Biden Administration Uses it’s Power to Censor Social Media

Far be it from me to think that scientific research is more rational than your groupthink.

From post 138, is this the kind of scientific research you're referring to?
Last year, the House's Coronavirus subcommittee published emails and other communications showing Fauci's own efforts to downplay the lab leak early in the pandemic and pressure researchers to produce a paper to that effect.

From post 138, is this the kind of scientific research you're referring to?
I posted the scientific research I’m referring to. You ignored it because it doesn’t say what you want to believe and because you don’t understand it anyway.
As was asked...where does it stop and who gets to decide.

In some cases, congress has begun to farm out its legislative role to non-governmental foreign agents.

One recent example of this treasonous dereliction of duty is illustrated by what we just witnessed when a foreign, non-legislative body in the form of some ''International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance,'' which was delegated to define and dictate to the US government the terms in the laws as well the enforcement thereof by way of that so-called Antisemitism Awareness Act.

An organization which has no business or authority whatsoever dictating American legislation or defining the terms in our laws or the terms of their enforcement.

It won't be the people who elected these weasels to office who get to decide.

Consent of the governed was tossed out the window years ago.

They don't work for you any more.

They seem rather brazen about illustrating it, too. And in broad daylight, no less...

Oh, btw, that big foreign aid bill they just passed had a slush fund hidden in it to keep on funding the ilegals coming across the border. And I've not sen on eperson even mention it on here. That new House Speaker is a shady little shit.
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Wrong again commie, it is a reference, to an 800 page congressional report. Just because you need someone to lead you around by the nose, doesn't mean I'm willing to do it. Go find it and look up the report yourself. Or you can just admit you're a lazy, lying POS and just STFU.



What's wrong little poopey-pants?

Your inability to do basic posting on a chat board is unsurprising,
As are the lumps in your pants from being unable to properly drop that link.

Since you refuse to comply with proper board etiquette you qualify for your very own

There ya go, enjpy
The longer version is the truth about Covid
Does that help you?
I don't need help.
But you go on and shove that lightbulb up your ass and enjoy your clorox cocktail.
Then have some horse dewormer
When you lie in the hospital intubated and begging for the vaccine and the doctors tell you it's too late you can enjoy doing you've done to so many before you...DIE.

That's right sparkless...
COVID kills MAGATS much more frequently than any other group.

I posted the scientific research I’m referring to. You ignored it because it doesn’t say what you want to believe and because you don’t understand it anyway.

Scientific research doesn't use estimates, they use verifiable data. And their results can be replicated Once again, you're proving yourself to be stupid.

Scientific research doesn't use estimates, they use verifiable data. And their results can be replicated Once again, you're proving yourself to be stupid.

They use data to generate estimates.

Wow. You really don’t understand science at all.

Maybe you shouldnt talk shit about this until you have a better understanding of how things work.
Counter them with the truth. If that does not work, then the people get what they deseve.

You cannot take away freedom to protect freedom

Neither practical, and in the real world, plausible. What about all of the people who bother to get informed. Why should their lives be hostage to idiots who don't know fact from fiction?

If you flood the marketplace with so much bullshit, people can't tell truth from fiction, you get the loudest, richest, most dishonest people turning the nation into a white supremacists paradise, Donald Trump as President.

You have fraud laws, and laws which make conspiracies illegal, so "free speech" isn't a blanket permission to lie, cheat and steal, nor should it be. The laws making fraud illegal are basically laws which make lying illegal.

If I tell you I'm expecting a large inheritance from a rich relative, but I'm broke in the meantime, please loan me $500 to see me through, and I take your money and leave town, I can be arrested and charged with fraud and I cannot use the defence of the "free speech" and "buyer beware".

Why should the con artists and scammers who promoted Ivermectin on the internet, and then got rich by promoting it in a YouTube video, be able to hide behind "free speech" in posting this dangerous garbage? We're still seeing threads about this "debunked" cure here on this forum, and hundreds of people died after taking the drug and getting no help from it.

Or make fake accounts on Facebook to post wild stories that Hillary is dying, and then use thousands of bots to like and share this post and flood Facebook feeds with their bullshit. We saw the potential for this mischief in 2016.

TikTok is being used to radicalize Americans against their government, and Americans are so addicted to it, they're prepared to continue to let the Chinese government suppress all criticism of China and promote lies about drag queens, groomers.

Foreign governments are controlling your "free speech" to turn you against one another, and you not only allow them to do it, the Republican Party is participating in all of it, gleefully.

America is being brainwashed and gaslighted by this misguided notion that public discourse must not be subject to any standards of truth or verification.
Scientific research doesn't use estimates, they use verifiable data. And their results can be replicated Once again, you're proving yourself to be stupid.


Which is why the Ivermectin is STILL not recommended as a treatment for covid:

But you still believe YouTube, and right wing websites. And you refer to the vaccines as "clot shots".
View attachment 942506
What's wrong little poopey-pants?

Your inability to do basic posting on a chat board is unsurprising,
As are the lumps in your pants from being unable to properly drop that link.

Since you refuse to comply with proper board etiquette you qualify for your very own
View attachment 942505

There ya go, enjpy
View attachment 942510

Poor little thing, you're the on throwing a tantrum because you lack the ability to fucking read. Damn child I've already told you what to read and where you can find it. I can't read it for you, because I don't cater to stupid people.

Poor little thing, you're the on throwing a tantrum because you lack the ability to fucking read. Damn child I've already told you what to read and where you can find it. I can't read it for you, because I don't cater to stupid people.

Is the poor widdle MAGAT too stupid to post links?
Of course it is.

I have, and it's not used to make definitive statements. Which is exactly what your link did.

You said that science doesn’t deal in estimates.

Are you going to stand by that statement?

Because that’s exactly what a confidence interval means. It’s an estimate.
You said that science doesn’t deal in estimates.

Are you going to stand by that statement?

Because that’s exactly what a confidence interval means. It’s an estimate.

Yep, because they didn't include their degree of confidence, to have any credibility that would have had to be included, if they were using that method.

Yep, because they didn't include their degree of confidence, to have any credibility that would have had to be included, if they were using that method.

This just shows you didn’t even read it before dismissing it. It was included in the study.

Here are their results:

To have any credibility, you would have read it first.
This just shows you didn’t even read it before dismissing it. It was included in the study.

Here are their results:
View attachment 942583

To have any credibility, you would have read it first.

Perhaps you should have posted this link to begin with:

Of course I'd have probably still laughed, since it's posted in their own blog instead of a medical journal where others could have checked their work.


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