An honest history of Israel

Dumb video.
Beside the Assyrians, Babylonians, and Romans kicking the Jews out, he forgot the Persians, Greeks, and Seleucids also kicked the Jews out.
No one else ever got kicked out.
So you have to wonder what it is about the Jews that gets everyone so angry with them to want to keep kicking them out.
And when you go back 80 years, you see why.
Who pretended to only want to immigrate to be peaceful farmers?
Who then smuggled in 10 times the legal quota of immigrants, and weapons as well?
Who then killed the British peacekeepers by blowing up the King David Hotel?
Who gunned down Folke Bernadotte, the UN peacekeeper?
Who then starting wiping out hundreds of Arab native villages like Deir Yassin?
Who violated the UN partition by invading Jerusalem and the West Bank?
Who stole 85% of Palestine?
So you have to wonder what it is about the Jews that gets everyone so angry with them to want to keep kicking them out.

The Jews are special because they are God’s chosen people

That makes them targets for Satan
So you have to wonder what it is about the Jews that gets everyone so angry with them to want to keep kicking them out.

The Jews are special because they are God’s chosen people

That makes them targets for Satan
it's the cuisine----Satan is jealous of bagels
It was not, and it was shown to you to never have been. Lie if you must, but understand that you are wrong.
This is just a quick search. And I know there's more references. Point is, for centuries, the land was SHARED.
Take refuge in any right wing pundit talking point reference you'd like. It doesn't change the truth.

Because before 1948, the area...was called Palestine. And had been for hundreds of years. :)
yes it was----and every person called a "PALESTINIAN" before 1948 was a JEW.
no arab or christian or hindu or zoroastrian was a PALESTINIAN for 2000 years. ---then in the 1960s there was a GIANT FRAUD----arabs started calling themselves PALESTINIANS
yes it was----and every person called a "PALESTINIAN" before 1948 was a JEW.
no arab or christian or hindu or zoroastrian was a PALESTINIAN for 2000 years. ---then in the 1960s there was a GIANT FRAUD----arabs started calling themselves PALESTINIANS
Look at the maps. I'm just presenting the facts. And no, there weren't just Jews in Palestine.
This is just a quick search. And I know there's more references. Point is, for centuries, the land was SHARED.
Take refuge in any right wing pundit talking point reference you'd like. It doesn't change the truth.

View attachment 878423
what land was "shared"?
Look at the maps. I'm just presenting the facts. And no, there weren't just Jews in Palestine.
did I say that there were not JUST JEWS in Palestine---you lying piece of shit? I said that the only people who were called "PALESTINIANS" were jews----that is a fact. My very own hubby is a PALESTINIAN----he was born in a shariah shit hole arab land----but his parents ESCAPED to Palestine----about 1942 when he was an infant----as a JEW his government papers call him a PALESTINIAN---had he been a muslim---he would have been called an ARAB. Go to a large library----(have you ever been in an library?) Take a look at old books or journals (on microfilm) Any time you see the world PALESTINIAN---that is ALWAYS a jew living in the land called "PALESTINE"---never a christian or a muslim or a hindu or martian.

Brief History of Israel-Palestine Conflict | Norman Finkelstein Teach-In on Gaza, Israel, and Hamas​

Because before 1948, the area...was called Palestine. And had been for hundreds of years. :)
In that case, it should be very easy to find archaeological evidence of a Palestinian culture in the region that is distinct from other Arab cultures. Care to cite any examples of this?
you are deceived----horseradish was created to compensate for the plague of gefilte fish ---

I'm not ready to call horseradish a great miracle. It's a miracle roughly equivalent to turning on the light switch and having the light come on. Meh.

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