Zone1 Although I Believe In God, I Am Not Religious

Road Runner

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Jun 16, 2021
I was having this discussion with my fiancee earlier and let me explain to you what I mean. Most of the time to me, religious people are like robots.

They claim that they aren't of the world, but the second they disagree with somebody else or are afraid of somebody else's judgement of them, they become of the world.

Also having a personal relationship with God, doesn't mean that you should follow His commandments just because you feel that you have to, it should because you want to because you love Him, but yet I met people who have told me that the only reason why they serve God is because they feel like they have to stay out of Hell.

That isn't love. That's a fake relationship AKA being a robot, and it also can't be honoring to the Lord either because their commitment is based upon a lie and they're probably not truly saved and will wind up in Hell anyways because God hates lying.

So I believe that you can follow a religion without following God and be religious without truly loving God if you're doing it just out of fear and thinking that you have to and not wanting to out of love and loyalty.

In other words when all is said and done, I genuinely love God as my Father and best friend, but I'm not religious because I don't follow a religion, I follow Him. I might have Methodist religious beliefs but I just look at it as having a personal relationship/friendship with God, as I'm devoted to Him.

I follow His commandments because I love Him and want to, not because I feel I have to as religion tells me to. Hopefully that all makes sense. :)
Is the Bible your ultimate source of Authority in your life OP?
Is the Bible your ultimate source of Authority in your life OP?

Well Jesus is but although it has a lot of information to live our lives in the Bible not all of it is relevant for today.
I was having this discussion with my fiancee earlier and let me explain to you what I mean. Most of the time to me, religious people are like robots.

They claim that they aren't of the world, but the second they disagree with somebody else or are afraid of somebody else's judgement of them, they become of the world.

Also having a personal relationship with God, doesn't mean that you should follow His commandments just because you feel that you have to, it should because you want to because you love Him, but yet I met people who have told me that the only reason why they serve God is because they feel like they have to stay out of Hell.

That isn't love. That's a fake relationship AKA being a robot, and it also can't be honoring to the Lord either because their commitment is based upon a lie and they're probably not truly saved and will wind up in Hell anyways because God hates lying.

So I believe that you can follow a religion without following God and be religious without truly loving God if you're doing it just out of fear and thinking that you have to and not wanting to out of love and loyalty.

In other words when all is said and done, I genuinely love God as my Father and best friend, but I'm not religious because I don't follow a religion, I follow Him. I might have Methodist religious beliefs but I just look at it as having a personal relationship/friendship with God, as I'm devoted to Him.

I follow His commandments because I love Him and want to, not because I feel I have to as religion tells me to. Hopefully that all makes sense. :)
The true purpose of the flock isn't to make people conform, but to equip the saints through the preaching/teaching of the Word, through the breaking of bread, and fellowship of the saints. "Lone Ranger" Christianity is an oxymoron, a contradiction of terms. Also, following the Commandments doesn't save anyone's soul. All that does is confirm how rotten and sinful mankind really is. So, the question remains based on John 3:3 "Jesus said to him 'I tell you the truth, unless a man is born again, he cannot see the Kingdom of G-d'".
Actually, the entirety or Scripture is VERY relevant!

I'm pretty sure not eating pork and shellfish has no relevance today and (real biological) women's roles back then were a whole lot different than they are now.
I follow His commandments because I love Him and want to, not because I feel I have to as religion tells me to.
Which commandments? To not murder, steal, covet, deceive? Kosher Law? Circumcision? What?

If you worship Jesus , a first century Jewish man, the Messiah, as if he was God in the flesh you are in violation of the first command. You have eaten the flesh of unclean creatures, THAT DO NOT RUMINATE, you have been misled and do not follow Divine commands. You are deluded.

How is it even possible to love God if you "believe" his concern for humanity is about diet fashion and the sexual preferences of consenting adults, just like any deranged preacher or politician?What do you think Jesus was teaching by saying "eat my flesh" if not that the law is not to be taken literally?
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Well Jesus is but although it has a lot of information to live our lives in the Bible not all of it is relevant for today.
When He walked the earth, Jesus believed in the Bible.

You know that the Bible is the Living Word right?

Jesus is the Living Word.

How do you claim to follow Him, but not the Bible?
hobelim I don't know what you're going on about but I'm talking about the ten commandments and MarcATL, how could have Jesus believed in the Bible when more than likely it wasn't even written yet and when did I say that I don't follow the Bible at all? Show me where I said that.
hobelim I don't know what you're going on about but I'm talking about the ten commandments and MarcATL, how could have Jesus believed in the Bible when more than likely it wasn't even written yet and when did I say that I don't follow the Bible at all? Show me where I said that.
Don't forget that Yeshua quoted the books of the Old Covenant, which was the only Scripture at that time. The New Covenant wasn't penned until after His ascent into Heaven.
hobelim I don't know what you're going on about but I'm talking about the ten commandments and MarcATL, how could have Jesus believed in the Bible when more than likely it wasn't even written yet and when did I say that I don't follow the Bible at all? Show me where I said that.
Whenever you see in the Bible, the word "Scripture", that's the Bible at the time.

In the New Testament, there are many texts describing Jesus quoting Scripture.

On famous occurrence of this was when He confronted Satan on the mount, he quoted Scripture back to him.

You know, "man shall not live by bread alone." As well as other quotes.

That's the Bible, specifically, certain parts of the Old Testament, so the Bible did exist then.

I asked you if the Bible was your ultimate source of Authority.

You responded something about not all of it.

There's no being half-pregnant, either you believe the Bible, or you don't.

So again, which is it?
I'm pretty sure not eating pork and shellfish has no relevance today
How do you reconcile that belief with what Jesus said that the law would remain in effect and in full force for as long as heaven and earth endure or what Moses said that the law would always be relevant?

Psst! Your lips are dripping with the blood of unclean creatures THAT DO NOT RUMINATE.
@hobelim I don't know what you're going on about but I'm talking about the ten commandments
Ok, Lets just examine the command to not murder.

When Jesus said, "Satan was a murderer from the beginning" he was referring to the story of the talking serpent in the garden of Eden who literally didn't kill anyone. What he did was beguile Adam and Eve into defying the command of God with the lie that they would not die if they ate of the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil but will instead become like God. An absurd deception which caused their immediate "death", a curse, and expulsion from Eden.

Not unlike you who is trying to con people into setting aside Divine Law and defying the 1st commandment by worshipping a imaginary mangod. If scripture is true YOU are a murderer.

What then? Should what you intend to do to others who don't believe in bullshit be done to you?

Maybe you should reread John 3:14 carefully and then ask yourself, "What would Hezekiah do?"
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In other words when all is said and done, I genuinely love God as my Father and best friend, but I'm not religious because I don't follow a religion, I follow Him. I might have Methodist religious beliefs but I just look at it as having a personal relationship/friendship with God, as I'm devoted to Him.
A point to ponder: If there are brothers and sisters in your family, and there is a family get together, is it best for one person not to show up. After all, they can always see the person they want to see most on their own. So why bother with family gatherings?

This is not to argue against personal relationships or friendships. I have great relationships, even friendships, with both daughters. But it would break my heart if one or the other skipped the family gatherings and family relationships.

A person of faith hasn't just one relationship, they have many, they are part of a whole.
Most of the time to me, religious people are like robots.

Which commandments? To not murder, steal, covet, deceive? Kosher Law? Circumcision? What?
- no commandments from the heavens exist ...

I see your world is still without shape or form and void, and darkness covers the face of the deep

Hows that working out for you?

and who crucified jesus - that is you that has not brought them to justice, what good are your false commandments as those of the liar moses.

Then they said, “Let us make life in our image, in our likeness, the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky the livestock and all the wild animals, and all the creatures that move along the ground.”

for all life on earth ...

self determination, liberation theology is what jesus taught, the repudiation of judaism, and hobelimnism - the christian bible, for which the crucifiers are responsible for writting.
A point to ponder: If there are brothers and sisters in your family, and there is a family get together, is it best for one person not to show up. After all, they can always see the person they want to see most on their own. So why bother with family gatherings?

This is not to argue against personal relationships or friendships. I have great relationships, even friendships, with both daughters. But it would break my heart if one or the other skipped the family gatherings and family relationships.

A person of faith hasn't just one relationship, they have many, they are part of a whole.

I never said that, as for the rest of the questions in this thread, it's hurting my brain way too much to try and answer them but LOL at fncceo's pic. Are you being smart with me? LOL :laughing0301:

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