs of early onset Parkinson’s.



From June 2018

"“I have broken more Elton John records. He seems to have a lot of records. And I, by the way, I don’t have a musical instrument. I don’t have a guitar or an organ. No organ. Elton has an organ. And lots of other people helping. No, we’ve broken a lot of records. We’ve broken virtually every record. Because you know, look, I only need this space. They need much more room. For basketball, for hockey and all of the sports, they need a lot of room. We don’t need it. We have people in that space. So we break all of these records. Really, we do it without, like, the musical instruments. This is the only musical – the mouth. And hopefully the brain attached to the mouth, right? The brain. More important than the mouth is the brain. The brain is much more important.”

Your blob’s polices are dog shit. His temperament is that of whiny baby. He’s thrown a four year temper tantrum since he got his ass kicked in an election.

If all of the above had not happened...I still wouldn’t have voted for your sack of shit....

You know why?

Because he made fun of a handicapped person.

I really don’t know why or how is political career didn’t end right there. There is something wrong with you folks--that you look the other way on something like that. But you do...and yes....there is something wrong with your character.
And still it happens. I do not like Trump you moron and even when I say this you lunatics can not help going on batshit insane rants.

Seriously though thinking Trump's political career should end because of things he said while Biden has done the same or worse, you don't realize your hypocrisy do you ? It must be psychological like a Pavlovian response.

“Well I tell you what, if you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black.”
Trump is an idiot, however, if he allows the left to make all the ground rules and has no input of his own. He will be given no opportunity to speak about anything other than his legal troubles and issues going back decades while Biden will be given questions that will make him look wonderful.

CNN has apparently assigned Jake Tapper, one of the most TDS infected and dishonest people on their staff to moderate the debate. If Trump doesn't set some ground rules--no listening devices allowed and candidates will be checked for that, no performance enhancing drugs, no questions about legal issues unrelated to his Presidency.

The debate should be focused on policy, cause and effect, results or lack thereof on past performance in office and what the candidates intend to accomplish in the next four years.
Trump is an idiot?

Do you think you could have taken seed money and built a multi-billion dollar international company out of it?
1 Biden SHOULD be indicted ---for "doing business" (ha ha) with foreign countries, selling his influence at the cost of national security

2 Trump likely didn't pay a porn star for sex either but biden acts like he wants to "do" every female he sees including VERY young ones. Plus he is accused of sexual assault

3 Biden hasn't fired people by tweet? He should fire himself by tweet and every other means available

Just 3 reasons why Trump is superior to your half dead candidate
Your posts are silly and non sense

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