A Successful Coup, Politicians & The Just-US Club Abolished '[U]nalienable' Rights.

Oct 2, 2013
Yep. The America I knew as a kid, my father knew as a kid, and our forefathers wrote songs about; is long dead. In fact in each of these snapshots in time, the country wasn’t the same place as it was for the generation before it. There’s no going back. All we can decide is what country we want to be going forward.
Yep. The America I knew as a kid, my father knew as a kid, and our forefathers wrote songs about; is long dead. In fact in each of these snapshots in time, the country wasn’t the same place as it was for the generation before it. There’s no going back. All we can decide is what country we want to be going forward.
Like the power starved feds, the power starved states went awol on the people, the feds have nukes the states have prayers and the people have little to nothing at all to defend themselves in court or otherwise.

That said, sure we can go back, but not without a river of blood wider than the Mississippi as a result of our prior and continuing negligence since this countries inception. The ability to do so through the courts is virtually programmed out of the system. Scotus simply rejects hearing the case and lower courts typically do an endrun impasse.

I would love to be in the govs catbird seat! [To] judge the very same contract I am party to with the power to make my decision law? Hayl yeah! :smoke:

Of course the fact that would be an illegal conflict of interest only applies if it were the 'People' that had that ability, not the gov, as the gov is above the law!

As far as the gov is concerned; Its ok for the gov to be both party to contract and the final judge. However we know this situation to be racketeering. I dont think anyone would allow me to do that, well unless I attach the name 'gov' to my title and join the Just-US club, that makes everything a-ok.

The biggest issue is that they dont invent effective methods to restrict themselves from infinging on the Peoples 'Reserved Rights', None! Thats right, instead they grant to themselves (the gov) freedom to rule over you and keep you under their thumb, in a perpetual condition of their way or the highway creating and replacing your rights with their metaphors, no different than any king or dictator.

Yes they do an awesome job of creating euphemisms and metaphors to systematically and procedurally eliminate our Reserved Rights and hobble the people from defending their 'original' Reserved Rights in their Just-US club within the original agreements and visions the founders fought and died for in the creation of this nation. Court cases prove this.

Case in point, they rename an original condition with a new word, (they use this for everything) then give their new 'metaphor' legal standing for the purpose of subverting your rights, which according to legal procedure embeds itself as precedence circumventing the peoples rights and the associated organic law under an ever widening variety of subversive guises.

For the sake of simplicity a very simple example, 'polygamy' a Mormon religious rite, allegedly protected by the 'Reserved Rights' in the BoR trumped by the deep states religion, by 'impasse'. creating a new word, 'bigamy' to abolish your religious right of 'polygamy' making it virtually impossible to defend against because its redefined as bigamy by the governments 'religious' law effectively making and endrun impasse around our rights to overlay your religious right with their religious imperative. From that date forward your 'Religious Right' is no longer adjudicable because its been repackaged as bigamy, and bigamy is now the new 'peg in hole' precedent the courts will force you to use. Guilty!

Little do the greater majority of people understand or for that matter comprehend that they even stole the 'substance' of the BoR from us and fully converted the Rights of Man as intended by the Founders to privileges chiselled, granted, and taken away by the whim of gov who set themselves up to be the 'sole and final judge' to the the very contract they are party to.

Technically speaking, and that is of course how the courts operate, technically, you have no 'Rights Reserved' from the original contract in this country as intended by the founders, they have been completely abolished, you only have the 'simulation', the matrix, designed to appear as rights but they are only privileges. see the 14th amendment, and Spies case et al.

'The People' through ignorance and complacency lost, the kleptocracy won.

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Yep. The America I knew as a kid, my father knew as a kid, and our forefathers wrote songs about; is long dead. In fact in each of these snapshots in time, the country wasn’t the same place as it was for the generation before it. There’s no going back. All we can decide is what country we want to be going forward.
Like the power starved feds, the power starved states went awol on the people, the feds have nukes the states have prayers and the people have little to nothing at all to defend themselves in court or otherwise.

That said, sure we can go back, but not without a river of blood wider than the Mississippi as a result of our prior and continuing negligence since this countries inception. The ability to do so through the courts is virtually programmed out of the system. Scotus simply rejects hearing the case and lower courts typically do an endrun impasse.

I would love to be in the govs catbird seat! [To] judge the very same contract I am party to with the power to make my decision law? Hayl yeah! :smoke:

Of course the fact that would be an illegal conflict of interest only applies if it were the 'People' that had that ability, not the gov, as the gov is above the law!

As far as the gov is concerned; Its ok for the gov to be both party to contract and the final judge. However we know this situation to be racketeering. I dont think anyone would allow me to do that, well unless I attach the name 'gov' to my title and join the Just-US club, that makes everything a-ok.

The biggest issue is that they dont invent effective methods to restrict themselves from infinging on the Peoples 'Reserved Rights', None! Thats right, instead they grant to themselves (the gov) freedom to rule over you and keep you under their thumb, in a perpetual condition of their way or the highway creating and replacing your rights with their metaphors, no different than any king or dictator.

Yes they do an awesome job of creating euphemisms and metaphors to systematically and procedurally eliminate our Reserved Rights and hobble the people from defending their 'original' Reserved Rights in their Just-US club within the original agreements and visions the founders fought and died for in the creation of this nation. Court cases prove this.

Case in point, they rename an original condition with a new word, (they use this for everything) then give their new 'metaphor' legal standing for the purpose of subverting your rights, which according to legal procedure embeds itself as precedence circumventing the peoples rights and the associated organic law under an ever widening variety of subversive guises.

For the sake of simplicity a very simple example, 'polygamy' a Mormon religious rite, allegedly protected by the 'Reserved Rights' in the BoR trumped by the deep states religion, by 'impasse'. creating a new word, to fight for your religious right of polyamory is now impossible because its redefined as bigamy by the governments 'religious' law effectively making and endrun impasse around our rights to overlay their religion.

Little do people understand of for that matter comprehend that they even stole the BoR from us and fully converted the Rights as intended by the Founders to privileges granted by the gov.

Technically speaking, and that is of course how the courts operate, technically, you have no 'Rights Reserved' from the original contract in this country as intended by the founders, they have been completely abolished, you only have the simulation, the matrix, designed to appear as rights but the reality is they are only privileges. see the 14th amendment, and Spies case et al.

'The People' lost, the kleptocracy won.
Well said. As far as going back, I think that would prove to be a mistake, even if we could. There will be blood either way, so perhaps its best going forward that we avoid the inherent follies of our founding documents to avoid a repeat of where we've arrived today. Discern where it went wrong and write failsafes in, to prevent the same subversion in the future.
The apparent ease with which changes could be made, and the malleability by which legislature is able to "interpret" said document to suit their own purposes.
If that was your intended meaning I agree with your position but disagree with the word you chose as it places blame for failure of the american experiment on the founders rather than on those who followed and purposefully used repugnant contrary and false interpretations to redefine the contract and hence the 'Peoples' gov. The gov as it became after the deaths of the founders which is allegedly claimed constitutional and that we can see by the original comments made by the founders would have needed to be structured differently to properly support our rights, instead its structured in a manner the gov can stack the deck in their favor without recourse, exactly as they have done.
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