ZOMG! Who are you, and what have you done with Eric Cantor?!


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Don't harsh my zen, Jen!
GOP's Eric Cantor: Three ways we can work with Obama on jobs - CSMonitor.com

House majority leader Eric Cantor said Thursday that he’s looking forward to hearing President Obama’s jobs speech tonight and that he’s hopeful Democrats and Republicans can agree on some measures to try and get the economy moving again.

“The American people don’t expect Republicans and Democrats to agree on every issue but given the times we’re in the people who elected us expect us to be able to set aside those differences and work towards finding some commonality,” said Congressman Cantor (R) of Virginia at a lunch sponsored by The Christian Science Monitor.
yea... that's the popular thing to say, isn't it?
Haven't voted for or supported a single republican since '94, after they stiffed me yet again.

True story. :thup:

You lose again, Buckwheat.

It's easy to craft who you really want to be on the interwebz, isn't it Oddball?

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