America And The World Are Not Discriminatory Against Israeli Jews!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
Yesterday, the Wall Street Journal had an editorial article by one of their leading journalists, Gerard Baker, titled "What's Behind The Propaganda War Against Israel". In it Mr. Baker contended that there is nothing wrong with the number of Palestinian civilians being killed by the IDF in the Israel Defense Forces war against Hamas in Gaza. His view is that all this international criticism of the Israelis here especially in America is a persecution of the Israeli people he writes "What does Israel have to do to be allowed by the rest of the world to defend itself?" and ends the article with the remark "What do Jews have to do to be allowed to defend themselves?".

The Israel Defense Forces do not fight in enemy controlled cities and built-up residential communities like America, the United Kingdom and leading countries in the West; the IDF uses missiles and bombs to largely destroy the civilian populations homes in those communities to drive them out from the ground they plan to take this kills a lot of noncombatant civilians and to say the least is highly morally questionable behavior! Back to the article Mr. Baker questions the accuracy of the current thirty-thousand figure of Palestinians killed in this war for a journalist of a premier news outlet like the WSJ to on a thin rationale is disgraceful; the Palestinians have names of the people they claim were killed in the war and media images number almost in the countless category of covered Palestinian bodies readied for burial and the destruction of buildings and streets in Gaza, the Palestinians claim on the numbers killed in this war don't warrant being questioned by any source expecting to be considered to have integrity!

Mr. Baker's contention in the article is that the Israeli Defense Forces have killed approximately twelve-thousand Hamas fighters in the war and the killing ratio in this war is one to one for noncombatants to combatants so Mr. Baker's contention is that approximately twelve thousand Palestinian civilians were killed in the war and Mr. Baker's big defense of the killing of this number of non-combatant civilians is America is responsible for approximately the same number of civilian deaths (Mr. Baker claims eleven thousand) at the hands of US lead coalition forces fighting the Islamic State in the Battle of Mosul in Iraq and the Battle of Raqqa in Syria in the 2016 and 2017 time frame. This is a meritless defense; U.S. pilots U.S. special forces and U.S. combat forces did not kill eleven thousand civilians in the battles of Mosul and Raqqa. Moreover, these Battles against ISIS were completely different than the Battle in Gaza, the comparison is like comparing apples to oranges the are completely different fights. Let's examine the situation in Mosul and Raqqa back then, prior to and at the time ISIS conquered Mosul the Prime Minister of Iraq was Nouri al Maliki who fervently discriminated against Sunni Iraqis Maliki turned Iraq's army at the time into a paper army because he went on a sectarian purge of the Iraq Army to remove competent Sunni soldiers, the result Mosul fell to the ISIS like a hot knife cuts through soft butter. The critical point is that when the ISIS army took Mosul they got control of an abundance of heavy weapons and ammunition which America and its allies provided to the Iraq Army after the fall of Saddam Hussein meaning that the ISIS army that defended Mosul around 2015 was a well-armed army with a lot of heavy weapons unlike the Hamas army fighting in Gaza with no artillery gun and tanks to speak of. In regard to Raqqa, Raqqa was the capital of the Islamic State caliphate it was the center of the ISIS military enterprise it had a lot of heavy weapons from ISIS successful fight against the Iraq Army in Iraq and the Syrian army in Syria and numerous other militia and rebel groups it had defeated. One cannot fight entrenched heavy weapon defended positions which ISIS had in Mosul and Raqqa with just infantry, the U.S. lead coalition had to use heavy weapons to eliminate ISIS heavy weapon positions in these two battles where Israel Defense Forces did not have this same military challenge in Gaza.

If the Israeli government believes after considering how many Palestinians who stay in Rafah because they don't trust the Israeli government to let them back into their homes in Rafah if they evacuate will be killed and the damage this will do to the country of Israel's reputation and how many Hamas fighters will elude the IDF forces advance into Rafah like they did in the balance of Gaza communities the IDF forces have taken and they still believe it will be worth it in permanently eliminating Hamas then they should pursue the offensive under the following prerequisites. The Israeli people should act like a good people in this war meaning in part the following. Okay you had to degrade the Hamas organization in Northern Gaza you did it now let the Gaza Palestinians in southern Gaza return to their homes in northern Gaza, with Identification papers you can identify the fathers of families with children that need to return to northern Gaza and let those families return. Israel needs to open many crossings from Israel into Gaza especially in the North to let in food, water, medicine and tents to stop the humanitarian crisis in Gaza. Let the Palestinian Authority in Gaza hire and run a security force for humanitarian aid convoys and humanitarian aid supply depots in Gaza allowing them to be armed with handguns and allow them to hire such personnel from the Hamas government of course after a vetting process and the IDF needs to commit to stop treating these security guards as combatants and killing them on sight. Facilitate a good evacuation corridor and a good evacuation site for Palestinians now seeking safety in Rafah and also most importantly make a commitment to America, Egypt, and Jordan and the Arab League that evacuating Palestinian civilians from Rafah will be able to return to Rafah after the IDF forces have completed its major operation to remove Hamas from Rafah.
Yesterday, the Wall Street Journal had an editorial article by one of their leading journalists, Gerard Baker, titled "What's Behind The Propaganda War Against Israel". In it Mr. Baker contended that there is nothing wrong with the number of Palestinian civilians being killed by the IDF in the Israel Defense Forces war against Hamas in Gaza. His view is that all this international criticism of the Israelis here especially in America is a persecution of the Israeli people he writes "What does Israel have to do to be allowed by the rest of the world to defend itself?" and ends the article with the remark "What do Jews have to do to be allowed to defend themselves?".

The Israel Defense Forces do not fight in enemy controlled cities and built-up residential communities like America, the United Kingdom and leading countries in the West; the IDF uses missiles and bombs to largely destroy the civilian populations homes in those communities to drive them out from the ground they plan to take this kills a lot of noncombatant civilians and to say the least is highly morally questionable behavior! Back to the article Mr. Baker questions the accuracy of the current thirty-thousand figure of Palestinians killed in this war for a journalist of a premier news outlet like the WSJ to on a thin rationale is disgraceful; the Palestinians have names of the people they claim were killed in the war and media images number almost in the countless category of covered Palestinian bodies readied for burial and the destruction of buildings and streets in Gaza, the Palestinians claim on the numbers killed in this war don't warrant being questioned by any source expecting to be considered to have integrity!

Mr. Baker's contention in the article is that the Israeli Defense Forces have killed approximately twelve-thousand Hamas fighters in the war and the killing ratio in this war is one to one for noncombatants to combatants so Mr. Baker's contention is that approximately twelve thousand Palestinian civilians were killed in the war and Mr. Baker's big defense of the killing of this number of non-combatant civilians is America is responsible for approximately the same number of civilian deaths (Mr. Baker claims eleven thousand) at the hands of US lead coalition forces fighting the Islamic State in the Battle of Mosul in Iraq and the Battle of Raqqa in Syria in the 2016 and 2017 time frame. This is a meritless defense; U.S. pilots U.S. special forces and U.S. combat forces did not kill eleven thousand civilians in the battles of Mosul and Raqqa. Moreover, these Battles against ISIS were completely different than the Battle in Gaza, the comparison is like comparing apples to oranges the are completely different fights. Let's examine the situation in Mosul and Raqqa back then, prior to and at the time ISIS conquered Mosul the Prime Minister of Iraq was Nouri al Maliki who fervently discriminated against Sunni Iraqis Maliki turned Iraq's army at the time into a paper army because he went on a sectarian purge of the Iraq Army to remove competent Sunni soldiers, the result Mosul fell to the ISIS like a hot knife cuts through soft butter. The critical point is that when the ISIS army took Mosul they got control of an abundance of heavy weapons and ammunition which America and its allies provided to the Iraq Army after the fall of Saddam Hussein meaning that the ISIS army that defended Mosul around 2015 was a well-armed army with a lot of heavy weapons unlike the Hamas army fighting in Gaza with no artillery gun and tanks to speak of. In regard to Raqqa, Raqqa was the capital of the Islamic State caliphate it was the center of the ISIS military enterprise it had a lot of heavy weapons from ISIS successful fight against the Iraq Army in Iraq and the Syrian army in Syria and numerous other militia and rebel groups it had defeated. One cannot fight entrenched heavy weapon defended positions which ISIS had in Mosul and Raqqa with just infantry, the U.S. lead coalition had to use heavy weapons to eliminate ISIS heavy weapon positions in these two battles where Israel Defense Forces did not have this same military challenge in Gaza.

If the Israeli government believes after considering how many Palestinians who stay in Rafah because they don't trust the Israeli government to let them back into their homes in Rafah if they evacuate will be killed and the damage this will do to the country of Israel's reputation and how many Hamas fighters will elude the IDF forces advance into Rafah like they did in the balance of Gaza communities the IDF forces have taken and they still believe it will be worth it in permanently eliminating Hamas then they should pursue the offensive under the following prerequisites. The Israeli people should act like a good people in this war meaning in part the following. Okay you had to degrade the Hamas organization in Northern Gaza you did it now let the Gaza Palestinians in southern Gaza return to their homes in northern Gaza, with Identification papers you can identify the fathers of families with children that need to return to northern Gaza and let those families return. Israel needs to open many crossings from Israel into Gaza especially in the North to let in food, water, medicine and tents to stop the humanitarian crisis in Gaza. Let the Palestinian Authority in Gaza hire and run a security force for humanitarian aid convoys and humanitarian aid supply depots in Gaza allowing them to be armed with handguns and allow them to hire such personnel from the Hamas government of course after a vetting process and the IDF needs to commit to stop treating these security guards as combatants and killing them on sight. Facilitate a good evacuation corridor and a good evacuation site for Palestinians now seeking safety in Rafah and also most importantly make a commitment to America, Egypt, and Jordan and the Arab League that evacuating Palestinian civilians from Rafah will be able to return to Rafah after the IDF forces have completed its major operation to remove Hamas from Rafah.
try rereading your PLAN----and you will see how idiotic it is
I got through the first paragraph ... the mistake is to think all Israelis have this monolithic negative view on the Palestinians ... frankly that's not the case ... MOST Israelis are heartbroken looking over that fence ... it's Hamas who's killing women and children, indiscriminately, and these terror attacks kills more Palestinians than Jew, by a rather wide margin ...

All the heat's on Israel because they're standing there being responsible ... and are not beheading Islamic infants ... I guess we don't want to talk about Hamas atrocities? ... so let's make up shit about them damn Jews ... them bastards murdered JESUS ...
Gerard Baker is some sort of insane shite .
Makes you wonder what obligations he is threatened with to make him write such evil nonsense , whch will live with him the rest of his life .To his shame .

It's as though the German Nazis are resurrected .
I trust society will deal with him harshly .

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