
  1. T

    Lock him up!

    The orange bag 'O shit has had his day in court. Got his due process. Verdict? GUILTY. ALL 34 FELONY counts. Soak it in, magaturds. Put this bag 'O shit in cuffs. If he resists, maybe make his fat head meet a few new walls. Hell, hogtie the worthless trash former *pResident and bring him to a...
  2. Sayaras

    Biden loses (in polls) to Trump - After cowing to swastika-palestine protesters

    Why did he think anti Israel steps would help him? Just because "uncommitted" votes mostly by Muslims in MI pushed by Islamic CAIR lobby? 'Uncommitted Vote' Campaign was Designed to Unify Fractious Islamists. by Sam Westrop. Focus on Western Islamism. March 14, 2024...
  3. J

    Peter Wallison, at AEI, offers sophomoric conclusion in TRUMP V. UNITED STATES case

    . See: “Private Acts” Open the Way for a Trial on Trump’s Election Interference (Part II) With regard to TRUMP V. UNITED STATES, Mr. Wallison goes through a long-winded recount of the oral arguments before the S.C, which was limited to the following question: "WHETHER AND IF SO TO WHAT EXTENT...
  4. J

    Should the D.C, District Court be put on judicial notice in Trump trial (lack of prosecutorial jurisdiction)?

    In defending our Constitution’s adopted unique due process procedure, specifically designed to deal with a public servant of violating his/her office of public trust and engaging in acts considered to be “Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors” while in office, Hamilton confirms...
  5. J

    As presumptive leader of the GOP, Trump states his position on abortion.

    . The fact is, our presumptive GOP leader, former President Trump, supports and defends our Constitution's big tent system called federalism, guaranteed by the Tenth Amendment. And that system guarantees that the states, and people therein, are to make their own decisions concerning those...
  6. J

    Trump announces the official, GOP position on abortion.

    The official GOP position on abortion is stated by Trump in the following video. . . The fact is, the GOP supports and defends our Constitution's big tent system called federalism, guaranteed by the Tenth Amendment. And that system guarantees that the states, and people therein, are to make...
  7. S

    Will the criminal trial verdict regarding attempts to overthrow Geogia's 2020 elections be determined prior to the 2024 elections?

    I'm supposing the DA has already begun finding a replacing SADA, (i.e. Special Assistant District Attorney)? The DA's office can and will immediately provide the replacing SADA with complete up-to-date data regarding this case? The DA's well motivated to break her budget and provide her SADA...
  8. Sayaras

    Trump backs good guys Israel 'finish the job!'

    Comment: Is this what Michigan and Minnesota uncommitted Muslims want? Trump breaks silence on Israel's military campaign in Gaza: 'Finish the problem'. The former president has largely avoided weighing in on Gaza as President Joe Biden has faced criticism from within the Democratic...
  9. FDR_Reagan

    Super Tuesday : so far

    Top issues: - Immigration - Crimes So far, at GOP, only Vermont is taken by Haley.. when 86% votes in. But it's a small State. Colorado and Mass. still gives her over a third. At Dems. Biden is sweeping through MSM tries to boost hype of uncommitted, thoughts Michigan they only hit 3%...
  10. Timmy O. Goodwin

    Zone1 Is the GOP at a Crossroads?

    Donald Trump won the South Carolina Republican primary, moving closer to the GOP nomination. Despite losing, Nikki Haley, the state's former governor, is not giving up, showing what appears to be deep differences within the Republican Party. Trump's success in early primaries shows he has...
  11. Cellblock2429

    BREAKING: New records prove Fani lied under oath

    Cell phone records obtained by President Trump’s attorneys prove Fulton County DA Fani Willis had an affair with Nathan Wade before he was appointed Special Prosecutor. Thousands of calls between Wade/Willis. Tens of thousands of texts. Late-night hookups at Willis’s apartment. These records...
  12. FDR_Reagan

    Your reaction on Trump ad?

    Is it effective? __ New Ad from Team Trump: “Burning Down” From Trump War Room. Dec 28, 2023.
  13. FDR_Reagan

    CO Supreme Court rules Trump is disqualified from presidency for Jan. 6 riot

    What is his next move, appeal? Colorado Supreme Court rules Trump is disqualified from presidency for Jan. 6 riot
  14. Mark Richard

    Human nature and the correlation with history

    Do you ever consider the human nature of people throughout history starting from yesterday and beyond?
  15. Pastelli

    Latest poll: Trump lead over Biden Question: 1. Will the Dems. now nominate an alternative to Biden? 2. Does DeSantis have a chance?
  16. J

    Mike Pence gives finger to Constitution during Republican debate

    During last night’s debate, after whining and dinning our ears to how loyal he is to the Constitution, with reference to President Trump and the 2020 election, Mike Pence went on to take a dump on the Constitution by indicating he wants Congressional legislation banning abortion. Pence stated...
  17. J

    Business Insider misleads its readers on birthright citizenship.

    . See: Birthright citizenship is guaranteed in the US Constitution. Both Trump and DeSantis want it gone, and they'll need the court's help to do it. Madison Hall writes: “As granted by the 14th Amendment, which was ratified in 1868, anybody born in the United States is guaranteed...
  18. Litwin

    Parliamentary inquiry exposes collusion between French Nazis and Moscow • FRANCE 24 English

    What's French for "I'd Rather be a Muscovite than a Democrat" ? Not a surprise...
  19. TheProgressivePatriot

    New books on Waco and the KKK provide context for understanding Trump

    Just a little food for thought for all of the Trump worshipers. Time to take stock Selected Excerps: THINK about it............
  20. SavannahMann

    Blatant double standard.

    Every time some poor Black guy gets beaten to death we hear the Right Wing pontificate about how the accused should be smart and fight it out in court. Black guy gets killed. He should have complied and fight it out in court. Now. Trump is charged with a crime. I’ve said several times. I don’t...
  21. S

    Russian money to Trump campaign

    Russian money to Trump campaign GOP operative sentenced in scheme to funnel Russian money to Trump campaign. Refer to GOP operative sentenced in scheme to funnel Russian money to Trump campaign (
  22. The Original Tree

    ESG, The World Economic Forum, and Sustainable Development are Slowly Destroying Nation's Economies.

    ESG, Sustainable Development, Agenda 2030, Climate Change, Banning Petro Powered Cars, Election Fraud, Illegal Immigration, Drug Trafficking, Legalization of Drugs, Human Trafficking, The Alphabet Pedo Grooming Lobby, Transgenderism, Wokeness, CRT. Cryptocurrency, World Economic Forum. COVID 19...
  23. The Original Tree

    The Biden Regime wants to Illegally Outlaw The American Sports Car and Muscle Car

    Have you taken a look at the prices of used and new vehicles in the United States, specifically Sports and Muscle cars? Holy Inflation Batman! This is not being driven by so called supply chain issues, but is being driven by panic buying due to illegal mandates coming out of the illegitimate...

    Biden Administration Should Revisit its Stance on this Issue!

    In May 2022, the Biden administration withdrew its assistance from the normalization between Sudan and Israel, which was initiated by the Trump administration during US-Sudan negotiations that ended with removing Sudan from the terror list in December 2020. Biden administration's decision was...
  25. The Duke

    It's Over; The FBI and DOJ done messeded up bigly.

    It's over! I thought FBI had to have 2 years of law school? Apparently they have never studied precedents of former presidents and Vice Presidents taking things home with them. There are many, many listed in this court case here where the judge ruled Clinton got to keep the tapes he made: " NARA...
  26. TheGreatGatsby

    Two Years Later: Was The 2020 Presidential Election Stolen?

    Was the 2020 presidential election stolen? Here is the framework for casting your vote in the poll: 1. You decipher whether you are conservative or liberal for the sake of the poll. There is no in between. 2. You say yes or no on the election stolen. Gun to your head, you have to choose the...
  27. Cellblock2429

    BREAKING: Biden admin creates Arctic region ambassador position. No, it’s not the Onion Next time the Trump Haters call DJT stupid or that he made dumb decisions, remind them Joe wants an Ambassador to a frozen wasteland. I nominate Al Gore or John Kerry.
  28. Cellblock2429

    BREAKING: Judge Makes 'Preliminary Intent To Appoint A Special Master

    It ain’t over yet. This is the link: BREAKING: Trump Scores Major Victory Against DOJ, Judge Gives Him What He Wants A federal judge has announced his preliminary intent to appoint a special master, as requested by the attorneys for former President Donald Trump, to review documents that the FBI...
  29. TheProgressivePatriot

    Florida Lawmaker Demands State Police ‘Physically Prevent’ Federal Law Enforcement From Investigating or Arresting Trump This is insanity ! Who thinks that this is a good idea? State and Federal authorities in a physical confrontation with each other? This is...
  30. The Original Tree

    Should Garland Resign to Protect The Biden Regime?

    It's pretty clear that Garland is a political hack and based on everything I have heard, simply authorized a panty raid to make a big scene for materials that were already agreed to be handed over like most outgoing presidents usually do. Garland either took orders directly from the...

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