As soon as you here Joe Biden say "I want Tax Fairness" you know it means everyone except the poor, will pay more in taxes.

This is like talking to a wall.

Again you keep linking to guidelines not actual orders to shutdown. Those came from Govenors, it’s why FL didn’t actually shutdown but NY and Cali did.

There is no doubt the markers responded to the global pandemic…but that wasnt because of trump. He didn’t create the virus in a lab
It’s a syndrome that afflicts far left Hellholes like California. More oppressive government, more taxes, more regulation and more deficit spending on illegals means the middle class gets crushed. Businesses and high earners are threatened with punitive measures such as higher individual taxes capital gains taxes, all for the purpose of wealth redistribution.

It’s the Leninist / Marxist model.
I am sorry but not surprised about California, because I spent a year at Chafey College in Alta Loma and a year in Compton's Sears controller's office. I saw enough petty crime to start an ulcer, and enough disgusting student behavior to avoid taking promises seriously and saying as little as possible. I also met some of the most honest and thoughtful people who ever ran a footrace, and joined the track runner association. My counselor required credits in public speech and theater which were sometimes unnerving, but always fun. We lived on Lake Elsinore which was a short trip to the beach, so summers were spent catching rays and playing beach volleyball. I will always love the friends I made in beautiful CA.
And you believe Biden's pledge? By letting Trump's tax cuts expire, he's raising taxes on 70% of Americans. That breaks the pledge. An $85,000 income will pay thousands more in income taxes a year. I can see you don't exactly get it. MAGA
Hey idiot...

Congress sets taxes,,, Who the fuck is in charge of Congress?

By the Way, Who wrote the orginal bill to let those taxes expire but not the wealthy and Corporate tax?

Are you dishonest ot stupid?
It’s already been proven to you that your baseless claims are fraudulent.

Biden’s spending is what caused deficits to soar and inflation to reach 40 year highs. Biden’s spending didn’t improve conditions for middle class taxpayers. Biden created low paying, part-time jobs that benefited illegals.

In 2020, at the end of Trump’s presidency, (despite the Wuhan virus), the average balance of 401K plans was $129,157; in 2023, that number was $118,600; in March 2024, the average was $115,710. 401k’s have lagged way behind Bidenflation of 20%. Ths average 401k might be up to over $155,000 if not for Biden and Dem / Socialist deficits and inflation. There’s a potential loss of $40,000 to American homes. That is a reality that whizzes past you.

Let go of your Joy Reid Clown Show nonsense about student debt transfer somehow transforming deadbeats into productive consumers and taxpayers. Useless degrees with people who have no marketable job skills are …wait for it…people with useless degrees and no marketable job skills. There is nothing you can provide to make any case where piling on another $ Trillion dollars in debt will be mitigated by gender studies graduates flipping burgers at McDonalds.

Your mindless rants about illegals are time wasting. The cost to taxpayers of free-everything to illegals is another boat anchor tied to taxpayers. You simply run your mouth about matters you’re clueless about.

• Illegal immigrants have a negative fiscal impact -- taxes paid minus benefits received -- primarily because a large share have modest levels of education, resulting in relatively low average incomes and tax payments, along with significant use of means-tested
programs and other government services.
• Prior research indicates that 69 percent of adult illegal immigrants have no education
beyond high school, compared to 35 percent of the U.S.-born.
• Using the National Academies’ estimate of immigrants’ net fiscal impact by education
level, we estimate that the lifetime fiscal drain (taxes paid minus costs) for each illegal
immigrant is about $68,000, although this estimate comes with some caveats.
• Illegal immigrants make extensive use of welfare. Based on government data, we
estimate that 59 percent of households headed by illegal immigrants use one or more major welfare programs, compared to 39 percent of households headed by the U.S.-born.
• Based on their use rate of major welfare programs, we estimate that illegal immigrants receive $42 billion in benefits, or about 4 percent of the total cost of the cash, Medicaid, food and housing programs examined in our study. However, this is only a rough approximation due to limitations in the data.

It just goes on an and on so instead of your continued babbling, go sit in the corner and be silent… or go harass your fellow Canuck’istanians.
You are using "Facts". Marxists/Demofascists are too stupid to understand the Facts.

Orange man bad....
Fair MY ASS do you know how much taxes you pay on the $400k it's F'ing insane. Federal, state and local they are taking well north of 40% the BLOATED mooching government parasites.
This year alone, i have paid over $200,000 in income tax. What did the fucking worthless pan handler pay sitting on the street corner? Fair my ass.
Hey idiot...

Congress sets taxes,,, Who the fuck is in charge of Congress?

By the Way, Who wrote the orginal bill to let those taxes expire but not the wealthy and Corporate tax?

Are you dishonest ot stupid?
You can always find an idiot in the crowd, when his side, the Marxists/Demofascists, for 2 fucking years had the House, Senate and Presidency, and all they could do is fuck over the US worker. Way to go moron, bite your fucking nose off, just to spite your face.
The poor stay poor, because of the government hand outs. It was Lyndon Baines Johnson, Democrat, who started the projects and gave welfare to unwed black women, thus destroying the black nuclear family and putting women on the dole from Uncle Sugar.

This year alone, i have paid over $200,000 in income tax. What did the fucking worthless pan handler pay sitting on the street corner? Fair my ass.
Exactly. And we didn't get any additional government services or benefits than the pan handler, in fact we are excluded from all of the government handouts we are paying for. All Dem fair share assholes can rot in hell!

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