Biden Doesn't Want An Audience

Any "debate" that includes Trump isn't a debate. It's a middle school playground argument. Worthless and embarrassing.
Awee poor MAC.

Biden is used to not having an audience when he talks, so I guess this is an advantage. He also wants muted mics.

If he shits himself, the only person in the room that will act like they noticed it would be Trump. And if he mentions it the media will claim he made it up.

It's difficult to think that a president is so afraid of his voters that he would demand that none of them be anywhere near him when he debates.

That's a really BIG red-flag, folks.

Trump said his only demand is that Biden get a drug test before the debate.

I don't think it matters if the mods provide Biden with the questions in advance because he won't be able to remember them or respond in a rational manner.

And if they give Biden a communications device, he won't be able to repeat what they feed him anyway.

The only way Biden wins is if they refuse to let Trump talk, or that they edit the debate and only show what helps Biden. That would cut a 90 min debate down to roughly 60 seconds.

I'd bet my paycheck that they're actually discussing how they can edit a live broadcast.

Biden could never ad-lib like this if something goes wrong.

Gotta smile a bit here. Trump already knows he's toast. He needs that crowd to feed off of. He needs the energy. It also makes it easier for him to riff and play up his perceived bias of the moderators. This is why he's comfortable with a pep rally style event. H can riff. He can say whatever pops into his brain. With a structured debate, he's off his game. Biden will eat him alive. That and the fact Trump has NO core beliefs.

Gotta wonder why his campaign staff agreed to a no crowd debate. :)
Gotta smile a bit here. Trump already knows he's toast. He needs that crowd to feed off of. He needs the energy. It also makes it easier for him to riff and play up his perceived bias of the moderators. This is why he's comfortable with a pep rally style event. H can riff. He can say whatever pops into his brain. With a structured debate, he's off his game. Biden will eat him alive. That and the fact Trump has NO core beliefs.

Gotta wonder why his campaign staff agreed to a no crowd debate. :)

Talk about core beliefs, lol. Biden took showers and fondled his underage daughter. Messed her up so bad that she turned to drugs and drinking.
Gotta smile a bit here. Trump already knows he's toast. He needs that crowd to feed off of. He needs the energy. It also makes it easier for him to riff and play up his perceived bias of the moderators. This is why he's comfortable with a pep rally style event. H can riff. He can say whatever pops into his brain. With a structured debate, he's off his game. Biden will eat him alive. That and the fact Trump has NO core beliefs.

Gotta wonder why his campaign staff agreed to a no crowd debate. :)
Structured LMAO

You mean softball Dem questions where the mods arent nuetral.

Like Trump calling out Biden for Hunter. Moderator shuts it down to protect Biden.

Screw your debate
Talk about core beliefs, lol. Biden took showers and fondled his underage daughter. Messed her up so bad that she turned to drugs and drinking.
You pervs just keep playing up that bit of fake news, don't you?

It's been my observation that people who wallow in trying to uncover sexual deviancy...are themselves deviants.
It's the whole apple not falling far from the tree thing. :)
You pervs just keep playing up that bit of fake news, don't you?

It's been my observation that people who wallow in trying to uncover sexual deviancy...are themselves deviants.
It's the whole apple not falling far from the tree thing. :)
BS You are the party of LIES
You pervs just keep playing up that bit of fake news, don't you?

It's been my observation that people who wallow in trying to uncover sexual deviancy...are themselves deviants.
It's the whole apple not falling far from the tree thing. :)

The left has been wallowing in orange mans tawdry details for the last three weeks in this trial. Better not cast too many stones.
Structured LMAO

You mean softball Dem questions where the mods arent nuetral.

Like Trump calling out Biden for Hunter. Moderator shuts it down to protect Biden.

Screw your debate
LOL. Yeah, that's what I figured. You already know Trump is going to get his ass handed to him. :)
Get those excuses in line now. You'll need em.

Both candidates will get asked questions straight up. Only one will be able to answer cogently. You may not like
or agree with the answer (because it comes from a career politician), but he'll answer it. He won't stutter, hem, haw,
spew flop sweat, and try to riff his way out of the question.

Again, I wonder why his campaign agreed to this?
LOL. Yeah, that's what I figured. You already know Trump is going to get his ass handed to him. :)
Get those excuses in line now. You'll need em.

Both candidates will get asked questions straight up. Only one will be able to answer cogently. You may not like
or agree with the answer (because it comes from a career politician), but he'll answer it. He won't stutter, hem, haw,
spew flop sweat, and try to riff his way out of the question.

Again, I wonder why his campaign agreed to this?
Only lies I see coming are from the right. And they're slowly but surely getting shot down. Nothing sticking.
Democrats?...well, they just seem to keep winning elections. :)
Stealing you mean. Better hope your illegals turn out in force.

Black voters turning kn you....Jews.

Poor thing


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