A predominantly White section of Baton Rouge has now been allowed to secede from the Black-majority Louisiana state capital.

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019
A predominantly white section of Baton Rouge has now been allowed to secede from the Black-majority Louisiana state capital.

Local news station WGXA reports that an eastern Baton Rouge parish will now be known as the city of St. George after Louisiana's state Supreme Court overturned lower courts' rulings that denied residents in the parish to form their own city.

Norman Browning, the St. George Transition District Chairman, described the ruling as "a historical and exciting day for the City of St George citizens" and vowed to "build an efficient, productive, and vibrant city while contributing to a thriving East Baton Rouge Parish."


blacks are free from their oppressive white peeepols
White flight be waciss n sheeit


Your access to white people or thier tax dollars is not a human right...
Why did they do this? this can o ky lead to increased division wnd segregation in other places. Perhaps poor manaement of taxes and accoiuntability for this misuse would smarten up politicians.
CONGRATULATIONS to the people of the new city in Louisiana.

I hope that they can live in peace and order. That's how human beings should be able to live!!!

I believe that a somewhat similar movement to secede has failed in Atlanta. Very disappointing!

Maybe in the coming decades, more such secessionist movements will occur in this nation. (It would be great if, say, Chinatown in New York City could be granted some kind of autonomy, which would allow them to keep out violent undesirables.)
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CONGRATULATIONS to the people of the new city in Louisiana.

I hope that they can live in peace and order. That's how human beings should be able to live!!!

I believe that a somewhat similar movement to secede has failed in Atlanta. Very disappointing!

Maybe in the coming decades, more such secessionist movements will occur in this nation. (It would be great if, say, Chinatown in New York City could be granted some kind of autonomy, which would allow them to keep out violent undesirables.)
Chinatown in NYC surrounds Little Italy. Down there, the Chinese gangs and the Mob run everything already and that's not changing. I do like the thought of people being able to break away from an oppressor for freedom and liberty, but it would probably be hard to make it work. The problem nowadays is that our federal government has slowly confiscated most of the power from our states, so seceding from a state wouldn't seem to make too much difference. MAGA
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blacks are free from their oppressive white peeepols
White flight be waciss n sheeit


Your access to white people or thier tax dollars is not a human right...
This is white people trying to oppress black people. Blacks and other minorities pay taxes too. Blacks have already paid taxes on all of the land throughout Louisiana.

In so many ways that's bad, really bad, its just plain ugly. White people need to stop living in fear of all black people-yes some black people are unsafe and annoying, but not all. It has the stench of lawsuits written all over it. It is completely illegal at all levels. It's a civil rights violation.

1. Is that all "Whites, Asians and Hispanics Only" area going to block the blacks from amazon deliveries with UPS, USPS, FedX and other delivery personal from coming in?

2. Are those whites going to block the blacks from working in the grocery stores doing all of that heavy lifting?

3. Will the blacks be blocked from entering in ambulance/paramedic vehicles?

4. Will the black fire chiefs and other black fire fighters be prevented from entering to put out fires?

5. Are those whites going to stop the black medical staff from trying to save their lives... working in hospitals, rolling them on a gurney, or wheelchair?

6. Will the blacks be blocked from delivering the mail to the "Whites, Asians, and Hispanics Only" homes?

7. Will blacks be allowed to collect the trash in this "Whites, Asians, Hispanics" only city?
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This is white people trying to oppress black people. Blacks and other minorities pay taxes too. Blacks have already paid taxes on all of the land throughout Louisiana.

In so many ways that's bad, really bad, its just plain ugly. White people need to stop living in fear of all black people-yes some black people are unsafe and annoying, but not all. It has the stench of lawsuits written all over it. It is completely illegal at all levels. It's a civil rights violation.

1. Is that all "Whites, Asians and Hispanics Only" area going to block the blacks from amazon deliveries with UPS, USPS, FedX and other delivery personal from coming in?

2. Are those whites going to block the blacks from working in the grocery stores doing all of that heavy lifting?

3. Will the blacks be blocked from entering in ambulance/paramedic vehicles?

4. Will the black fire chiefs and other black fire fighters be prevented from entering to put out fires?

5. Are those whites going to stop the black medical staff from trying to save their lives... working in hospitals, rolling them on a gurney, or wheelchair?

6. Will the blacks be blocked from delivering the mail to the "Whites, Asians, and Hispanics Only" homes?

7. Will blacks be allowed to collect the trash in this "Whites, Asians, Hispanics" only city?
All this, in Joe Bribem's America. Good job Joe, you actually did something you said you were going to do.
This is white people trying to oppress black people. Blacks and other minorities pay taxes too. Blacks have already paid taxes on all of the land throughout Louisiana.

In so many ways that's bad, really bad, its just plain ugly. White people need to stop living in fear of all black people-yes some black people are unsafe and annoying, but not all. It has the stench of lawsuits written all over it. It is completely illegal at all levels. It's a civil rights violation.

1. Is that all "Whites, Asians and Hispanics Only" area going to block the blacks from amazon deliveries with UPS, USPS, FedX and other delivery personal from coming in?

2. Are those whites going to block the blacks from working in the grocery stores doing all of that heavy lifting?

3. Will the blacks be blocked from entering in ambulance/paramedic vehicles?

4. Will the black fire chiefs and other black fire fighters be prevented from entering to put out fires?

5. Are those whites going to stop the black medical staff from trying to save their lives... working in hospitals, rolling them on a gurney, or wheelchair?

6. Will the blacks be blocked from delivering the mail to the "Whites, Asians, and Hispanics Only" homes?

7. Will blacks be allowed to collect the trash in this "Whites, Asians, Hispanics" only city?
Black Americans are replaceable...that's why the Biden regime is replacing them with a fine assortment of 2nd and Third world animals...

White progressives are too much of a retarded freak show to understand that this new city has had enough of biz as usual and are striking out on their own

Hopefully all White Men along with competent oriental and Hispanic Americans will run the show
I'd do a 50 year moratorium on women of any color or political leanings from holding any office ...but I don't think they'll be able to get away with that .....which is a fucking crime
I wish the City of St George much success.

1. Just read the Daily Mail.

2. The gentleman who spearheaded the idea of a separate city explained that he did so because the local high school had very low academic standards and violence.

3. He feels that a separate city can offer better educational opportunities.

.4. Many people no doubt consider him a genuine hero, which he is!!!
Good for them.

Now if only states would do the same thing. Must admit, living in a white state sounds appealing to me.

I miss when I was kid we had a tiny handful of blacks in my area and half of them were just country folks that worked blue collared jobs. Past few years a lot more of them have moved here and a lot of south American people. Now we see an uptick in police activity, more car accidents, more trashy blacks driving shit cars you smell the weed from at a stoplight, a couple of them tried to steal some old ladies car outside a pizza place last month just a few minutes from me.

I'm not afraid of mice, I don't hate mice for no reason, I don't think about mice and get angry, but I sure as hell don't want mice in my house because all they do is cause problems. That's how I think of 70% of blacks, I don't care about them but I don't want them around me either because they cause problems and hard to deal with. they are an aggravation and a annoyance I don't want.
Why did they do this? this can o ky lead to increased division wnd segregation in other places. Perhaps poor manaement of taxes and accoiuntability for this misuse would smarten up politicians.
"st george" is not much more than a gated community. they have been wanting this for years , opposed by baton rouge and the state. until now.

our new maga governor has a super,majority in the legislature and has moved us to the forefront of the culture war.
A predominantly white section of Baton Rouge has now been allowed to secede from the Black-majority Louisiana state capital.

Local news station WGXA reports that an eastern Baton Rouge parish will now be known as the city of St. George after Louisiana's state Supreme Court overturned lower courts' rulings that denied residents in the parish to form their own city.

Norman Browning, the St. George Transition District Chairman, described the ruling as "a historical and exciting day for the City of St George citizens" and vowed to "build an efficient, productive, and vibrant city while contributing to a thriving East Baton Rouge Parish."


blacks are free from their oppressive white peeepols
White flight be waciss n sheeit


Your access to white people or thier tax dollars is not a human right...
And you maga fuckups claim President Obama was divisive.

Nice white privilege NIMBY fuckups.
They can change the name of a La. Parish but the democrat party will still Gerrymand the district on racial grounds.

hmmm...that's interesting!

May be Red will be able to secede from Blue then?

Will that set a precedent??;)
1. Just read the Daily Mail.

2. The gentleman who spearheaded the idea of a separate city explained that he did so because the local high school had very low academic standards and violence.

3. He feels that a separate city can offer better educational opportunities.

.4. Many people no doubt consider him a genuine hero, which he is!!!

Why would he think schools are bad

Especially schools that have a curriculum laid out by muh lefty xschphurts
What about gay sex and blowjobs ....how will the kids learn all about it

Libs are having a conniption with the tremendous new city of St. George, Louisiana.

What the hell's the matter with the idea of St. George's independence from the Heck Hole of Baton Rouge? That's what our country was based upon, independence from England.

Although I am surprised that the libs haven't made a big deal about the new city being named after a noted religious figure like St. George. Especially one who is renowned for poaching endangered species like dragons.

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