Assange 1M new Wikileaks

freedombecki, et al,

Yes, interesting.

Julian Assange is preparing to publish 1m new secret government documents he said from his refuge in the Ecuadorean Embassy in London.

Read all about it.

Bradley Manning was arrested in May 2010. It will be a new development should any of these documents be dated after that arrest.

Most Respectfully,
Thanks for your input, RoccoR.

With his access to personnel files, he may be able to determine ahead of time who to approach and what to tell them in order to achieve cooperation from them in obtaining the information he wants to destroy America, especially if he's thinks he's going to get a berth next to Manuel Noriega. :rolleyes:
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Assange is a Russian spy who specializes in 'Dis-information and Counter-intelligence' operations. Everything he reveals is suspect.
Others think so, too, percysunshine: Assange joins Russian Anti-NATO Campaign

From the link:

Assange is angry at Sweden because the government wants to extradite him from Britain to stand trial on sexual assault allegations. But Assange is also working for the Russian government, which has given him a visa, (and) a television show on Russia Today...
freedombecki, et al,

Yes, interesting.

Julian Assange is preparing to publish 1m new secret government documents he said from his refuge in the Ecuadorean Embassy in London.

Read all about it.

Bradley Manning was arrested in May 2010. It will be a new development should any of these documents be dated after that arrest.

Most Respectfully,
Thanks for your input, RoccoR.

With his access to personnel files, he may be able to determine ahead of time who to approach and what to tell them in order to achieve cooperation from them in obtaining the information he wants to destroy America, especially if he's thinks he's going to get a berth next to Manuel Noriega. :rolleyes:

He's not out to destroy America.

Give me a fucking break, you big fat drama queen.
He's out to make money.
I bet he doesn't make his donor list public! I mean, everyone should know, just not about his vast sums' source. He has millions he can't access because of his hits on allied nations. His money likely comes from people he wouldn't think of beating up on--bullies in the Middle East who write off hits on the US as charity, with blessings from their mullas, etc. Oh, wait some of them are mullahs...
Whiner OP negs instead of actually providing reasons to support her claims that he's trying to destroy America.

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