Are All Illegal Migrants Entering the USA Bad? Yes!

Lord Long Rod

Diamond Member
Jan 17, 2023

Asylum seekers must comply with CFR rules. 8 CFR § 1208.13 - Establishing asylum eligibility. People who cross the southwest border seeking asylum, their claims are presumptively invalid. Asylum | USCIS.

Asylum seeks must file their claim for asylum in the USA IN THE FIRST COUNTRY THEY ENTER AFTER LEAVING THEIR COUNTRY. Fact Sheet: Circumvention of Lawful Pathways Final Rule | Homeland Security This is the adjacency requirement.

Thus, if someone travels from South America to America, enters the USA and files for asylum, said application will be denied as an invalid claim. It would be a frivolous filing. Border authorities can weed these claims out and send those with invalid asylum claims back south. This would cut down on overall asylum seekers, reduce the number of illegals entering our nation, and free up administrative law judges' time to more expeditiously rule on valid claims. But this is not being done. Why?

Mayorkis claims that everyone has a "right" to file their asylum claim. This is not true. If you do not file your claim pursuant to the CFR rules (requiring adjacency), then you do not have a valid claim to file. Mayorkis' is knowingly allowing thousands of illegal aliens to enter our nation to file frivolous asylum claims, knowing they will disappear inside our nation and never go to court for adjudication. There is not a better example of malfeasance than this. Should Mayorkis be impeached? Yes. Should he be jailed, along with other feds, for corruption and conspiracy to undermine our laws?


We know that there have been record numbers of people being ushered into our nation illegally. Some are criminals. Increased Illegal Immigration Brings Increased Crime: Almost 2/3 of Federal Arrests Involve Noncitizens These range from cartel members smuggling people and drugs, to violent offenders who are not gang related, to child rapists. We also know that known terrorists are entering our nation across the southern border. Capito says 169 migrants on terrorist watch list tried to cross southern border | U.S. Senator Shelley Moore Capito of West Virginia

But what about the prototypical little family unit of a mother, father, and a young child who trekked in from some foreign land, yearning to be an American citizen and to make a better life for themselves here? Is this the majority of illegal aliens entering America today? It is doubtful. The NGOs south of the border are trying to push as many migrants across the border and into the USA as they can. It is a numbers game for them. They do not care who they send.

But for the sake of argument, let's take said prototypical "good faith" illegal immigrant family, with papa, mama, and nino. Surely, these people cannot be "as bad" as a terrorist or a cartel drug/human smugger, can they? Maybe not on a qualitative level, but even that is subjective. If these people do not comply with asylum rules, then they have no claim in the first place. This leads to problems:

1. They are fraudulently trying to enter the USA;
2. They are needlessly burdening the immigration system;
3. By being allowed to stay in America, they will cause the following problems to American society:
a. They will burden public services;
b. displace American workers;
c. displace asylum seekers with bona fide asylum claims;
d. Increase crime unless they find work;
e. Alter the national identity of our nation;
f. due to some leftist anti-USA authorities, be allowed and encouraged to vote.

So even though said hypothetical family unit presumably will not be smuggling drugs or raping children, they are still causing harm to America by being allowed into the nation and turned loose. They know this damage will occur, but the choose self-interest over the welfare of the country they purport to want to join. Moreover, just because they come to America looking for economic opportunity (which the NGOs have convinced them is available to them) does not mean they intend to stay and assimilate into our nation. It also does not mean that they will be spending their American earnings here rather than sending it back to their home countries to be taxed into the coffers of some Third World despot.

We know all the pro- illegal immigration rebuttals. We need the cheap labor. Well, I will tell you some things:

1. We do not need THIS MANY PEOPLE to fill cheap labor quotas.
2. Stop letting these people into America, thus limiting the labor supply, and wages will go up, thereby allowing Americans who would not otherwise take a job picking strawberries to decide it is worth his otherwise worthless Gen Z/Y time.
3. Apparently, the trade-off for cheap labor is an acute national security risk, an erosion of American nationality, and crime. That is a hard argument to make.

The fact that there may be predominately "good" illegal immigrants entering America (which there is absolutely no evidence of) does not rebut the problem of having criminals, drugs, and terrorists entering the country. And this IS a problem, a big one. I dare any pro- illegal immigration advocate to argument against this proposition.

All illegal immigrants entering our nation with invalid asylum claims ARE "bad" folks, enabled by our own damn federal government. I also note that illegals do not have a right to stay in America pending the adjudication of their frivolous asylum claims. I further note that we are not obligated by any authority whatsoever to let anyone into our nation. The guiding principle in immigration policy is whether those seeking to immigrate will better our nation; i.e., will it benefit America to let them in? Whether we experience emotional fuzzy moments thinking that we ought to let them in to serve as a parasitic drain on our nation is irrelevant.
We do not make policy decisions based upon emotion. We owe no duty to the rest of the world to shelter people. In the present run of migrants, there is nothing to shelter them from. It is economic migration only.


If I were the one holding the power to do so, I would have Mayorkis immediately arrested, then give the case to the shady AF DOJ and tell them to concoct some sort of prosecution to nail him on, a la Trump. The difference, however, is that the Mayorkis prosecution would be based upon fact and law and would succeed. He has committed high treason. The damage he has done to our nation is irreparable. Biden and his advisers need to be held accountable too. The illegal migration that is currently taking place is the single greatest issue facing America today.

I will also say this: Even if they were not illegally crossing our border to file their frivolous claims (that is, the same number were crossing with valid claims), it is the duty of the President to put a stop to this because the current numbers are unsustainable. The only way to fix the current situation is to close our borders completely completely for 5 years, with certain limited exceptions, round up the illegal aliens with frivolous asylum claims (and visa overstays), deport them or imprison them as the case may be. We have to clean up this mess, and it is so far gone at this point that radical means are necessary.
We should be shooting them at the border if they violate the border, plain & simple! Further, when we get around to evicting the illegals, any illegal who obstructs us should be summarily shot on the spot! Its all over, its coming to an end, one fucking way or the other, with no fascist democrat tools of BlackRock left to infect the nation! :wink:
2. Stop letting these people into America, thus limiting the labor supply, and wages will go up, thereby allowing Americans who would not otherwise take a job picking strawberries to decide it is worth his otherwise worthless Gen Z/Y time.

America's agriculture isn't viable without cheap labour. Higher wages to Americans to pick strawberries would raise the cost of the product far out of reach to consumers.

This is the reason why there is no stomach in the political divide to make it the issue that starts the shooting that is supposed to start the next civil war.
They defied our laws and broke into our country

TX has the right attitude about all this insanity. I am SO proud of Gov Abbott for holding his ground against the Lawless One in Chief

Has the civil war begun? Maybe it began in 2020?

In case, maybe there's a newspaper somewhere out there with an interesting title on the front page

Texas Governor Abbott gives White House/Administration the Finger

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America's agriculture isn't viable without cheap labour. Higher wages to Americans to pick strawberries would raise the cost of the product far out of reach to consumers.

This is the reason why there is no stomach in the political divide to make it the issue that starts the shooting that is supposed to start the next civil war.
Are you citing any actual data for your opinion, dumbass? No, you are not. You are just talking out of your ass again, which is why nobody respects you.

Asylum seekers must comply with CFR rules. 8 CFR § 1208.13 - Establishing asylum eligibility. People who cross the southwest border seeking asylum, their claims are presumptively invalid. Asylum | USCIS.

Asylum seeks must file their claim for asylum in the USA IN THE FIRST COUNTRY THEY ENTER AFTER LEAVING THEIR COUNTRY. Fact Sheet: Circumvention of Lawful Pathways Final Rule | Homeland Security This is the adjacency requirement.

Thus, if someone travels from South America to America, enters the USA and files for asylum, said application will be denied as an invalid claim. It would be a frivolous filing. Border authorities can weed these claims out and send those with invalid asylum claims back south. This would cut down on overall asylum seekers, reduce the number of illegals entering our nation, and free up administrative law judges' time to more expeditiously rule on valid claims. But this is not being done. Why?

Mayorkis claims that everyone has a "right" to file their asylum claim. This is not true. If you do not file your claim pursuant to the CFR rules (requiring adjacency), then you do not have a valid claim to file. Mayorkis' is knowingly allowing thousands of illegal aliens to enter our nation to file frivolous asylum claims, knowing they will disappear inside our nation and never go to court for adjudication. There is not a better example of malfeasance than this. Should Mayorkis be impeached? Yes. Should he be jailed, along with other feds, for corruption and conspiracy to undermine our laws?


We know that there have been record numbers of people being ushered into our nation illegally. Some are criminals. Increased Illegal Immigration Brings Increased Crime: Almost 2/3 of Federal Arrests Involve Noncitizens These range from cartel members smuggling people and drugs, to violent offenders who are not gang related, to child rapists. We also know that known terrorists are entering our nation across the southern border. Capito says 169 migrants on terrorist watch list tried to cross southern border | U.S. Senator Shelley Moore Capito of West Virginia

But what about the prototypical little family unit of a mother, father, and a young child who trekked in from some foreign land, yearning to be an American citizen and to make a better life for themselves here? Is this the majority of illegal aliens entering America today? It is doubtful. The NGOs south of the border are trying to push as many migrants across the border and into the USA as they can. It is a numbers game for them. They do not care who they send.

But for the sake of argument, let's take said prototypical "good faith" illegal immigrant family, with papa, mama, and nino. Surely, these people cannot be "as bad" as a terrorist or a cartel drug/human smugger, can they? Maybe not on a qualitative level, but even that is subjective. If these people do not comply with asylum rules, then they have no claim in the first place. This leads to problems:

1. They are fraudulently trying to enter the USA;
2. They are needlessly burdening the immigration system;
3. By being allowed to stay in America, they will cause the following problems to American society:
a. They will burden public services;
b. displace American workers;
c. displace asylum seekers with bona fide asylum claims;
d. Increase crime unless they find work;
e. Alter the national identity of our nation;
f. due to some leftist anti-USA authorities, be allowed and encouraged to vote.

So even though said hypothetical family unit presumably will not be smuggling drugs or raping children, they are still causing harm to America by being allowed into the nation and turned loose. They know this damage will occur, but the choose self-interest over the welfare of the country they purport to want to join. Moreover, just because they come to America looking for economic opportunity (which the NGOs have convinced them is available to them) does not mean they intend to stay and assimilate into our nation. It also does not mean that they will be spending their American earnings here rather than sending it back to their home countries to be taxed into the coffers of some Third World despot.

We know all the pro- illegal immigration rebuttals. We need the cheap labor. Well, I will tell you some things:

1. We do not need THIS MANY PEOPLE to fill cheap labor quotas.
2. Stop letting these people into America, thus limiting the labor supply, and wages will go up, thereby allowing Americans who would not otherwise take a job picking strawberries to decide it is worth his otherwise worthless Gen Z/Y time.
3. Apparently, the trade-off for cheap labor is an acute national security risk, an erosion of American nationality, and crime. That is a hard argument to make.

The fact that there may be predominately "good" illegal immigrants entering America (which there is absolutely no evidence of) does not rebut the problem of having criminals, drugs, and terrorists entering the country. And this IS a problem, a big one. I dare any pro- illegal immigration advocate to argument against this proposition.

All illegal immigrants entering our nation with invalid asylum claims ARE "bad" folks, enabled by our own damn federal government. I also note that illegals do not have a right to stay in America pending the adjudication of their frivolous asylum claims. I further note that we are not obligated by any authority whatsoever to let anyone into our nation. The guiding principle in immigration policy is whether those seeking to immigrate will better our nation; i.e., will it benefit America to let them in? Whether we experience emotional fuzzy moments thinking that we ought to let them in to serve as a parasitic drain on our nation is irrelevant.
We do not make policy decisions based upon emotion. We owe no duty to the rest of the world to shelter people. In the present run of migrants, there is nothing to shelter them from. It is economic migration only.


If I were the one holding the power to do so, I would have Mayorkis immediately arrested, then give the case to the shady AF DOJ and tell them to concoct some sort of prosecution to nail him on, a la Trump. The difference, however, is that the Mayorkis prosecution would be based upon fact and law and would succeed. He has committed high treason. The damage he has done to our nation is irreparable. Biden and his advisers need to be held accountable too. The illegal migration that is currently taking place is the single greatest issue facing America today.

I will also say this: Even if they were not illegally crossing our border to file their frivolous claims (that is, the same number were crossing with valid claims), it is the duty of the President to put a stop to this because the current numbers are unsustainable. The only way to fix the current situation is to close our borders completely completely for 5 years, with certain limited exceptions, round up the illegal aliens with frivolous asylum claims (and visa overstays), deport them or imprison them as the case may be. We have to clean up this mess, and it is so far gone at this point that radical means are necessary.
Anyone caught illegally entering, or refusing to return home after thier visas expiration should be immediately deported, and banned from ever entering again.
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My point here is that the illegal aliens are lawbreakers who are intent on entering our country and consuming our resources without the reciprocal requirement of assimilation. They are more similar to a hoard of marauders than they are immigrants. These are most certainly NOT the people who passed through Ellis Island.
America's agriculture isn't viable without cheap labour. Higher wages to Americans to pick strawberries would raise the cost of the product far out of reach to consumers.

This is the reason why there is no stomach in the political divide to make it the issue that starts the shooting that is supposed to start the next civil war.

They are not all coming here to pick vegetables, plus as a matter of fact, illegal immigration devalues and harms programs as listed below.

please educate yourself. We dont need to engage in human trafficking.
Yes, bad.

Most of them are rapist, thugs or criminals
The good ones have ZERO SKILLS and are illiterate in their own peasant language.
They only come for WELFARE !!!!!

They only want 400 dollar a night hotels and fine foods
Most of them are rapist, thugs or criminals
The good ones have ZERO SKILLS and are illiterate in their own peasant language.
They only come for WELFARE !!!!!

They only want 400 dollar a night hotels and fine foods
most of them can figure out how to turn on a furnace were does that put you in this zero skills line?....
They are only allowed in to change the demographics and keep the Dems in power for eternity.

Dems are the biggest threat to Western Civilization
They defied our laws and broke into our country

TX has the right attitude about all this insanity. I am SO proud of Gov Abbott for holding his ground against the Lawless One in Chief

Has the civil war begun? Maybe it began in 2020?

In case, maybe there's a newspaper somewhere out there with an interesting title on the front page

Texas Governor Abbott gives White House/Administration the Finger

Just remember, Miserable.

Jesus hates Gays and Mexicans, just like you do!

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