4 Years Into Obamacare Uninsured Rate Hits 12.2%

20.1% for young adults.

It’s almost as if people who don’t want to buy things they don’t want to buy are not buying those things.

After Four Years of Obamacare Implementation, Uninsured Rate Hits 12.2%

So when the ACA was signed into law- the uninsured rate was 16%
In 2013 the uninsured rate hit 18%- and by October 2016- had dropped down to 10.9% - so under the ACA- the uninsured rate is still almost 6 percent lower.

And has only gone up since Trump's election.
And costs have skyrocketed while millions lost the doctor and plans they loved.

Holding a gun to people’s heads to force them to buy products is the Leftist way.
Says the obama deranged trumptard

And just for the record for the uninformed, the ACA was devised by the heritage foundation, a rightwing think tank. The mandate was for “personal responsibility”. The right lived it so much that mitt took it as his own. And again rightwingnuts loved it.

Until the black guy wanted it. Then you loons melted down.
You can't do it political, you just literally cannot do it. Transparent financing and also transparent spending. I mean, this bill was written in a tortured way to make sure CBO did not score the mandate as taxes. If CBO scored the mandate as taxes the bill dies. Okay? So it’s written to do that, In terms of risk rated subsidies, if you had a law which said that healthy people are going to pay in, you made explicit healthy people pay in and sick people get money, it would not have passed. Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage. And basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter orwhatever, but basically that was really really critical to get for the thing to pass.Look, I wish Mark was right that we could make it all transparent, but I’d rather have this law than not."

Jonathan Gruber, architect ofObamacare.
Im just glad they took away that totalitarian mandate.
What kind of NAZI MFer supports that shit?

Five members of the US Supreme Court, including the Chief Justice.

Agreed. Thanks.

You missed the sarcasm. Sorry, I needed to have added sarcasm alert in brackets. Mea culpa.
No i didnt... thats why i responded with it...

O, mea culpa two
I surely hope no one actually thought t he op article was a news article..... :rolleyes:

What was the percentage before Obama care...to compare to the +/-10% ocare brought it down to?

What were the measures Trump took to sabotage Ocare in 2017 that made 3 million plus lose coverage?

THE fake news OP article covered NONE of that'....:rolleyes:
I surely hope no one actually thought t he op article was a news article..... :rolleyes:

What was the percentage before Obama care...to compare to the +/-10% ocare brought it down to?

What were the measures Trump took to sabotage Ocare in 2017 that made 3 million plus lose coverage?

THE fake news OP article covered NONE of that'....:rolleyes:

The only thing I saw that contributed to the 3 million is the open enrollment time was shortened from last year. It went to Jan 31st last year and only until Dec 15th this time around. Although certain areas were granted an extension until Dec 31st because of Federal disaster area's and maybe a state or two that extended their exchanges.

Well, maybe a few didn't purchase because they thought the mandate was gone.

Have to add just received notification anyone from Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands that had to relocate to U.S. just received an extension to March 31st.
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Like any of that really matters as long as we pay the kinds of amounts we currently pay as a nation.

It is beyond belief.
3.4 million are now uninsured thanks to Trumpcare

Oh, you mean they stopped buying insurance they couldn't use anyway...?

Good to know.

Yeah. I have no idea about actual stats or anything, but why is this controversial? It seems obvious that less people will buy insurance if they're not being forced into it.

On the other hand, if government weren't meddling, and people were free to solve their own problems, we might find something better. We might come to see that insurance is a really shitty way to finance normal health care expenses. As it is, the regulatory apparatus keeps things set in stone. Keeps the rent-seeking leeches bleeding us. And the government's answer is to double down on the leeches. Always.
I surely hope no one actually thought t he op article was a news article..... :rolleyes:

What was the percentage before Obama care...to compare to the +/-10% ocare brought it down to?

What were the measures Trump took to sabotage Ocare in 2017 that made 3 million plus lose coverage?

THE fake news OP article covered NONE of that'....:rolleyes:

That seems a like a a bit of a scattered argument.

The article from the OP linked to a Gallup News Article which was the basis for the statistics.

U.S. Uninsured Rate Steady at 12.2% in Fourth Quarter of 2017
20.1% for young adults.

It’s almost as if people who don’t want to buy things they don’t want to buy are not buying those things.

After Four Years of Obamacare Implementation, Uninsured Rate Hits 12.2%

So when the ACA was signed into law- the uninsured rate was 16%
In 2013 the uninsured rate hit 18%- and by October 2016- had dropped down to 10.9% - so under the ACA- the uninsured rate is still almost 6 percent lower.

And has only gone up since Trump's election.
And costs have skyrocketed while millions lost the doctor and plans they loved.

Holding a gun to people’s heads to force them to buy products is the Leftist way.
That’s what sabotage does.
20.1% for young adults.

It’s almost as if people who don’t want to buy things they don’t want to buy are not buying those things.

After Four Years of Obamacare Implementation, Uninsured Rate Hits 12.2%

So when the ACA was signed into law- the uninsured rate was 16%
In 2013 the uninsured rate hit 18%- and by October 2016- had dropped down to 10.9% - so under the ACA- the uninsured rate is still almost 6 percent lower.

And has only gone up since Trump's election.
And costs have skyrocketed while millions lost the doctor and plans they loved.

Holding a gun to people’s heads to force them to buy products is the Leftist way.
That’s what sabotage does.

One voter's "sabotage" is another's upgrade. That's the problem with taking things over with government. You might think it's a great idea when Obama is in charge, but when your side isn't in power, things are going to go in a different direction. If we leave government out of it we can decide for ourselves.

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