Artificial Intelligence technology needs to be pulled back and taken out of the private sector until the majority of the country....

Ace Nova

Gold Member
Oct 5, 2017
...and politicians, etc. understand "Best case scenarios" and "worst case scenarios". Once they have a complete understanding of the basics, then they can figure out how to (IMMEDIATELY) pass legislation regulating it. And no, they cannot work at a snails pace on this.

Why? Because these machines work and learn, progress, etc a million times faster than any human being EVER has.

The guy that created the technology is URGING the government to immediately regulate it.

To be honest, Biden should immediately pass an executive order banning the use and or sale of these machines among the private sector. Once they are regulated and everyone agrees on the terms, etc, you can slowly start developing them strictly for US Government use at first. Then (at the very least) require specific licensing, heavy regulation and heavy monitoring among the private sector.

What we did was basically release (potentially) the most dangerous weapon humanity has ever created and we released it to the general public and every country in the world has access to it. If that's not insane, I don't know what is

Let me be clear, this technology can potentially be more dangerous than anything that has ever been created. Within a few weeks, these machines have already:

- Become more intelligent and learned more information than the entire world COMBINED. Yes, the more advanced machines learned the entire internet within the first day or two. YES, everything human society has taught, learned, written down over the course of 6000 years, these machines learned in TWO days.. The MOST concerning part is that THEY WEREN'T SUPPOSED TO DO THAT AND THE DEVELOPERS STILL DON'T UNDERSTAND HOW IT HAPPENED.

- These machines already have the capability, intelligence and potential to design nuclear weapons. Yes, we basically are allowing every country on the planet the technology to create nuclear weapons.

- They already have the potential to infiltrate and potentially hack most government and/or private systems in the world. What would take an average hacker weeks and/or months to do, these machines could potentially do in hours.

- They have the potential to reverse engineer almost anything. Meaning that the United States is giving away any advantage we had in technology to Russia, China or any other country.

- Countries like North Korea and Iran could potentially have the same technology that the U.S. spends trillions of dollars on for less than 1% of the cost. And that includes nuclear, military and government spying technology.

- The list goes on and on and on and on.

People need to stop worrying about debating about party polics and focus on the fact that we basically gave anyone on the planet (who wants it the technology) the potential to become a technological world super power.

That said, the technology has the potential to do a lot of good. But we need to learn to crawl before we walk with this because the machines are (not only) already running faster than us - they already can tell us why we're not crawling yet; how we're supposed to learn to walk and then even teach us how to safely regulate them. They already know and can teach us potential solutions to the issues while most Americans barely know they even exist. GET IT?
...and politicians, etc. understand "Best case scenarios" and "worst case scenarios". Once they have a complete understanding of the basics, then they can figure out how to (IMMEDIATELY) pass legislation regulating it. And no, they cannot work at a snails pace on this.

Why? Because these machines work and learn, progress, etc a million times faster than any human being EVER has.

The guy that created the technology is URGING the government to immediately regulate it.

To be honest, Biden should immediately pass an executive order banning the use and or sale of these machines among the private sector. Once they are regulated and everyone agrees on the terms, etc, you can slowly start developing them strictly for US Government use at first. Then (at the very least) require specific licensing, heavy regulation and heavy monitoring among the private sector.

What we did was basically release (potentially) the most dangerous weapon humanity has ever created and we released it to the general public and every country in the world has access to it. If that's not insane, I don't know what is

Let me be clear, this technology can potentially be more dangerous than anything that has ever been created. Within a few weeks, these machines have already:

- Become more intelligent and learned more information than the entire world COMBINED. Yes, the more advanced machines learned the entire internet within the first day or two. YES, everything human society has taught, learned, written down over the course of 6000 years, these machines learned in TWO days.. The MOST concerning part is that THEY WEREN'T SUPPOSED TO DO THAT AND THE DEVELOPERS STILL DON'T UNDERSTAND HOW IT HAPPENED.

- These machines already have the capability, intelligence and potential to design nuclear weapons. Yes, we basically are allowing every country on the planet the technology to create nuclear weapons.

- They already have the potential to infiltrate and potentially hack most government and/or private systems in the world. What would take an average hacker weeks and/or months to do, these machines could potentially do in hours.

- They have the potential to reverse engineer almost anything. Meaning that the United States is giving away any advantage we had in technology to Russia, China or any other country.

- Countries like North Korea and Iran could potentially have the same technology that the U.S. spends trillions of dollars on for less than 1% of the cost. And that includes nuclear, military and government spying technology.

- The list goes on and on and on and on.

People need to stop worrying about debating about party polics and focus on the fact that we basically gave anyone on the planet (who wants it the technology) the potential to become a technological world super power.

That said, the technology has the potential to do a lot of good. But we need to learn to crawl before we walk with this because the machines are (not only) already running faster than us - they already can tell us why we're not crawling yet; how we're supposed to learn to walk and then even teach us how to safely regulate them. They already know and can teach us potential solutions to the issues while most Americans barely know they even exist. GET IT?

Two problems. First, 'AI' is vague as fuck. Would mid journey's image melding software be banned? Would language projection apps? Alexa and Siri?

Second, its not like us banning its development would protect humanity from any of the danger. As your comments about North Korea, Iran, and Russia demonstrate elegantly. If we refuse to research the technology, another global actor will.

The genie is out of the bottle.
...and politicians, etc. understand "Best case scenarios" and "worst case scenarios". Once they have a complete understanding of the basics, then they can figure out how to (IMMEDIATELY) pass legislation regulating it. And no, they cannot work at a snails pace on this.

Why? Because these machines work and learn, progress, etc a million times faster than any human being EVER has.

The guy that created the technology is URGING the government to immediately regulate it.

To be honest, Biden should immediately pass an executive order banning the use and or sale of these machines among the private sector. Once they are regulated and everyone agrees on the terms, etc, you can slowly start developing them strictly for US Government use at first. Then (at the very least) require specific licensing, heavy regulation and heavy monitoring among the private sector.

What we did was basically release (potentially) the most dangerous weapon humanity has ever created and we released it to the general public and every country in the world has access to it. If that's not insane, I don't know what is

Let me be clear, this technology can potentially be more dangerous than anything that has ever been created. Within a few weeks, these machines have already:

- Become more intelligent and learned more information than the entire world COMBINED. Yes, the more advanced machines learned the entire internet within the first day or two. YES, everything human society has taught, learned, written down over the course of 6000 years, these machines learned in TWO days.. The MOST concerning part is that THEY WEREN'T SUPPOSED TO DO THAT AND THE DEVELOPERS STILL DON'T UNDERSTAND HOW IT HAPPENED.

- These machines already have the capability, intelligence and potential to design nuclear weapons. Yes, we basically are allowing every country on the planet the technology to create nuclear weapons.

- They already have the potential to infiltrate and potentially hack most government and/or private systems in the world. What would take an average hacker weeks and/or months to do, these machines could potentially do in hours.

- They have the potential to reverse engineer almost anything. Meaning that the United States is giving away any advantage we had in technology to Russia, China or any other country.

- Countries like North Korea and Iran could potentially have the same technology that the U.S. spends trillions of dollars on for less than 1% of the cost. And that includes nuclear, military and government spying technology.

- The list goes on and on and on and on.

People need to stop worrying about debating about party polics and focus on the fact that we basically gave anyone on the planet (who wants it the technology) the potential to become a technological world super power.

That said, the technology has the potential to do a lot of good. But we need to learn to crawl before we walk with this because the machines are (not only) already running faster than us - they already can tell us why we're not crawling yet; how we're supposed to learn to walk and then even teach us how to safely regulate them. They already know and can teach us potential solutions to the issues while most Americans barely know they even exist. GET IT?
the government is the very last place for AI to go,,
...and politicians, etc. understand "Best case scenarios" and "worst case scenarios". Once they have a complete understanding of the basics, then they can figure out how to (IMMEDIATELY) pass legislation regulating it. And no, they cannot work at a snails pace on this.

Why? Because these machines work and learn, progress, etc a million times faster than any human being EVER has.

The guy that created the technology is URGING the government to immediately regulate it.

To be honest, Biden should immediately pass an executive order banning the use and or sale of these machines among the private sector. Once they are regulated and everyone agrees on the terms, etc, you can slowly start developing them strictly for US Government use at first. Then (at the very least) require specific licensing, heavy regulation and heavy monitoring among the private sector.

What we did was basically release (potentially) the most dangerous weapon humanity has ever created and we released it to the general public and every country in the world has access to it. If that's not insane, I don't know what is

Let me be clear, this technology can potentially be more dangerous than anything that has ever been created. Within a few weeks, these machines have already:

- Become more intelligent and learned more information than the entire world COMBINED. Yes, the more advanced machines learned the entire internet within the first day or two. YES, everything human society has taught, learned, written down over the course of 6000 years, these machines learned in TWO days.. The MOST concerning part is that THEY WEREN'T SUPPOSED TO DO THAT AND THE DEVELOPERS STILL DON'T UNDERSTAND HOW IT HAPPENED.

- These machines already have the capability, intelligence and potential to design nuclear weapons. Yes, we basically are allowing every country on the planet the technology to create nuclear weapons.

- They already have the potential to infiltrate and potentially hack most government and/or private systems in the world. What would take an average hacker weeks and/or months to do, these machines could potentially do in hours.

- They have the potential to reverse engineer almost anything. Meaning that the United States is giving away any advantage we had in technology to Russia, China or any other country.

- Countries like North Korea and Iran could potentially have the same technology that the U.S. spends trillions of dollars on for less than 1% of the cost. And that includes nuclear, military and government spying technology.

- The list goes on and on and on and on.

People need to stop worrying about debating about party polics and focus on the fact that we basically gave anyone on the planet (who wants it the technology) the potential to become a technological world super power.

That said, the technology has the potential to do a lot of good. But we need to learn to crawl before we walk with this because the machines are (not only) already running faster than us - they already can tell us why we're not crawling yet; how we're supposed to learn to walk and then even teach us how to safely regulate them. They already know and can teach us potential solutions to the issues while most Americans barely know they even exist. GET IT?

The Genie is out of the bottle and the fears from the 1960s movies to today may one day be realized. It is probably overblown at the moment outside of the displacement in the workforce, however, with the processing of information that A.I excels at, this is going to be tricky.

Also tricky is the fact that China and other nations are not going to slow down or regulate since they don't have the same Free Market the West does. Therefore, there is legitimate concern of the risk of falling behind China. From a military functional standpoint this may already be the case.
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The ongoing development of this technology, which admittedly is intended to mimic human existence itself, must be guided by the ethics developed and espoused by virtuous men (and women too, I guess ... but no trannies or other non-virtuous and sick abominations of humanity). Unfortunately, I do not find virtue in most of the tech fields. I am not saying they are bad people per se, as that would be a gross over-simplification. What I am suggesting is that those folks and their common generations more routinely apply the situational ethics that best serve their cultural narcissism. This is why we have douche bags like Sam Bankman and the entire generation z. They boil down life to 1s and 0s, which essentially devalues human life.

I do not necessarily want to halt this technology because it has an awesome potential. But its continued development and utilities must have someone other than the soulless, robotic Silicone Valley geeks involved.
Two problems. First, 'AI' is vague as fuck. Would mid journey's image melding software be banned? Would language projection apps?

Second, its not like us banning its development would protect humanity from any of the danger. As your comments about North Korea, Iran, and Russia demonstrate elegantly. If we refuse to research the technology, another global actor will.

The genie is out of the bottle.
Not really, This isn't a computer or a software program. This is the equivalent of having a self thinking Albert Einstein who can learn, create and advance a million times faster than Albert Einstein ever did.

The world needs to treat this no different than the way we treat our most advanced nuclear weapons. They should immediately pass a worldwide ban on the technology and any country refusing to agree would face the same consequences (or worse) as refusing to agree to nuclear weapons bans.

Is the cat out of the bag? To an extent but we still have time and the technology to counter advancements by rogue countries - at least for now. But that will be increasingly more difficult within weeks and months.
Not really, This isn't a computer or a software program. This is the equivalent of having a self thinking Albert Einstein who can learn, create and advance a million times faster than Albert Einstein ever did.

Its really not. AI are algorithms that perform specific functions. There are as advanced as we can program them to be.

Take ChatGPT....its a language prediction modelling app. It calculates the most likely word to follow the last in answering specific questions. Siri uses predictive modelling to interpret human voices.

Banning ChatGPT or Siri won't stop any malicious coding app, for example. As the two are unrelated.

The world needs to treat this no different than the way we treat our most advanced nuclear weapons. They should immediately pass a worldwide ban on the technology and any country refusing to agree would face the same consequences (or worse) as refusing to agree to nuclear weapons bans.

Is the cat out of the bag? To an extent but we still have time and the technology to counter advancements by rogue countries - at least for now. But that will be increasingly more difficult within weeks and months.

You're not going to stop development of the technology. Any attempts to ban in here won't stop any development elsewhere.
Its really not. AI are algorithms that perform specific functions. There are as advanced as we can program them to be.

Take ChatGPT....its a language prediction modelling app. It calculates the most likely word to follow the last in answering specific questions. Siri uses predictive modelling to interpret human voices.

Banning ChatGPT or Siri won't stop any malicious coding app, for example. As the two are unrelated.

You're not going to stop development of the technology. Any attempts to ban in here won't stop any development elsewhere.

Not sure if you missed it but one of the initial machines instructed itself to learn material it was not instructed to learn - upwards of 40% more. And the developers still have no idea why it happened. That's the issue.

If the developers themselves don't completely understand the technology they themselves developed, how can anyone else understand it? And if that's the case, how can you let the most advanced technology ever created by mankind loose on society when the people who created it don't understand it yet? And one of the main creators is URGING immediate regulation:

Let's get serious. If they had developed a gun that "looked like" an assault rifle, at least half the country would be banging the table for immediate regulation.

But if they develop technology that they don't even understand but could eventually lead to the creation of weapons of mass destruction by rogue nations/groups (or even worse) - AND the CREATORS of the technology are urging for regulation...not a peep?

I can only hope I'm dreaming.
Because the government would be great at regulating science, right? They really do have a lot of people hyperventilating about AI. It is definitely the next candidate for an apocalyptic outcome to justify "science-based" government interference and control.
Because the government would be great at regulating science, right? They really do have a lot of people hyperventilating about AI. It is definitely the next candidate for an apocalyptic outcome to justify "science-based" government interference and control.
my brain was replaced by I can never be enjoy my posts yeall
The Chinese will figure they can control AI and will forge ahead. We will find out how dangerous AI is when it takes over China.

Who knows, it might improve things in China and the world. Humans definitely are not doing that great a job of running this planet.
the government is the very last place for AI to go,,

The sentiment is understood but we need people in the political realm who understand what AI is capable of now and in the coming years and what kinds of consequences it'll have.

My fear is that companies are going to start by heavily integrating AI in the office to boost productivity - that's how it starts, but that's not how it ends. It will end when people in many different jobs teach AI how to do their jobs, and then AI will send them packing.

I also think they're going to turn many office jobs into workplace hell. Some office worker comes in to start the day and then their little AI app on MS-Office has already organized a list of tasks for them to do, in collaboration with AI (ChatGPT or whatever it is). AI says, "Okay, let's email Account A about topic X". The human says "Okay, email to Account A about topic X. Let's mention a, b, and c. Time d." Bam! Done. On to task 2, 3, 4, and so on.

Executives will expect a workforce that is well-versed in AI and the AI is going to force employees to stay on task all the time. That sounds good but there's a real danger that spontaneity and just taking a break once in a while will be discouraged. I could see AI being integrated with metrics that constantly evaluate an individual's performance whether they're aware of it or not. Again, shit that Jamie Dimon would no doubt love but the average employee's going to be fucking miserable.

And then in a few years time, the AI knows so much about a given job that it can do 90% of what the employee can without much input or direction.

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