Biden cannot bring himself to call pro Hamas supporters extremists.

Apparently noticing that

there was no Hamas attack
there are no hostages

is "supporting terrorism."

Rather, it is proof that those who believe the "Hamas attack" bullshit are the same treasonous SUBS who think 600F burning jet fuel caused a river of 2200F molten steel to pour out of the south tower.

EVERY TIME it is a ISRAELI HATE HOAX and we should not be allied with those behind 911.

Hamas did attack and killed thousands of innocent civilians.
Fuck off. You act as though the lefts practice of antisemitism is because of two people.

ILMAO the NAZIS were right wing. Must be why they called themselves "National Socialists"
Too funny. You must believe that N. Korea is a Democratic Republic then right? I mean it's in their name so they must be, right?
It's the MAGANUTS that are considered extremist. You know the ones who want to tear up the Constitution and are willing to riot and attack Congress to achieve their objective of overturning the election of Joe Biden. As far as the protesters go, there might be violent radical extremists among them. Mostly I think they have been misinformed, but they can protest whatever they want. Making threats of violence makes them radicals and if they are caught making violent threats they should face the full punishment of our courts of law.
LOL But Biden has repeatedly, dozens and dozens of times called Republican legislators extremists. Not rioters, not protestors, legislators.
Hamas did attack and killed thousands of innocent civilians.


There is ZERO evidence of that. Parroting the media is not a good way to obtain truth.

All of the "hostages" are actors, as are the "Palestinians" celebrating.

This is Israel being the Zionist Fascist monster it has always been, and why Einstein warned us...
LOL But Biden has repeatedly, dozens and dozens of times called Republican legislators extremists. Not rioters, not protestors, legislators.
"Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic.

Now, I want to be very clear — (applause) — very clear up front: Not every Republican, not even the majority of Republicans, are MAGA Republicans. Not every Republican embraces their extreme ideology.

I know because I’ve been able to work with these mainstream Republicans.

But there is no question that the Republican Party today is dominated, driven, and intimidated by Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans, and that is a threat to this country.

These are hard things.

But I’m an American President — not the President of red America or blue America, but of all America.

And I believe it is my duty — my duty to level with you, to tell the truth no matter how difficult, no matter how painful.

And here, in my view, is what is true: MAGA Republicans do not respect the Constitution. They do not believe in the rule of law. They do not recognize the will of the people.

They refuse to accept the results of a free election."


There is ZERO evidence of that. Parroting the media is not a good way to obtain truth.

All of the "hostages" are actors, as are the "Palestinians" celebrating.

This is Israel being the Zionist Fascist monster it has always been, and why Einstein warned us...
No matter either way HAMAS is toast
"Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic.

Now, I want to be very clear — (applause) — very clear up front: Not every Republican, not even the majority of Republicans, are MAGA Republicans. Not every Republican embraces their extreme ideology.

I know because I’ve been able to work with these mainstream Republicans.

But there is no question that the Republican Party today is dominated, driven, and intimidated by Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans, and that is a threat to this country.

These are hard things.

But I’m an American President — not the President of red America or blue America, but of all America.

And I believe it is my duty — my duty to level with you, to tell the truth no matter how difficult, no matter how painful.

And here, in my view, is what is true: MAGA Republicans do not respect the Constitution. They do not believe in the rule of law. They do not recognize the will of the people.

They refuse to accept the results of a free election."

Yup. As I said, Biden and his spokeshole have repeatedly, dozens and dozens of times called Republican legislators extremists.

But they cannot bring themselves to call Hamas supporting protestors extremists. The contrast is jarring. And telling.
Yup. As I said, Biden and his spokeshole have repeatedly, dozens and dozens of times called Republican legislators extremists.

But they cannot bring themselves to call Hamas supporting protestors extremists. The contrast is jarring. And telling.
The CraCra Caucus are all legislators. All the House Members are afraid of getting primaried by the base believers
The CraCra Caucus are all legislators. All the House Members are afraid of getting primaried by the base believers
Third time. The fact that your boy can call US Congresscritters extremists, but cannot call Hamas supporting protestors extremists says volumes about Him and the party you support.
Third time. The fact that your boy can call US Congresscritters extremists, but cannot call Hamas supporting protestors extremists says volumes about Him and the party you support.
The CraCra Caucus are extremist Congresscritters who would disregard the Constitution and overturn an election with intimidation and lies. Citizens Protesting is a right. Threatening violence and committing violence is not a right and would make them extremists. Being misinformed or not agreeing with popular opinion does not.

There is ZERO evidence of that. Parroting the media is not a good way to obtain truth.

All of the "hostages" are actors, as are the "Palestinians" celebrating.

This is Israel being the Zionist Fascist monster it has always been, and why Einstein warned us...

I don't look at the western liberal media...........that same media that praises gaza and hamas. Looks like you swallowed the entire rod and reel along with the hook and sinker.
All the SANE protesters are protesting the treatment of civilians.
by booth messed up political leaders from each side
The CraCra Caucus are extremist Congresscritters who would disregard the Constitution and overturn an election with intimidation and lies. Citizens Protesting is a right. Threatening violence and committing violence is not a right and would make them extremists. Being misinformed or not agreeing with popular opinion does not.
Wow. You don't think that supporting the Hamas animals and calling for death to Israel is extreme. You're much more fucked up than I ever thought.

Keep in mind, Biden has already called Hamas a terrorist organization, but those who are apologists for Hamas are not extremists?

How does that work?

The Biden White House is quick to call its conservative critics and political opponents "extremists" but appears unwilling to go so far when it comes to fanatical anti-Semitic leftists.

Fox News' Peter Doocy asked White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre on Monday whether the anti-Israel protesters swarming college campuses and city squares across the nation constitute "extremists," at least where President Joe Biden is concerned. Although Jean-Pierre was prepared to slam former President Donald Trump and denounce anti-Semitism in the abstract, at no point during her labyrinthine answer could the press secretary bring herself to castigate potential Democratic voters.

A Massachusetts Institute of Technology campus group, the Coalition Against Apartheid, called the massacre of thousands of Israeli civilians earlier this month by Hamas a "response to the settler colonial regime." Other radicals at the university reportedly chanted, "One solution, intifada revolution," reported Fox News Digital.

Last week at New York University, hundreds of students including members of the Young Democratic Socialists of America staged an anti-Israel rally. Among the signs exhibited by demonstrators was one that said, "Where there is oppression, there will be resistance," insinuating that the Oct. 7 Hamas terror attacks were justified. Another sign showed a blue Star of David in a garbage can with the caption, "Please keep the world clean."

I think it is time for Trump to give a red light speech about the fanaticism and threat to democracy the DNC poses to the entire world.

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Most people can follow the causal chain back to Afghanistan for his responsibility in what is going on in Israel

And for his stupidity or cold-heartedness you can look to the offer to Hawaians after deaths and lose of housing to 'send $700

lazy, spineless, stupid and stunningly poor judgment

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