5 ways we know that yes, they want to ban guns and end the 2nd Amendment...

Yes....they want to ban guns and they want to end the 2nd Amendment...how do we know? They keep telling us they want to ban guns and end the 2nd Amendment....

5 Facts Proving "They Are Coming For Your Guns" Is Not A Conspiracy Theory

1. The mainstream media is openly calling for the repeal of the Second Amendment
It is no secret that every time there are reports of a mass shooting, there are a number of politicians who openly call for gun control, but there has recently been an increase in media outlets joining the anti-gun bandwagon. The Miami Herald published an Op-Ed titled, “Repeal The Second Amendment—It’s Not A Crazy Idea.” Rolling Stone published an explanation on “Why It’s Time To Repeal The Second Amendment.” And USA Today stated, “Repeal The Second Amendment. It’s The Only Way Towards Real Change.”


2. Students are parroting the claims and using their platforms as victims of gun violence to push for a ban on guns
Parkland Shooting survivor David Hogg has become the face of the student activist movement against guns, and the demands are troubling. The students are openly supporting a ban on guns that have been deemed “assault rifles,” a ban on high-capacity magazines, a federal background check “on every gun sale,” increasing taxes on gun sales and raising the minimum age to own a gun to 21.

In a speech at a March For Our Lives rally, Stoneman Douglas student Delaney Tarr revealed that even if the students achieve individual bans, they will continue to push until the Second Amendment is fully dismantled. “We will take the big and we will take the small, but we will keep fighting. When they give us that inch, that bump stock ban, we will take a mile. We are not here for breadcrumbs. We are here for real change,” she said.

3. Law Enforcement officials are also calling for a ban on guns—which means they would be the only ones with guns
It is no secret that a ban on guns would result in law enforcement officers and criminals being the only individuals who have guns. Daryl Fisher, a candidate for Buncombe County Sheriff in North Carolina, recently addressed the issue of how police would confiscate the firearms, and when proposed with the quote “you’ll have to pry my guns from my cold, dead hands,” he shrugged his shoulders and said “OK!”
I sure hope you're locked and loaded with that much paranoia.
/-----/ These famous leaders agree with you 100%. What could possibly go wrong?
View attachment 197959
Actually, gun control works in other civilized countries. Maybe when we're civilized for real...
Not really... They just use other things to act out their violence.
And on top of that firearms still make their way into those countries even though you gun grabbers say that gun control will stop All gun violence...

I'd rather be attacked by anything other than a firearm. But hey, maybe that's just me. :biggrin:

No firearm will ever attack you don't you know that yet?

I'd rather have a firearm for protection against anyone attacking me with any weapon
It's still very low, much lower than ours.

You didn't answer the question as usual

The UK gun laws did nothing to lower their murder rate
In one year, US - 9.369 murders with a gun (4th in the world), UK - 14. Now please, stfu.

Countries Compared by Crime > Murders with firearms. International Statistics at NationMaster.com

So the fuck what?

Murder is murder it doesn't matter if a gun was used or not

The UK gun laws did absofuckinglutely nothing to lower their murder rate

Why do you idiots think being murdered with a gun is worse than being murdered any one of a million other ways?
This is a gun thread, that's why we're talking about guns.

"The UK gun laws did absofuckinglutely nothing to lower their murder rate" You mean lower it from 14? :lol:

Actually this thread is about the desire to repeal the second amendment but I won't nit pick

So tell me did the murder rate in the UK decrease after all their gun laws were passed? Did the overall crime rate decrease?

The answer is no

And FYI our murder rate is virtually the same as it was in the 1950's
You mean decrease from 14 murders in one year? Really?
You didn't answer the question as usual

The UK gun laws did nothing to lower their murder rate
In one year, US - 9.369 murders with a gun (4th in the world), UK - 14. Now please, stfu.

Countries Compared by Crime > Murders with firearms. International Statistics at NationMaster.com

So the fuck what?

Murder is murder it doesn't matter if a gun was used or not

The UK gun laws did absofuckinglutely nothing to lower their murder rate

Why do you idiots think being murdered with a gun is worse than being murdered any one of a million other ways?
This is a gun thread, that's why we're talking about guns.

"The UK gun laws did absofuckinglutely nothing to lower their murder rate" You mean lower it from 14? :lol:

Actually this thread is about the desire to repeal the second amendment but I won't nit pick

So tell me did the murder rate in the UK decrease after all their gun laws were passed? Did the overall crime rate decrease?

The answer is no

And FYI our murder rate is virtually the same as it was in the 1950's
You mean decrease from 14 murders in one year? Really?


Your argument is that more gun laws reduce the murder and crime rates

The UK's murder rate is in fact higher than it was before all their gun laws were passed
Yes it does.

Then tell me why the murder rate in the UK today is not lower than it was before all their gun laws were passed
It's still very low, much lower than ours.

You didn't answer the question as usual

The UK gun laws did nothing to lower their murder rate
In one year, US - 9.369 murders with a gun (4th in the world), UK - 14. Now please, stfu.

Countries Compared by Crime > Murders with firearms. International Statistics at NationMaster.com
In red America firearm violence is basically nonexistent… The same cannot be said in blue America
You mean "blue America", where all the nlggers are? :biggrin:
Yes....they want to ban guns and they want to end the 2nd Amendment...how do we know? They keep telling us they want to ban guns and end the 2nd Amendment....

5 Facts Proving "They Are Coming For Your Guns" Is Not A Conspiracy Theory

1. The mainstream media is openly calling for the repeal of the Second Amendment
It is no secret that every time there are reports of a mass shooting, there are a number of politicians who openly call for gun control, but there has recently been an increase in media outlets joining the anti-gun bandwagon. The Miami Herald published an Op-Ed titled, “Repeal The Second Amendment—It’s Not A Crazy Idea.” Rolling Stone published an explanation on “Why It’s Time To Repeal The Second Amendment.” And USA Today stated, “Repeal The Second Amendment. It’s The Only Way Towards Real Change.”


2. Students are parroting the claims and using their platforms as victims of gun violence to push for a ban on guns
Parkland Shooting survivor David Hogg has become the face of the student activist movement against guns, and the demands are troubling. The students are openly supporting a ban on guns that have been deemed “assault rifles,” a ban on high-capacity magazines, a federal background check “on every gun sale,” increasing taxes on gun sales and raising the minimum age to own a gun to 21.

In a speech at a March For Our Lives rally, Stoneman Douglas student Delaney Tarr revealed that even if the students achieve individual bans, they will continue to push until the Second Amendment is fully dismantled. “We will take the big and we will take the small, but we will keep fighting. When they give us that inch, that bump stock ban, we will take a mile. We are not here for breadcrumbs. We are here for real change,” she said.

3. Law Enforcement officials are also calling for a ban on guns—which means they would be the only ones with guns
It is no secret that a ban on guns would result in law enforcement officers and criminals being the only individuals who have guns. Daryl Fisher, a candidate for Buncombe County Sheriff in North Carolina, recently addressed the issue of how police would confiscate the firearms, and when proposed with the quote “you’ll have to pry my guns from my cold, dead hands,” he shrugged his shoulders and said “OK!”
I sure hope you're locked and loaded with that much paranoia.
/-----/ These famous leaders agree with you 100%. What could possibly go wrong?
View attachment 197959
Actually, gun control works in other civilized countries. Maybe when we're civilized for real...
Not really... They just use other things to act out their violence.
And on top of that firearms still make their way into those countries even though you gun grabbers say that gun control will stop All gun violence...

I'd rather be attacked by anything other than a firearm. But hey, maybe that's just me. :biggrin:
Firearms don’t kill people people kill people… Dumbass
Then tell me why the murder rate in the UK today is not lower than it was before all their gun laws were passed
It's still very low, much lower than ours.

You didn't answer the question as usual

The UK gun laws did nothing to lower their murder rate
In one year, US - 9.369 murders with a gun (4th in the world), UK - 14. Now please, stfu.

Countries Compared by Crime > Murders with firearms. International Statistics at NationMaster.com
In red America firearm violence is basically nonexistent… The same cannot be said in blue America
You mean "blue America", where all the nlggers are? :biggrin:
Na, urban... where all of the progressives are
Actually, gun control works in other civilized countries. Maybe when we're civilized for real...
A society that's actually civilized, has no problem with it's members possessing machine guns, rifles, shotguns, handguns, machetes, knives, etc...

Uncivilized societies--whose members are continuously on the brink of bloody savagery over the smallest of trivialities--are those that see civilian disarmament as a solution to mass murder in their streets.

Anti-rights advocates can now stop holding up these nations as civilized societies.

The consequences of gun control legislation are predictable; and have been predicted by the opponents of such legislation every time it's brought up. It is then fair to conclude that those consequences are the actual objective of such measures. Gun control works here... it works exactly as intended. I submit Columbine, Sandy Hook, Pulse, Parkland, etc. as evidence.

The targets of those atrocities were obeying the "common sense" gun laws governing the possession of such at those venues.

There is only one motive in the desire to see the targets of criminal violence undefended.

There is only one kind of person who desires to see the targets of criminal violence disarmed.

The people who desire to see the targets of criminal violence disarmed are the problem; they are the entire problem, and they are making their intentions clear.

Arrest them, prosecute them, and imprison them.. .and all the rest who would see the targets of their violence disarmed and undefended--and you'll see the end of these atrocities.
In one year, US - 9.369 murders with a gun (4th in the world), UK - 14.

Countries Compared by Crime > Murders with firearms. International Statistics at NationMaster.com

Rhetorical Tautology.

Everyone accepts that if there were no guns what-so-ever, there'd be no "gun-crime" what-so ever. Only disingenuous idiots attempt to use such tautologies as the foundation for their retarded arguments.

No one argues that there are few murders in the U.S.

No one argues that the murder rate is lowest in the U.S.

The point you're avoiding is that where prohibitionist gun control measure are instituted, those places see no enhanced reduction in violent crime (including murders) and often see an increase in violent crime (including murders.
US had 9,369 murders in one year. The UK had 14 in the same year. What don't you get? "enhanced reduction"? You mean from 14? Seriously? And and increase to what? 17, that will make that stat look really bad? Try some honesty for a change.

Yes using absolute numbers to compare populations that vary greatly in size

Talk about disingenuous
So the UK is about 700 times smaller then the US? Or is it more? :lol:
Those "Good Guys with Guns Militia" patrols are doing wonders to win people over. It's a real triumph of public relations. It makes us realize the justification for having all those high powered, rapid fire weapons. Very convincing, and so social conscious!
/----/ I guess you think Gays are paranoid too.
Gay Americans arming themselves to stay alive...
That would be "Good Gays with Guns".
...And the only good criminal is a dead criminal
I sure hope you're locked and loaded with that much paranoia.
/-----/ These famous leaders agree with you 100%. What could possibly go wrong?
View attachment 197959
Actually, gun control works in other civilized countries. Maybe when we're civilized for real...
Not really... They just use other things to act out their violence.
And on top of that firearms still make their way into those countries even though you gun grabbers say that gun control will stop All gun violence...

I'd rather be attacked by anything other than a firearm. But hey, maybe that's just me. :biggrin:

No firearm will ever attack you don't you know that yet?

I'd rather have a firearm for protection against anyone attacking me with any weapon
I choose to live in a place where people don't go around shooting each other all the time. If I lived where you do, I'd likely pack as well, out of fear for my life. But like I said, I choose not to live in that kind of situation.
A society that's actually civilized, has no problem with it's members possessing machine guns, rifles, shotguns, handguns, machetes, knives, etc...

Uncivilized societies--whose members are continuously on the brink of bloody savagery over the smallest of trivialities--are those that see civilian disarmament as a solution to mass murder in their streets.

Anti-rights advocates can now stop holding up these nations as civilized societies.

The consequences of gun control legislation are predictable; and have been predicted by the opponents of such legislation every time it's brought up. It is then fair to conclude that those consequences are the actual objective of such measures. Gun control works here... it works exactly as intended. I submit Columbine, Sandy Hook, Pulse, Parkland, etc. as evidence.

The targets of those atrocities were obeying the "common sense" gun laws governing the possession of such at those venues.

There is only one motive in the desire to see the targets of criminal violence undefended.

There is only one kind of person who desires to see the targets of criminal violence disarmed.

The people who desire to see the targets of criminal violence disarmed are the problem; they are the entire problem, and they are making their intentions clear.

Arrest them, prosecute them, and imprison them.. .and all the rest who would see the targets of their violence disarmed and undefended--and you'll see the end of these atrocities.
In one year, US - 9.369 murders with a gun (4th in the world), UK - 14.

Countries Compared by Crime > Murders with firearms. International Statistics at NationMaster.com

Rhetorical Tautology.

Everyone accepts that if there were no guns what-so-ever, there'd be no "gun-crime" what-so ever. Only disingenuous idiots attempt to use such tautologies as the foundation for their retarded arguments.

No one argues that there are few murders in the U.S.

No one argues that the murder rate is lowest in the U.S.

The point you're avoiding is that where prohibitionist gun control measure are instituted, those places see no enhanced reduction in violent crime (including murders) and often see an increase in violent crime (including murders.
US had 9,369 murders in one year. The UK had 14 in the same year. What don't you get? "enhanced reduction"? You mean from 14? Seriously? And and increase to what? 17, that will make that stat look really bad? Try some honesty for a change.

Yes using absolute numbers to compare populations that vary greatly in size

Talk about disingenuous
So the UK is about 700 times smaller then the US? Or is it more? :lol:

The only honest way to compare to populations that differ in size is to use ratios not absolute numbers
In one year, US - 9.369 murders with a gun (4th in the world), UK - 14. Now please, stfu.

Countries Compared by Crime > Murders with firearms. International Statistics at NationMaster.com

So the fuck what?

Murder is murder it doesn't matter if a gun was used or not

The UK gun laws did absofuckinglutely nothing to lower their murder rate

Why do you idiots think being murdered with a gun is worse than being murdered any one of a million other ways?
This is a gun thread, that's why we're talking about guns.

"The UK gun laws did absofuckinglutely nothing to lower their murder rate" You mean lower it from 14? :lol:

Actually this thread is about the desire to repeal the second amendment but I won't nit pick

So tell me did the murder rate in the UK decrease after all their gun laws were passed? Did the overall crime rate decrease?

The answer is no

And FYI our murder rate is virtually the same as it was in the 1950's
You mean decrease from 14 murders in one year? Really?


Your argument is that more gun laws reduce the murder and crime rates

The UK's murder rate is in fact higher than it was before all their gun laws were passed
You stuck that argument on me because it makes your bullshit stick better. If I've said anything, I've said that gun control works, just look at the UK with 14 per year, compared to the US, with 9,300+.
Yes....they want to ban guns and they want to end the 2nd Amendment...how do we know? They keep telling us they want to ban guns and end the 2nd Amendment....

5 Facts Proving "They Are Coming For Your Guns" Is Not A Conspiracy Theory

1. The mainstream media is openly calling for the repeal of the Second Amendment
It is no secret that every time there are reports of a mass shooting, there are a number of politicians who openly call for gun control, but there has recently been an increase in media outlets joining the anti-gun bandwagon. The Miami Herald published an Op-Ed titled, “Repeal The Second Amendment—It’s Not A Crazy Idea.” Rolling Stone published an explanation on “Why It’s Time To Repeal The Second Amendment.” And USA Today stated, “Repeal The Second Amendment. It’s The Only Way Towards Real Change.”


2. Students are parroting the claims and using their platforms as victims of gun violence to push for a ban on guns
Parkland Shooting survivor David Hogg has become the face of the student activist movement against guns, and the demands are troubling. The students are openly supporting a ban on guns that have been deemed “assault rifles,” a ban on high-capacity magazines, a federal background check “on every gun sale,” increasing taxes on gun sales and raising the minimum age to own a gun to 21.

In a speech at a March For Our Lives rally, Stoneman Douglas student Delaney Tarr revealed that even if the students achieve individual bans, they will continue to push until the Second Amendment is fully dismantled. “We will take the big and we will take the small, but we will keep fighting. When they give us that inch, that bump stock ban, we will take a mile. We are not here for breadcrumbs. We are here for real change,” she said.

3. Law Enforcement officials are also calling for a ban on guns—which means they would be the only ones with guns
It is no secret that a ban on guns would result in law enforcement officers and criminals being the only individuals who have guns. Daryl Fisher, a candidate for Buncombe County Sheriff in North Carolina, recently addressed the issue of how police would confiscate the firearms, and when proposed with the quote “you’ll have to pry my guns from my cold, dead hands,” he shrugged his shoulders and said “OK!”
I sure hope you're locked and loaded with that much paranoia.
/-----/ These famous leaders agree with you 100%. What could possibly go wrong?
View attachment 197959
Actually, gun control works in other civilized countries. Maybe when we're civilized for real...

No...actually, it doesn't. Like Britain....they banned and confiscated guns, and their gun crime rate is going up, not down, their violent crime rate is going up, not down...

More Americans now own and carry guns.....and our gun murder rate went down 49%, our gun crime rate went down 75%, our violent crime rate went down 72%....please explain how this happened...
Hate to tell you this very few Democrats are for gun control, only the crazies. Unfortunately the crazies from both side are all that is being heard now a days most people are more sane. Sane does not make for very good headlines unfortunately! If our elected officials are listening to the norms then our guns are safe, if they continue to pander to the nuts, I am still not worried. Most people will not turn in their guns even if the radicals continue to rule the day!
/-----/ These famous leaders agree with you 100%. What could possibly go wrong?
View attachment 197959
Actually, gun control works in other civilized countries. Maybe when we're civilized for real...
Not really... They just use other things to act out their violence.
And on top of that firearms still make their way into those countries even though you gun grabbers say that gun control will stop All gun violence...

I'd rather be attacked by anything other than a firearm. But hey, maybe that's just me. :biggrin:

No firearm will ever attack you don't you know that yet?

I'd rather have a firearm for protection against anyone attacking me with any weapon
I choose to live in a place where people don't go around shooting each other all the time. If I lived where you do, I'd likely pack as well, out of fear for my life. But like I said, I choose not to live in that kind of situation.

You don't know where I live.

FYI I live in a semi rural community where most everyone owns guns and the local murder and crime rates are virtually zero.

Now is it zero because piece of shit would be criminals know that most every homeowner has guns? I'm willing to say that is a factor.
So the fuck what?

Murder is murder it doesn't matter if a gun was used or not

The UK gun laws did absofuckinglutely nothing to lower their murder rate

Why do you idiots think being murdered with a gun is worse than being murdered any one of a million other ways?
This is a gun thread, that's why we're talking about guns.

"The UK gun laws did absofuckinglutely nothing to lower their murder rate" You mean lower it from 14? :lol:

Actually this thread is about the desire to repeal the second amendment but I won't nit pick

So tell me did the murder rate in the UK decrease after all their gun laws were passed? Did the overall crime rate decrease?

The answer is no

And FYI our murder rate is virtually the same as it was in the 1950's
You mean decrease from 14 murders in one year? Really?


Your argument is that more gun laws reduce the murder and crime rates

The UK's murder rate is in fact higher than it was before all their gun laws were passed
You stuck that argument on me because it makes your bullshit stick better. If I've said anything, I've said that gun control works, just look at the UK with 14 per year, compared to the US, with 9,300+.

And their murder rate has nothing to do with their gun control laws.

The fact that the murder rate did not drop after all their gun laws were passed proves that.
Yes....they want to ban guns and they want to end the 2nd Amendment...how do we know? They keep telling us they want to ban guns and end the 2nd Amendment....

5 Facts Proving "They Are Coming For Your Guns" Is Not A Conspiracy Theory

1. The mainstream media is openly calling for the repeal of the Second Amendment
It is no secret that every time there are reports of a mass shooting, there are a number of politicians who openly call for gun control, but there has recently been an increase in media outlets joining the anti-gun bandwagon. The Miami Herald published an Op-Ed titled, “Repeal The Second Amendment—It’s Not A Crazy Idea.” Rolling Stone published an explanation on “Why It’s Time To Repeal The Second Amendment.” And USA Today stated, “Repeal The Second Amendment. It’s The Only Way Towards Real Change.”


2. Students are parroting the claims and using their platforms as victims of gun violence to push for a ban on guns
Parkland Shooting survivor David Hogg has become the face of the student activist movement against guns, and the demands are troubling. The students are openly supporting a ban on guns that have been deemed “assault rifles,” a ban on high-capacity magazines, a federal background check “on every gun sale,” increasing taxes on gun sales and raising the minimum age to own a gun to 21.

In a speech at a March For Our Lives rally, Stoneman Douglas student Delaney Tarr revealed that even if the students achieve individual bans, they will continue to push until the Second Amendment is fully dismantled. “We will take the big and we will take the small, but we will keep fighting. When they give us that inch, that bump stock ban, we will take a mile. We are not here for breadcrumbs. We are here for real change,” she said.

3. Law Enforcement officials are also calling for a ban on guns—which means they would be the only ones with guns
It is no secret that a ban on guns would result in law enforcement officers and criminals being the only individuals who have guns. Daryl Fisher, a candidate for Buncombe County Sheriff in North Carolina, recently addressed the issue of how police would confiscate the firearms, and when proposed with the quote “you’ll have to pry my guns from my cold, dead hands,” he shrugged his shoulders and said “OK!”
I sure hope you're locked and loaded with that much paranoia.
/-----/ These famous leaders agree with you 100%. What could possibly go wrong?
View attachment 197959
Actually, gun control works in other civilized countries. Maybe when we're civilized for real...

Actually, it depends on how you look at it. If all you care about is gun deaths then yes, it works. But if you care about all deaths and violent crime, gun bans are a massive failure.

Rhetorical Tautology.

Everyone accepts that if there were no guns what-so-ever, there'd be no "gun-crime" what-so ever. Only disingenuous idiots attempt to use such tautologies as the foundation for their retarded arguments.

No one argues that there are few murders in the U.S.

No one argues that the murder rate is lowest in the U.S.

The point you're avoiding is that where prohibitionist gun control measure are instituted, those places see no enhanced reduction in violent crime (including murders) and often see an increase in violent crime (including murders.
US had 9,369 murders in one year. The UK had 14 in the same year. What don't you get? "enhanced reduction"? You mean from 14? Seriously? And and increase to what? 17, that will make that stat look really bad? Try some honesty for a change.

Yes using absolute numbers to compare populations that vary greatly in size

Talk about disingenuous
So the UK is about 700 times smaller then the US? Or is it more? :lol:

The only honest way to compare to populations that differ in size is to use ratios not absolute numbers
UK = 65 million people, 14 gun murders.

US = 350 million people, 9,369 gun murders.

You do the math. I'll wait. :popcorn:
Rhetorical Tautology.

Everyone accepts that if there were no guns what-so-ever, there'd be no "gun-crime" what-so ever. Only disingenuous idiots attempt to use such tautologies as the foundation for their retarded arguments.

No one argues that there are few murders in the U.S.

No one argues that the murder rate is lowest in the U.S.

The point you're avoiding is that where prohibitionist gun control measure are instituted, those places see no enhanced reduction in violent crime (including murders) and often see an increase in violent crime (including murders.
US had 9,369 murders in one year. The UK had 14 in the same year. What don't you get? "enhanced reduction"? You mean from 14? Seriously? And and increase to what? 17, that will make that stat look really bad? Try some honesty for a change.

Yes using absolute numbers to compare populations that vary greatly in size

Talk about disingenuous
So the UK is about 700 times smaller then the US? Or is it more? :lol:

The only honest way to compare to populations that differ in size is to use ratios not absolute numbers
UK = 65 million people, 14 gun murders.

US = 350 million people, 9,369 gun murders.

You do the math. I'll wait. :popcorn:

Tell me is murder by knife not murder?

Murder is murder it matters not if it is committed with a gun, a knife, a baseball bat, a lead pipe, a car, a bomb, a fist etc ad infinitum.
Actually, gun control works in other civilized countries. Maybe when we're civilized for real...
Not really... They just use other things to act out their violence.
And on top of that firearms still make their way into those countries even though you gun grabbers say that gun control will stop All gun violence...

I'd rather be attacked by anything other than a firearm. But hey, maybe that's just me. :biggrin:

No firearm will ever attack you don't you know that yet?

I'd rather have a firearm for protection against anyone attacking me with any weapon
I choose to live in a place where people don't go around shooting each other all the time. If I lived where you do, I'd likely pack as well, out of fear for my life. But like I said, I choose not to live in that kind of situation.

You don't know where I live.

FYI I live in a semi rural community where most everyone owns guns and the local murder and crime rates are virtually zero.

Now is it zero because piece of shit would be criminals know that most every homeowner has guns? I'm willing to say that is a factor.
I also live in a semi rural community where some people have hunting rifles, but nobody has a weapon because they are paranoid that they are living in a community that could be attacked at any moment. I bet you have more problems with drunk locals and their guns, lol. Good luck.
Not really... They just use other things to act out their violence.
And on top of that firearms still make their way into those countries even though you gun grabbers say that gun control will stop All gun violence...

I'd rather be attacked by anything other than a firearm. But hey, maybe that's just me. :biggrin:

No firearm will ever attack you don't you know that yet?

I'd rather have a firearm for protection against anyone attacking me with any weapon
I choose to live in a place where people don't go around shooting each other all the time. If I lived where you do, I'd likely pack as well, out of fear for my life. But like I said, I choose not to live in that kind of situation.

You don't know where I live.

FYI I live in a semi rural community where most everyone owns guns and the local murder and crime rates are virtually zero.

Now is it zero because piece of shit would be criminals know that most every homeowner has guns? I'm willing to say that is a factor.
I also live in a semi rural community where some people have hunting rifles, but nobody has a weapon because they are paranoid that they are living in a community that could be attacked at any moment. I bet you have more problems with drunk locals and their guns, lol. Good luck.

That would be a crime and our crime rate is near zero so no not really a problem.
This is a gun thread, that's why we're talking about guns.

"The UK gun laws did absofuckinglutely nothing to lower their murder rate" You mean lower it from 14? :lol:

Actually this thread is about the desire to repeal the second amendment but I won't nit pick

So tell me did the murder rate in the UK decrease after all their gun laws were passed? Did the overall crime rate decrease?

The answer is no

And FYI our murder rate is virtually the same as it was in the 1950's
You mean decrease from 14 murders in one year? Really?


Your argument is that more gun laws reduce the murder and crime rates

The UK's murder rate is in fact higher than it was before all their gun laws were passed
You stuck that argument on me because it makes your bullshit stick better. If I've said anything, I've said that gun control works, just look at the UK with 14 per year, compared to the US, with 9,300+.

And their murder rate has nothing to do with their gun control laws.

The fact that the murder rate did not drop after all their gun laws were passed proves that.
Their gc laws kept the rate super low. That's good enough for me. You're just pissed that you agree.

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