A possible solution to the housing problem....Barracks in underutilized office space


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2021
Shenandoah Valley of Virginia
There are a shit-ton of office building space sitting idle so why not convert some of that space into young single professional housing? None of those "migrant" or Section 8 slags.

That way they are close to work and can use public transport/bikes while saving for a home or condo. I suspect a companies they work for could even set-up a savings plan for them to reach their goals.

The companies they work for can subsidize it much like heavy industry used to build temporary barracks for workers who were building plants where they lived cheap and walked/biked to work.

We had one in my AO for the FMC textile plant that was built here and they even had a central cafeteria where thee meals a day was served at cost.....When the plant was completed the barracks were removed and the land donated to the town.

Many of the men that stayed on bought homes in the area with the money they saved.

Barracks are still a thing for workers in remote areas....Why not bring them into areas that need the workers?

Close to my thought. Covert office space to apartments or condos. Convert old office buildings to homeless shelters.
It's a great idea, until greed makes it unaffordable for the people who want to live in them. They will also need to make sure they can keep the area safe. I've seen it happen where I live, and I'm talking 100 year old brick buildings downtown. These were abandoned and are now very desirable apartments, all brick with exposed timbers running across the ceilings.
There are a shit-ton of office building space sitting idle so why not convert some of that space into young single professional housing? None of those "migrant" or Section 8 slags.

That way they are close to work and can use public transport/bikes while saving for a home or condo. I suspect a companies they work for could even set-up a savings plan for them to reach their goals.

The companies they work for can subsidize it much like heavy industry used to build temporary barracks for workers who were building plants where they lived cheap and walked/biked to work.

We had one in my AO for the FMC textile plant that was built here and they even had a central cafeteria where thee meals a day was served at cost.....When the plant was completed the barracks were removed and the land donated to the town.

Many of the men that stayed on bought homes in the area with the money they saved.

Barracks are still a thing for workers in remote areas....Why not bring them into areas that need the workers?

Great idea. Sadly, those that own..and hold the loans, on these buildings are not enamored with the idea of writing off 80% of their value just to house the peasantry.
It's a great idea, until greed makes it unaffordable for the people who want to live in them. They will also need to make sure they can keep the area safe. I've seen it happen where I live, and I'm talking 100 year old brick buildings downtown. These were abandoned and are now very desirable apartments, all brick with exposed timbers running across the ceilings.
It's a great idea..if we can somehow keep the gentry out~
There are a shit-ton of office building space sitting idle so why not convert some of that space into young single professional housing? None of those "migrant" or Section 8 slags.

That way they are close to work and can use public transport/bikes while saving for a home or condo. I suspect a companies they work for could even set-up a savings plan for them to reach their goals.

The companies they work for can subsidize it much like heavy industry used to build temporary barracks for workers who were building plants where they lived cheap and walked/biked to work.
Socially responsible solutions for America's problems are not acceptable. Your solutions are promoting communism/socialism, even though you didn't realize it when you started this topic.
Great idea. Sadly, those that own..and hold the loans, on these buildings are not enamored with the idea of writing off 80% of their value just to house the peasantry.
The ideas need to be put on the back burner until there's a way found to disguise the fact that it's a promotion of socialism.
It rings of copying China's solutions too much by suggesting that a capitalist system can work by bringing in socialist reform.

Of course his ideas deserve huge merit if Americans can create some daylight between them and social reform.
There are a shit-ton of office building space sitting idle so why not convert some of that space into young single professional housing? None of those "migrant" or Section 8 slags.

That way they are close to work and can use public transport/bikes while saving for a home or condo. I suspect a companies they work for could even set-up a savings plan for them to reach their goals.

The companies they work for can subsidize it much like heavy industry used to build temporary barracks for workers who were building plants where they lived cheap and walked/biked to work.

We had one in my AO for the FMC textile plant that was built here and they even had a central cafeteria where thee meals a day was served at cost.....When the plant was completed the barracks were removed and the land donated to the town.

Many of the men that stayed on bought homes in the area with the money they saved.

Barracks are still a thing for workers in remote areas....Why not bring them into areas that need the workers?

The Tesla gigafactory here in Austin has done something like that. They subsidized hundreds of small homes and mobile homes in several communities adjacent to the factory.

The Tesla gigafactory here in Austin has done something like that. They subsidized hundreds of small homes and mobile homes in several communities adjacent to the factory.
Is there going to be nobody who speaks out for Capitalism except me?

tar and feather them and send them out of town on the next freight leaving the station. All they lack is enough ambition to get a fkn job!
That way they are close to work and can use public transport/bikes while saving for a home or condo. I suspect a companies they work for could even set-up a savings plan for them to reach their goals.
They don't want to work and that's mainly because working for the wages available to them can't bring them any chance of prosperity.

The consideration you're missing is that a way must be found to encourage them to believe that there is some benefit to them by working. That calls for social reform of greedy capitalism first, then the implementation of your great ideas to follow.

Don't let go of this! You have the forum's most hard core capitalists on your side already. I would suggest that you claim that there's nothing socialist/communist about your ideas. Everybody will agree!

I'm willing to take the other side, if only out of the need for the capitalist system to be represented here. How's this:

Get a fkn job or starve to death Amerinazi fkrs!
Is there going to be nobody who speaks out for Capitalism except me?

tar and feather them and send them out of town on the next freight leaving the station. All they lack is enough ambition to get a fkn job!

These people have jobs, you senile dipshit. The company subsidized housing is a perk for employees.

Communism has turned your brain to mush, comrade.
These people have jobs, you senile dipshit. The company subsidized housing is a perk for employees.
Subsidized housing for people who work but are living under bridges, rings of communism!

They need to find a real job instead of cutting lawns. Flipping hamburgers and putting away a dollar a day in savings is the American way that made Americans rich and famous.

Only commies favour subsidizing lazy no-good fkrs who don't have a place to live!
Great idea. Sadly, those that own..and hold the loans, on these buildings are not enamored with the idea of writing off 80% of their value just to house the peasantry.
That's just it, they will be young professionals.

Anything from low-level office staff to nurses/hospital staff.....What a boon it would be to have your help live close by. Just think of the savings to be had on limiting your turnover not having to retrain.

I mean a lease is a lease to the owners of the buildings.....They just want their 85%+ occupancy rate.

If companies did the subsidizing instead of the .gov they could get away with picking and choosing who qualifies and would not have to worry about every unemployable slag with a pulse.
That's just it, they will be young professionals.

Anything from low-level office staff to nurses/hospital staff.....What a boon it would be to have your help live close by. Just think of the savings to be had on limiting your turnover not having to retrain.

I mean a lease is a lease to the owners of the buildings.....They just want their 85%+ occupancy rate.

If companies did the subsidizing instead of the .gov they could get away with picking and choosing who qualifies and would not have to worry about every unemployable slag with a pulse.
Sure..they want that occupancy rate..at a price per sq ft that makes a profit. How high a rent must someone pay for a 1,000 sq ft apt.? Does it make sense after the capital expense of renovation?
...and still, the elephant in the room is going to be the destitute..unhoused and unruly.
...and still, the elephant in the room is going to be the destitute..unhoused and unruly.
Yeah, that's the rub!
But he's envisioning a plan that can work, but he's not getting into the details that require social reform to make it work

1srelluc isn't going to carry the ball on this because he's realizing that he's shooting off his own capitalist foot.

There are examples in which his basic plan does work and it's subsidized by the city's big government.

Just create the air space between winning solutions and socialism/communism!

None of his ideas can possibly work in a purely capitalist environment. You just told him why!
Sure..they want that occupancy rate..at a price per sq ft that makes a profit. How high a rent must someone pay for a 1,000 sq ft apt.? Does it make sense after the capital expense of renovation?
...and still, the elephant in the room is going to be the destitute..unhoused and unruly.
Maybe it's high time we quit worrying about the unproductive and concentrate on the producers of our society.

We have went down the "poors" road to the tune of Trillions and all we got for our trouble was successive generations of them.
Maybe it's high time we quit worrying about the unproductive and concentrate on the producers of our society.

We have went down the "poors" road to the tune of Trillions and all we got for our trouble was successive generations of them.
The problem is the "poors" have to be pacified, bread and circuses are not getting it done anymore.

Ignore them and leave them to their own devices and eventually the mega rich will have to clean up the mess and put out the fires, even though their sheltered lives won't be threatened. It would be nice to turn that spigot off but a better option is more jobs with better wages.
Single professionals apparently don't have much of a housing problem. What you are talking about is converting office buildings into slums for illegal aliens.
Maybe it's high time we quit worrying about the unproductive and concentrate on the producers of our society.

We have went down the "poors" road to the tune of Trillions and all we got for our trouble was successive generations of them.
Historically, ignoring the unwashed masses has not been a long-term solution.


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