Are the debates already rigged? How?

Regardless of what actually happens, we know that (a) Trump will claim victimhood in some way, and (b) the flock will believe it completely.

Yes, I am already getting my talking points and having my Trump worshipping robe dry cleaned.
Did you support funding for Israel?


So you support Hamas.
Why do you assume I don't support funding one of the most crucial allies we have in the Middle East? You're a truly odd little duck if you know so little about me yet claim to have so much knowledge.
Why do you assume I don't support funding one of the most crucial allies we have in the Middle East? You're a truly odd little duck if you know so little about me yet claim to have so much knowledge.
So you supported funding Israel against the wishes of your lord and master Trump and the other GOP goons?

Yeah...lie to us some more.

Next you’re going to tell us you support Ukraine’s defense against the soviets.
So you supported funding Israel against the wishes of your lord and master Trump and the other GOP goons?

Yeah...lie to us some more.
I don't care if you believe it or not, my posts supporting Israel are there for anyone to see. I have never opined that we should stop funding Israel, and I in fact challenge you to find such a post from me. Failing that, feel free to come back here and acknowledge I am right and you made a massive leap in illogic or play in traffic, it does not matter to me.
Next you’re going to tell us you support Ukraine’s defense against the soviets.
I have little opinion on Ukraine, other than it has the potential to become another Viet Nam, sucking us into greater and greater involvement in a proxy war against Russia.
I don't care if you believe it or not, my posts supporting Israel are there for anyone to see. I have never opined that we should stop funding Israel, and I in fact challenge you to find such a post from me. Failing that, feel free to come back here and acknowledge I am right and you made a massive leap in illogic or play in traffic, it does not matter to me.

I have little opinion on Ukraine, other than it has the potential to become another Viet Nam, sucking us into greater and greater involvement in a proxy war against Russia.
Yeah, in other words, you supported Hamas by opposing funding for Israel like a good little dog obeying his master.
Yeah, in other words, you supported Hamas by opposing funding for Israel like a good little dog obeying his master.
You didn't even bother checking to see if your assertions have any merit, did you? I'll challenge you again, find where I opposed funding for Israel.
Why do you assume I don't support funding one of the most crucial allies we have in the Middle East? You're a truly odd little duck if you know so little about me yet claim to have so much knowledge.

She's a left-winger.

They know everything !!!!

Just ask Al Gore.
Sure, why not. Cohen did lie, and he owned up to those lies he told at the behest of trump. Trump's lawyers are trying to make a big deal out of Cohen hating trump. If you'll check, you will see that most people who once worked and supported him now hate him. Sooner or later you've got to admit the problem isn't all those other people. It's trump.
Pirro hasn't admitted to any of her lies.
There are tons of people who worked for Trump and loved the me someone who worked with Michael Cohen and doesn't LOATH him!
Yeah, in other words, you supported Hamas by opposing funding for Israel like a good little dog obeying his master.
You have to many snakes in the Progressive Socialist Party. We know we have RINOS and Neo Cons in the Republican Party. And they keep showing up for some reason. War mongers have gone from the Republican to the Prog party in the last few years. If we can vote authoritarians to eliminate these authoritarians at least we will get some satisfaction. Trump in his administration was not a war monger or authoritarian.
Of course they are!

I'm still having a very difficult time imagining Biden debate President Trump... I just can't, rigged or not rigged!

We'll have to wait and see how this show will end.:dunno:
The debates have only recently been agreed to, but there are already accusations that they are already rigged. Some believe the fix is in, but others think those claims are just another conspiracy theory. Both parties have agreed to the time, date, venue, and those posing the questions, as well as no audience. I've heard the rules will call for 5 minutes to answer, and then the microphone will be cut off. With both parties agreeing to the rules, I don't see how the format can be considered rigging. Do you think the debates are, or will be rigged? How do you think they might rig it?
I have noticed a sharper mental aspect to Biden. As if he takes speed. I was once induced to take speed and saw it made me much faster. My employees noticed it and I did it just that one time. A friend gave me speed to counter my telling him I am hungry. Biden can do the debate doped up and a lot of people will be fooled.
I'm still having a very difficult time imagining Biden debate President Trump... I just can't, rigged or not rigged!

We'll have to wait and see how this show will end.:dunno:
Biden has to explain why he demolished this country. And he does need to tell the truth this time.

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