A German museum has banned white people from visiting on Saturdays


Gold Member
May 29, 2023

A German museum has banned white people from visiting on Saturdays​

A German museum has banned white people from visiting on Saturdays. According to a black German journalist and anti-discrimination expert this form for discrimination is fine. Only Bipoc's are welcome. Ironic since the 'i' stands for indigenous which should mean white Germans?​


German museum in racism row over exhibition partial ban on white people​

Police officers are gathered in front of the Zeche Zollern museum in Dortmund, the focus of what social networks are describing as a racism scandal.

The row centres around the exhibition 'This is Colonialism' and the museum's decision to restrict white people from entering a small section of the display. For several months now, Saturdays at the museum have been reserved for black people and people of colour to explore a colonialism exhibition

German museum denies White people entry to colonial exhibit on Saturdays, only BIPoC allowed inside

More about it:

I am surprised that some seem to think that it is perfectly OK to ban white people - even if it is only on a Saturday,
I have NO respect for the German people then if they ever visit that place again, Saturday, Monday or any other day.

For many people, Saturday is the day to go, maybe their ONLY day.

This has been going on for some time now.

Only recently have there been some protests.

Shame on Dortmund!
More details:

A German museum of industrial heritage in Dortmund only allows “Black, Indigenous and People of Color” to enter the museum on Saturdays between 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. for the “That’s Colonial” exhibition, with the prohibition sparking claims of racism.

The Zollern Colliery museum argues it is a “safer space” intended to protect people of color from “further discrimination.”

The exclusive access is “an offer for BIPoC and black people to be able to withdraw and exchange ideas openly,” reads the museum’s website. “For BIPoC, such safe spaces are rarely found in everyday life or in museum rooms.”

The exhibit partly focuses on racial grievances, with the introduction to the exhibition on the website writing: “The morning cup of coffee (referring to how coffee was obtained through colonial exploitation), a street name or certain prejudices: Colonial history is still present in our everyday lives – even in Westphalia.”


A small team belonging to Antenne Frei radio station filmed themselves trying to enter the museum, but were blocked because they are White people.

The employees struggled to explain why their prohibition was not racism when confronted by a host from the radio station.

“If there’s a People of Color in there now and I say I don’t want that White guy in here, then you must go out,” said a male employee. The host then asked, “Because we have the wrong skin color?”

The employee responded: “I can’t explain that. I can’t explain that.” When he was told that he should know becaus he works there, he repeated htat he could not explain how or why the rule was in place.

“But that’s racism,” responded the radio host.

Inside the museum building, the radio host said: “If we turn it around now and say Black are not allowed in, can you imagine what an impression that would make? Now, it’s the case that the Whites can’t go in…”

A female employee responded: “There’s nothing to say.” The host then said, “You don’t want to say anything,” to which she responded, “I dont’ want to.”

He then stated he wanted his entry fee back since he did not find the policy appropriate, and the female employee agreed.
Idiotic and Racist to White People to the Majority of Indigenous White Germans...

I also wonder who they consider White, and how they stopp white people from entering, do they ask you if you are white, there are plenty of native americans who look white for example but I guess they are under BIPOC (I as in Indigenous)

The Zollern Colliery​

Mining and culture in a "castle of labour"

The Zollern colliery in Dortmund is one of the most beautiful testimonies to Germany's industrial past. The engine house with its stained-glass Art Nouveau entrance is an industrial heritage icon made of steel and glass. Explore this "castle of labour", look behind the magnificent brick facades, climb the pithead frame, follow the path of coal and immerse yourself in a world of heavy labour underground.

This is the museum.

Shame on this museum!

And shame on the city of Dortmund for allowing this ban.
I am surprised that some seem to think that it is perfectly OK to ban white people - even if it is only on a Saturday,
the "excuse" forwarded by that lefty&Lib female exhibition coordinator:
This Saturday clause, is to provide a "safe" room - where victims of racism can gather and discuss, undisturbed amongst themselves.

So the next step will be that non-whites can only be arrested and brought to jail on Saturdays - so that they can gather and discuss undisturbed amongst themselves.

At the same time those mentally retarded politicians and their voter flock, are getting increasingly worried about the AfD parties popular rise.
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German museum in racism row over exhibition partial ban on white people​


German museum in racism row over exhibition partial ban on white people​

I'd lobby to get them shut down. What do they have that is of historical importance? What benefit are they to society?
a comment:

The Zollern colliery in Dortmund is a state-financed industrial monument with an attached museum. There is currently a "Safer Space" only for dark-skinned visitors.

Whites undesirable, at least for a few hours: The Zeche Zollern Museum in Dortmund opens its current exhibition on colonialism on Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. only for blacks and people of color. A "safer space" should be created in which "people affected by racism can protect themselves from further (even unconscious) discrimination," the museum explains . The exhibition has been running since spring, but the "Safer Space" has only now become known to a broader public through media reports.
It is an "offer for BIPoC and black people to withdraw and exchange ideas openly without being observed, judged or criticized by white people," it said. The acronym "BIPoC" comes from English and stands for "Black People, Indigenous People and People of Color". The exhibition organizers also explain what “white” is: being white is a social construct with privileges, not a skin colour.


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