A possible solution to the housing problem....Barracks in underutilized office space

There are a shit-ton of office building space sitting idle so why not convert some of that space into young single professional housing? None of those "migrant" or Section 8 slags.

That way they are close to work and can use public transport/bikes while saving for a home or condo. I suspect a companies they work for could even set-up a savings plan for them to reach their goals.

The companies they work for can subsidize it much like heavy industry used to build temporary barracks for workers who were building plants where they lived cheap and walked/biked to work.

We had one in my AO for the FMC textile plant that was built here and they even had a central cafeteria where thee meals a day was served at cost.....When the plant was completed the barracks were removed and the land donated to the town.

Many of the men that stayed on bought homes in the area with the money they saved.

Barracks are still a thing for workers in remote areas....Why not bring them into areas that need the workers?

Better make them sign not responsible waivers as first problems the blood sucking LAWYERS will Sue you to Bankruptcy
Great idea. Sadly, those that own..and hold the loans, on these buildings are not enamored with the idea of writing off 80% of their value just to house the peasantry.

I'm sure many of the leases would be more than they were. I think it is a great idea.
A cotton mill on the east side of Atlanta closed and created really nice apartments there. Also the old town little houses where many mill workers lived were transformed into really nice little places in that area.
Of course this was decades ago, no telling what the place looks like now.

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