Antisemite Omar Refers to Jewish Students as Pro-Genocide or Anti-Genocide

Let's leave aside who was responsible for the mess, or who is in the right or wrong. Why would any person with a lick of sense want to live next to people who want to murder them?
Are you serious?.... why don't you ask why the Palestinians can't live with Jews??? what is so special about them that the world accepts them being murderous bigots?....
I wouldn't move fuck them...
If one of my neighbors came up to me tomorrow and say, "Hey, Joe, we really don't want you in this neighborhood, and we are going to start strapping bombs onto little Timmy to try to get rid of you!" my first inclination would be to call a realtor and get the hell out of there
I own a small apartment building... I can be sued if its discovered I wouldn't rent to someone based on skin color... are you people who hate Jews saying its okay for me to exclude Jews from my building?.....
Are you serious?.... why don't you ask why the Palestinians can't live with Jews??? what is so special about them that the world accepts them being murderous bigots?....
I wouldn't move fuck them...
Why would they want to live with people who stole their land?

Naw, it's called being rational.

I own a small apartment building... I can be sued if its discovered I wouldn't rent to someone based on skin color... are you people who hate Jews saying its okay for me to exclude Jews from my building?

Not sure how you got to that point at all.
No we dont

Hamas started the war and the IDF will finish it

Once and for all. It's a tragedy that we have a government who refuses to back them in any way we can. Every dead Hamas, Hezbollah, or Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps member means one or more less dead American soldiers or Israeli IDF. They should all be wiped from the face of the earth with extreme prejudice, and without remorse.
Once and for all. It's a tragedy that we have a government who refuses to back them in any way we can. Every dead Hamas, Hezbollah, or Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps member means one or more less dead American soldiers or Israeli IDF. They should all be wiped from the face of the earth with extreme prejudice, and without remorse.

Uh, guy, there are 1.5 billion Muslims in the world today. Every person we kill, we radicalize 10 more.
And the "Palestinians" can move to any other Islamic nation.

The Jews deserve a homeland, and Israel is their historic homeland.

By the way Joe, are you German by chance?

Yes, I am. But my dad hit the beaches of Normandy to end the scourge of the Nazis.

Sadly, the Israelis seem bent on emulating them, like an abused child who emulates his abuser.
Uh, guy, there are 1.5 billion Muslims in the world today. Every person we kill, we radicalize 10 more.
You will never be kind enough to un radicalize them... they want their enemies dead... and that's you tard... so the best course of action is to make them never want to attack us again... and you do that by killing as many of them as you can... then there will be peace....
You will never be kind enough to un radicalize them... they want their enemies dead... and that's you tard... so the best course of action is to make them never want to attack us again... and you do that by killing as many of them as you can... then there will be peace....

Or we could just stop invading their countries and leave them alone. That would be a good plan.
Or we could just stop invading their countries and leave them alone. That would be a good plan.
How many hits are you willing to absorb?.... we would not have to be there if we just drilled for our own oil... Libs use to say no blood for oil... well being energy independent like Trump had us means we don't have to stick our nose up their asses....
Oh please!!

Of course they want to drive Jews out of Israel! Even today, Hamas has stated they do not want a 'two-state' solution! Get a fucking clue!
We know that because it was offered to them, and they rejected it. That’s because that isn’t their goal: their goal is to annihilate Israel and all her Jews.

Ain’t gonna happen.
And the "Palestinians" can move to any other Islamic nation.

The Jews deserve a homeland, and Israel is their historic homeland.

By the way Joe, are you German by chance?
He IS of German heritage. He’s said so on a number of occasions. He also said he grew up in a very antisemitic neighborhood. maybe the Germans all stuck together, and this would have been only 15 or 20 years after Hitler.
Nope. It was an act of terrorism.

Terrorism is the voice of the unheard.

The voice of the unheard

You stole that from the Joy Reid Show, right? It reads like just another stupid slogan from a far left loon. Congrats.

There’s nothing about Islamic terrorism we haven’t heard.

We’ve heard about the UN funded Islamic terrorist organization, UNRWA. The US has been showering the Pal’istanians and UNRWA for decades resulting in incredibly rich Islamic terrrorists. UNRWA is little more than a bloated bureaucracy that has become a UN funded welfare agency,

We’ve heard the Pal’istanian terrorists calling for genocide, They want to impose the writ of their fascistic and genocidal Charter as an allowance to push every Jew into the sea with machine gun fire.

I’ve heard enough of you retrograde leftists and Jew haters.
How many hits are you willing to absorb?.... we would not have to be there if we just drilled for our own oil... Libs use to say no blood for oil... well being energy independent like Trump had us means we don't have to stick our nose up their asses....

Actually, if we just bought oil and invested in alternative energy, we'll render them pointless.

Israel actually increases the number of hits we take from them.

More likely, your dad "hit the beaches" after he was shot from below by American GI's.

Nope, he was a medic and translator for the VII Corps.
He IS of German heritage. He’s said so on a number of occasions. He also said he grew up in a very antisemitic neighborhood. maybe the Germans all stuck together, and this would have been only 15 or 20 years after Hitler.

Actually, in the old hood.

The Germans hated the Jews
The Irish hated the Jews
The Poles REALLY hated the Jews.
The Italians hated the Jews.

We used "Jew" as a verb.

We know that because it was offered to them, and they rejected it. That’s because that isn’t their goal: their goal is to annihilate Israel and all her Jews.

Ain’t gonna happen.

The sensible ones will leave. The non-sensible ones will demonstrate natural selection.
Actually, in the old hood.

The Germans hated the Jews
The Irish hated the Jews
The Poles REALLY hated the Jews.
The Italians hated the Jews.

We used "Jew" as a verb.
As did Constantine and POPE PIG GREGORY the the bitch 'saint' Isabella and AL NABI Adolf

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