Zionism and Nazism: is there a difference that makes a difference?

"Zionism convicts itself. On June 21, 1933, the German Zionist Federation sent a secret memorandum to the Nazis:

The UN ranks Israel among the 15 best countries to live in (out of 170 countries) in the world and with the highest qualities of life, emphasizing political and cultural freedom and equality in education, healthcare, life expectancy and income, ahead of England, Spain, Greece, Italy, Finland, Belgium, Denmark, Luxembourg and Austria

Statistics | Human Development Reports (HDR) | United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
Human Development is a development paradigm that is about much more than the rise or fall of national incomes. It is about creating an environment in which people can develop their full potential and lead productive, creative lives in accord with their needs and interests. People are the real wealth of nations. Development is thus about expanding the choices people have to lead lives that they value. And it is thus about much more than economic growth, which is only a means —if a very important one —of enlarging people’s choices.

Fundamental to enlarging these choices is building human capabilities —the range of things that people can do or be in life. The most basic capabilities for human development are to lead long and healthy lives, to be knowledgeable, to have access to the resources needed for a decent standard of living and to be able to participate in the life of the community. Without these, many choices are simply not available, and many opportunities in life remain inaccessible.
Would you call that racist?

Avowed Zionist Martin Luther King, Jr...
When people criticize Zionists, they mean Jews. You are talking anti-Semitism.

I see Israel as one of the great outposts of democracy in the world, and a marvelous example of what can be done, how desert land can be transformed into an oasis of brotherhood and democracy. Peace for Israel means security and that security must be a reality.

I solemnly pledge to do my utmost to uphold the fair name of the Jews -- because bigotry in any form is an affront to us all.
"I have a dream" for peace in the Middle East / King's special bond with Israel
"Zionist factions competed for the honor of allying to Hitler.

"By 1940-41, the 'Stern Gang,' among them Yitzhak Shamir, later Prime Minister of Israel, presented the Nazis with the 'Fundamental Features of the Proposal of the National Military Organization in Palestine (Irgun Zvai Leumi) Concerning the Solution of the Jewish Question in Europe and the Participation of the NMO in the War on the Side of Germany.'"

How about a little love for Hitler's haver, Yitzhak?

51 Docs
Yitzhak Shamir wasn't Israel's only Founding Father to approach Hitler with offers of collaboration during WWII when the British occupied Palestine.

"Avraham Stern and his followers announced that

"The NMO,(National Military Organization in Palesine) which is well-acquainted with the goodwill of the German Reich government and its authorities towards Zionist activity inside Germany and towards Zionist emigration plans, is of the opinion that:

"1. Common interests could exist between the establishment of a new order in Europe in conformity with the German concept, and the true national aspirations of the Jewish people as they are embodied by the NMO.

"2. Cooperation between the new Germany and a renewed folkish-national Hebraium would be possible and,

"3. The establishment of the historic Jewish state on a national and totalitarian basis, bound by a treaty with the German Reich[/B], would be in the interest of a maintained and strengthened future German position of power in the Near East."

"Proceeding from these considerations, the NMO in Palestine, under the condition the above-mentioned national aspirations of the Israeli freedom movement are recognized on the side of the German Reich, offers to actively take part in the war on Germany's side."

"They hanged people all over Europe after WW II for notes to the Nazis like these. But these treasons against the Jews were virtually unknown in the run up to the creation of the Zionist state in May 1948.

"Ninety percent of America's Jews suddenly became emotional pro-Zionists. With Democrats, Republicans and even the Communist-organized Progressive Party competing for Jewish votes in the November Presidential election, Harry Truman's monetary aid bought arms from pro-Soviet Czechoslovakia, and an Israel was born, run by the German Zionists' cothinkers in Jerusalem.

51 Docs

Let me just settle this. Israel is a fine and honorable country, while your just a dumb ass bigot that hates jews. Theyve accomplished great things and youve accomplished nothing. Get a clue dip shit.
Many Israelis are fine and honorable people; however, that doesn't mean the Jewish State isn't as racist as white South Africa or that some Israelis behave as brutally as Nazis.

"Website Reveals Details of hundreds of IDF 'war criminals.'"

"Those behind it claim, ‘People listed here held positions of command therefore not only did they perform on behalf of a murderous state mechanism but actively encouraged other people to do the same’

"A website that went online Tuesday has published a list of 200 IDF soldiers which it classifies as directly involved in operations carried out in Gaza during Operation Cast Lead.

"Each entry features the soldiers and officers’ pictures and personal details, including identification numbers and addresses."
Many Israelis are fine and honorable people; however, that doesn't mean the Jewish State isn't as racist as white South Africa or that some Israelis behave as brutally as Nazis.

You have a fat nose from excessive drinking?
Many Israelis are fine and honorable people; however, that doesn't mean the Jewish State isn't as racist as white South Africa or that some Israelis behave as brutally as Nazis.

"Website Reveals Details of hundreds of IDF 'war criminals.'"

"Those behind it claim, ‘People listed here held positions of command therefore not only did they perform on behalf of a murderous state mechanism but actively encouraged other people to do the same’

"A website that went online Tuesday has published a list of 200 IDF soldiers which it classifies as directly involved in operations carried out in Gaza during Operation Cast Lead.

"Each entry features the soldiers and officers’ pictures and personal details, including identification numbers and addresses."
"People listed here held positions of command therefore not only did they perform on behalf of a murderous state mechanism but actively encouraged other people to do the same" -- and by publishing the soldiers' addresses, the website is doing the exact same thing.

Way to go, asshat. :clap2:
Many Israelis are fine and honorable people; however, that doesn't mean the Jewish State isn't as racist as white South Africa or that some Israelis behave as brutally as Nazis.

"Website Reveals Details of hundreds of IDF 'war criminals.'"

"Those behind it claim, ‘People listed here held positions of command therefore not only did they perform on behalf of a murderous state mechanism but actively encouraged other people to do the same’

"A website that went online Tuesday has published a list of 200 IDF soldiers which it classifies as directly involved in operations carried out in Gaza during Operation Cast Lead.

"Each entry features the soldiers and officers’ pictures and personal details, including identification numbers and addresses."
"People listed here held positions of command therefore not only did they perform on behalf of a murderous state mechanism but actively encouraged other people to do the same" -- and by publishing the soldiers' addresses, the website is doing the exact same thing.

Way to go, asshat. :clap2:

He's a recovering alcoholic. They never really fully recover.

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