Artificial intelligence could replace humans in four key industries and leave billions without jobs, expert reveals

Right up until we point out to them that their taxes have gone up exponentially to pay for all the unemployed people’s welfare, SNAP, etc…

And have the unemployment, welfare and SNAP stopped? Millions of people starving and homeless? Sounds like perfect conditions for a revolution.
And have the unemployment, welfare and SNAP stopped? Millions of people starving and homeless? Sounds like perfect conditions for a revolution
No, but they SHOULD be. Unfortunately as we outsource and automate more and more jobs the “need” for these programs increases. Especially in an environment where far too many women are in the workforce, taking jobs away from men.
No, but they SHOULD be. Unfortunately as we outsource and automate more and more jobs the “need” for these programs increases. Especially in an environment where far too many women are in the workforce, taking jobs away from men.

Yeah, making women stay home will stop it. LMAO!!
The only way that would work as a start is to require women to marry or continue to live with their parents. Neither is acceptable
I disagree. For hundreds if not thousands of years thst was the societal STANDARD for the vast majority of the world. It is still the STSNDARD throughout certain areas of the world, and even some pockets of society here in the western world.
now maybe 'yes'. 50 years into the future? possibly not. 100 or 150? proably not!
It is HAPPENING. In just 20 years we could see significant numbers of humans displaced. Look how much tech has improved in the past 20! Make no mistake there ARE a lot of us and it will take some time...but I think in 150 years we will probably truly be replaced in many types of industry. Already they are using automated apps to teach kids while teachers sip their coffee. AI and robotics manufacturers will get their way more and more. Not all humans will be qualified to be robot repair-people....and that will probably be the new major industry that becomes as big as any other. Robots have been building cars for decades already. Eventually they'll be preparing food from scratch and canning with just a few humans supervising them. Since corporations make upgrades in sudden strides and not in many small steps, you could very suddenly see a big change when you never expected. Many of them are just waiting for the right time. Delivery by drone has been possible for years already. It is not technology that has prevented it so far. Eventually someone like Amazon might get their way with that too...very suddenly...and in the course of just a year or two daily life could seem very different.
I disagree. For hundreds if not thousands of years thst was the societal STANDARD for the vast majority of the world. It is still the STSNDARD throughout certain areas of the world, and even some pockets of society here in the western world.

And then we grew up and matured as a society.
No. Then we gave up on logic and morality, replaced them with emotion and have watched our society begin circling the toilet drain if history.

We gave up forcing 52% of the population to stay home as ordered.

We gave up telling employers that they cannot hire the best employee, if that best employee was female.

But automation and AI will solve that. Both men and women will be unemployed.
We gave up forcing 52% of the population to stay home as ordered
And our Society has suffered immensely for it.
We gave up telling employers that they cannot hire the best employee, if that best employee was female
And our Society has suffered immensely for it.,
But automation and AI will solve that. Both men and women will be unemployed.
And our Society will be utterly destroyed because of it.
But you are in a serious minority. But it explains your general attitude.

And it has little to do with the topic
Actually it relates directly to the topic… when individuals and corporations are offered such lightly fettered freedom as this country currently offers, they will most iften make choices which are not in the best interests of the society.

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