America Has Suffered A Lethal Blow to Its Freedoms

What's the specific "censorship" you find objectionable in the bill?

I don't particularly find any of the censorship objectionable.

. . . with that said? I find ANY censorship done by government, UN-AMERICAN.


"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.[4]"

The bill that has been linked says 2023. Is this what the OP is about?
I don't particularly find any of the censorship objectionable.

. . . with that said? I find ANY censorship done by government, UN-AMERICAN.


"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.[4]"

The bill that has been linked says 2023. Is this what the OP is about?
Democrats plan on bring in 1000s of Palestinian refugees for their summer of terror they are planning.

Democrats = WEF
yoar narrative that the DNC is the WEF, doesn't make sense.

The WEF wants to destroy America's first Amendment.

Yes, it is using this issue, but who is destroying the First Amendment? IT is the GOP.

The global ruling elites run BOTH PARTIES.

I addressed this, specifically to the WEF elsewhere. . . this was their plan.


". . . Emerging as the most severe global risk anticipated over the next two years, foreign and domestic actors alike will leverage Misinformation and disinformation to further widen societal and political divides (Chapter 1.3: False information). As close to three billion people are expected to head to the electoral polls across several economies – including Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Mexico, Pakistan, the United Kingdom and the United States – over the next two years, the widespread use of misinformation and disinformation, and tools to disseminate it, may undermine the legitimacy of newly elected governments. Resulting unrest could range from violent protests and hate crimes to civil confrontation and terrorism.

Beyond elections, perceptions of reality are likely to also become more polarized, infiltrating the public discourse on issues ranging from public health to social justice. However, as truth is undermined, the risk of domestic propaganda and censorship will also rise in turn. In response to mis- and disinformation, governments could be increasingly empowered to control information based on what they determine to be “true”. Freedoms relating to the internet, press and access to wider sources of information that are already in decline risk descending into broader repression of information flows across a wider set of countries. . . . "

Stay Informed

The bill that has been linked says 2023. Is this what the OP is about?

The bill that has been linked says 2023. Is this what the OP is about?
Many laws, they work on trying to pass. If it fails one year, they hold it over, and work on it the next. If it goes twelve months, they just re-introduce it.

Natural Citizen Was keeping on eye on this one, he knew this attempt to rob us and destroy the First Amendment on some ginned up pretext was coming.
Here is that thread from early December of last year noting the danger of that bill.

It crossed my desk a week or so ago, and alarmed me;

For all we know, the folks that have been funding these protests, were AIPAC themselves, who knows?

Biden and the Deep State had been manipulating and entrapping crazies since the mid-nineties, and in nearly every legislative session, they have always wanted to define, "domestic terrorism," as a way to circumvent Americans civil rights and civil liberties, guaranteed under the Constitution. They have wanted to codify it in law, but they continually fail. So, this is not a surprise that they already have this bill ready and waiting for this crisis.

Like this law, the ACLU, and law makers on the left and right, have always opposed any attempt at codifying "domestic terrorism," legislation, even after Jan. 6th. But they made one hell of another push.

I knew that they would make some type of event/false flag this year, to try to get Americans on board with demanding that we give up free speech, that was this year's top agenda item at Davos. That is what the global Oligarchs need, to continue their plans. . . as, we defeated their bullshit scamdemic with our First Amendment.

Now. . . they are going to try to use the Zionists and the Dominionsits, aka (Christo-Fascists) in Congress and on the Supreme Court, to voluntarily surrender the 1st, and after that, they will move ahead with the bio-security agenda again.

. . . more than likely.
Biden didn't propose this to congress. The Republicans did. And count me in opposition.


Biden Embraces Antisemitism Definition That Has Upended Free Speech in Europe​

The definition conflates criticism of Israel with antisemitism. A new report details how it’s been used to justify punitive action against Palestine advocates in Europe.

" . . . Republican members of Congress responded by introducing legislation that would deny federal funding to academic institutions that “authorize Anti-Semitic events.”

The bill cites a definition of antisemitism that the Israeli government and its supporters have been pushing in the United States and elsewhere, one that conflates prejudice toward Jews with criticism of Zionism and the state of Israel. And it comes on the heels of President Joe Biden nodding to the definition in the White House’s national strategy to combat antisemitism, released in late May.

In the 60-page document, the Biden administration referred to the IHRA definition — named after the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance, which promotes it — as the “most prominent” of several definitions of antisemitism and one the administration has “embraced.” But it emphasized that it has no legal value and does not supersede existing laws or constitute binding guidance for public agencies and local government.

Still, by providing neither a rejection nor a full endorsement of the definition, the Biden administration left room for further lobbying for its adoption. Indeed, conservative and pro-Israel groups hailed the strategy as a victory, even as the single reference fell far short of what they had lobbied for: a full-throated endorsement of the IHRA framework as the “sole definition” of antisemitism and as the foundation for federal policy.. . . "

Heres the bill, the Antisemitism Awareness Act/

It just appears they are extending discrimination protection to Jewish people? It’s also a bi partisan bill

Looks like it’s saying they extend discrimination to Jewish religion only because it goes into their heritage and ancestry.

I mean…what’s wrong with that? It doesn’t say you can’t speak your beliefs, just that you can’t discriminate against them..
In the spring and fall of every year, there used to be student ministries, preachers, that would go from campus to campus, and preach, while the students were walking across campus, or just hanging out in the quads.

I have attended two big state universities in my state, and visited friends at several more. I know this happens all over the nation.

No longer will Christians be in charge of their own sermons. They can no longer tell listeners. . "Students, like the professors and administrators, the control what you believe, the Sadducees and Pharisees put our lord to death when they could not control his ministry. . . "

According to the law and official definition? That is against the law. They can't preach that. No more freedom of speech, no more freedom of religion on campus.

I didn't agree with most of these clowns antics, or the way they would pick on students, but they always entertained me.

Now? These types of campus preachers will be arrested for their speech according to this law.

Judaism is the STATE religion on university campuses across the nation now.
What's the specific "censorship" you find objectionable in the bill?

I wasn't on the radar woth this but just a cursory look at the legislation showed this:

SEC. 2. SENSE OF CONGRESS. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 ssavage on DSKBC07HB2PROD with BILLS 24 25 26 It is the sense of Congress that— (1) title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C. 2000d et seq.), prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, and national origin in programs and activities receiving Federal financial assistance; (2) while such title does not cover discrimination based solely on religion, individuals who face discrimination based on actual or perceived shared ancestry or ethnic characteristics do not lose protection under such title for also being members of a group that share a common religion; (3) discrimination against Jews may give rise to a violation of such title when the discrimination is based on race, color, or national origin, which can include discrimination based on actual or perceived shared ancestry or ethnic characteristics; (4) it is the policy of the United States to enforce such title against prohibited forms of discrimination rooted in antisemitism as vigorously as against all other forms of discrimination prohibited by such title; and ..............................................................................

SEC. 6. OTHER RULES OF CONSTRUCTION. (a) GENERAL RULE OF CONSTRUCTION.—Nothing in this Act shall be construed— (1) to expand the authority of the Secretary of Education; (2) to alter the standards pursuant to which the Department of Education makes a determination that harassing conduct amounts to actionable discrimination; or (3) to diminish or infringe upon the rights protected under any other provision of law that is in effect as of the date of enactment of this Act. (b) CONSTITUTIONAL PROTECTIONS.—Nothing in this Act shall be construed to diminish or infringe upon •HR 6090 IH VerDate Sep 11 2014 17:30 Oct 28, 2023 Jkt 049200 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 6652 Sfmt 6201 E:\BILLS\H6090.IH H60901 6 any right protected under the First Amendment to the 2 ssavage on DSKBC07HB2PROD with BILLS Constitution of the United States.

So it's providing a DEFINITION.


Remember those newly fabricated lib words mis/disinformation?
Remember how Democrats were conspiring with media and social media to control said ‘information’?
Would you mind linking us to all of your posts showing your distain for such a thing… You know, just so we know we can take you serious on this matter?
Harpy Eagle
You think I’m a D. lol. Absurd. I posted extensively against censorship and media collusion.

Duopoly dupes are so dumb.
I thought hatespeech laws got shot down in America?

They got 'em in Canada, but not the US. It's against the 1st Amendment.

Not officially, but operationally, yeah, those hate speech laws are here to stay.
Go ahead and try to write the N word on this forum. You can write Cracker, and all sorts of derogatory hate terms for white folks. But any hate terms for minorities will get you reported, and banned if you keep it up. . . even if you are joking around.

You can't even write derogatory ones for Jews.

Global corporations are all on board with political correctness now.. It wasn't that way only forty years ago, even though everyone knew hate and bullying anyone was wrong. Now? It is only wrong against some people, and not allowed in polite society against just a select few.

This video. . I believe is on YouTube, but age restricted, for language? wtf? :dunno:

And I doubt many comedians would do this bit, which was done in the early sixties, Lenny was arrested more times for free speech, than all other comedians combined. And he was Jewish! (Lenny Bruce, played here by Dustin Hoffman.)

Yeah, we got "hate speech laws," and Big Brother, and others will tell you that you are racist, even if you ain't. Just ask IM2, official racism/hater czar of USMB. :auiqs.jpg:
I don't hate Jews like you. Is that my bad now?

Oh! They should just embrace being killed, huh?

I sure am glad I was out of school before all this bullshit started happening.

There was no antisemitism on college campuses in America for at least 220 years or so.

I had like..5 friends on campus that were of the tribe, there were more, but that's who I was involved with.

Never any terrorist supporters and anti-Jew bullshit going on in America back in those days.

Jews are not bad. Also God says they're his people.

What kind of people are against them, hmm?
lol. Now opposing genocide means one hates Jews. Because you know, genocide is so wonderful. :uhoh3: :cuckoo: :ahole-1:

If you’ve ever had an a self generated thought in your head, it would surprise me.
lol. Now opposing genocide means one hates Jews. Because you know, genocide is so wonderful. :uhoh3: :cuckoo: :ahole-1:

If you’ve ever had an a self generated thought in your head, it would surprise me.
Words mean things.
You Hamas supporters keep on shouting GENOCIDE.
That is complete HYPERBOLE.
Much like the demented LEFT have been crying about INSURRECTION., the over the top hyperventilating is fucking PATHETIC!
And, did all you Hamas supporters forget what happened on October 7th?
Hamas supporters are so gullible, like the "Gays for Hamas".
They would KILL YOU INFIDELS given the chance!
"From the roof to the street, if you can fly you are free"
Fucking IDIOTS.
I don't particularly find any of the censorship objectionable.

. . . with that said? I find ANY censorship done by government, UN-AMERICAN.
Congress in the past had media do their censoring , now they are directly doing it being the point here Mr B
The global ruling elites run BOTH PARTIES.
Via violating the very document they swore to uphold

This should ,if it's not already, be an impeachable act

In the spring and fall of every year, there used to be student ministries, preachers, that would go from campus to campus, and preach, while the students were walking across campus, or just hanging out in the quads.

I have attended two big state universities in my state, and visited friends at several more. I know this happens all over the nation.

No longer will Christians be in charge of their own sermons. They can no longer tell listeners. . "Students, like the professors and administrators, the control what you believe, the Sadducees and Pharisees put our lord to death when they could not control his ministry. . . "

According to the law and official definition? That is against the law. They can't preach that. No more freedom of speech, no more freedom of religion on campus.

I didn't agree with most of these clowns antics, or the way they would pick on students, but they always entertained me.

Now? These types of campus preachers will be arrested for their speech according to this law.

Judaism is the STATE religion on university campuses across the nation now.

I think you may be putting too much into this. Cotus guarantees freedom of religion. The story of Christ’s crucifixion is well known in the Bible. No law can be made that removes a constitutionally protected right.

The way you phrased your example, it’s unclear what you are suggesting.

I think this was just about protecting Jewish people from the rising anti semitism in the country.
Words mean things.
You Hamas supporters keep on shouting GENOCIDE.
That is complete HYPERBOLE.
Much like the demented LEFT have been crying about INSURRECTION., the over the top hyperventilating is fucking PATHETIC!
And, did all you Hamas supporters forget what happened on October 7th?
Hamas supporters are so gullible, like the "Gays for Hamas".
They would KILL YOU INFIDELS given the chance!
"From the roof to the street, if you can fly you are free"
Fucking IDIOTS.
I know low IQ fools like you think opposing genocide means one is Hamas. Lol.

It’s genocide. If only you had a brain, you'd know this.


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