Zimbabwe: White farmers ordered to hand over land


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Zimbabwe: White farmers ordered to hand over land


Zimbabwean authorities have given an ultimatum to White farmers whose parcels of land were gazetted for takeover to wind up their operations, state radio reported.

Mashonaland Central Provincial Lands Committee boss Martin Dinha was quoted as saying that this would pave the way for new owners who were given offer letters by the government.

New farmers who had been finding it difficult to occupy land allocated to them under the agrarian reform have finally been granted permission to move into their farms, ZBCNews reported.

Mr Dinha added that a team comprising security personnel and other government officials would be deployed to ensure White farmers wound up their operations.

He also condemned some politicians who were allegedly protecting White farmers at the expense of the indigenous people.

In Zimbabwe, occupying gazetted land without an offer letter is a crime, which can attract a maximum penalty of two years in jail.

Zimbabwe launched the land reform programme in 2000, and since then, more than 4,000 farms owned by Whites have been redistributed to local people.
Zim White farmers ordered to hand over land: News-africareview.com

Yay, lets fuck over the people that can do it and give it to a bunch of idiots. This is their plans here too.

What a joke these people are. No fucking way will I ever accept these people.
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Gazette out.

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The problem with the blacks mindset is simply that they want what's successful to give to their own kind. They can't build their own.

I'd grow all groups as europe has done. This is unacceptable for blacks. Just can't see how stupid they're.
I was about to start a thread on this subject myself. Anyway it's amazing how the corporate media is not talking about this. If any nation ordered it's black residents to give their life saving to whites, it would be headline news for months.

35 years ago when whites ruled zimbabwe ( rhodesia then) it was a first world country. Then the blacks took over and it's back to the stone age. South Africa is going the same route. Both countries should have done all they could to keep the whites there. Only whites have the brains to be scientists and businessmen and administrators. BLACKS CAN'T DO TECHNOLOGY.
They are just getting back land that was stolen from them in the first place.All whites know how to do is steal.
They are just getting back land that was stolen from them in the first place.All whites know how to do is steal.

That may or may not be true but the problem is only whites have the brains to productively farm the land. With blacks the land will just be used for subsistence farming and yield maybe 1% of the crop value compared to when whites farmed it.

Once again we see that blacks can't do anything right and need whites to run their country.
It's really best of all the whites leave Zimbabwe. They should have left long ago. The only thing I object to is when these people are starving, the UN will step in and start feeding them. The productive land will go fallow and the people will learn to live on UN provided gruel.

They should be allowed to starve. Work, farm, or starve.
Zimbabwe is a truely horrific story. I followed it pretty closely from about 2000, when rule of law collapsed and farms started to be confiscated, all the way through to the hyperinflation that finished the destruction of the country.

of all the things that happened two stick out in my mind. the first was when Mugabe bulldozed a slum without letting the people there take any of their belongings. world media ignored it and the UN did nothing.

the second story was much funnier. a witchdoctor found a diesel storage tank left over from the civil war and ran a hose down the hill and under a big rock. she would then collect a crowd and mumble magic words and thump the rock with her walking stick, her henchman would turn on the spigot when he heard the thump and let loose a gush of diesel to amaze the crowd. when word of this reached govt officals they came out to investigate, declared it to be an authentic miracle, and gave the witchwoman cash and a (confiscated) farm as a reward for her magic rock which would alleviate the severe fuel shortage. hahahahahahahaha. it actually took months for them to catch on! somebody who was replenishing the storage tank ratted the charlatans out.
It's really best of all the whites leave Zimbabwe. They should have left long ago. The only thing I object to is when these people are starving, the UN will step in and start feeding them. The productive land will go fallow and the people will learn to live on UN provided gruel.

They should be allowed to starve. Work, farm, or starve.

Losing the whites is what destroyed zim. Blacks can only do subsistence farming. After blacks took over in 1980 things went along quite well as Mugabe left the whites alone. Then in 2000 he started his anti-white terror campaign and the whites left and the country collapsed.
It's really best of all the whites leave Zimbabwe. They should have left long ago. The only thing I object to is when these people are starving, the UN will step in and start feeding them. The productive land will go fallow and the people will learn to live on UN provided gruel.

They should be allowed to starve. Work, farm, or starve.

Losing the whites is what destroyed zim. Blacks can only do subsistence farming. After blacks took over in 1980 things went along quite well as Mugabe left the whites alone. Then in 2000 he started his anti-white terror campaign and the whites left and the country collapsed.

Cases like Haiti, Zimbabwe, Congo, Detroit, Camden, ect makes me doubt this race of human being is capable of the same level of civilization of the rest.

I wish we were all equal, but I think there's a solid debate here. Not to say that they're all bad or violent...The issue isn't that.

A issue of evolution and development.
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Zimbabwe: White farmers ordered to hand over land

Zimbabwean authorities have given an ultimatum to White farmers whose parcels of land were gazetted for takeover to wind up their operations, state radio reported. Zim White farmers ordered to hand over land: News-africareview.com

Hey White man! Give us your successful farm so we the government can give it to Black people who don't know how to operate a plow, let alone farm anything!
It's really best of all the whites leave Zimbabwe. They should have left long ago. The only thing I object to is when these people are starving, the UN will step in and start feeding them. The productive land will go fallow and the people will learn to live on UN provided gruel.

They should be allowed to starve. Work, farm, or starve.

Losing the whites is what destroyed zim. Blacks can only do subsistence farming. After blacks took over in 1980 things went along quite well as Mugabe left the whites alone. Then in 2000 he started his anti-white terror campaign and the whites left and the country collapsed.

Blacks can't do subsistence farming! That's what went wrong. When the blacks took the farms, they slaughtered the livestock and left the bodies to rot. They burned the crops growing in the field AND, if that wasn't bad enough, those black people who worked on the farms were killed right along with the whites leaving no one at all who knew anything about farming.

The land is still there. Anyone who wants to can plant a seed, but planting is acting like white people.

The africans of Zimbabwe are like the Palestinians who were given gigantic greenhouses that Israel used to grow produce. The palestinians smashed them to the ground just to show the Jews that arabs weren't like them. Well, the blacks in Africa don't want to be like whites either. So they won't farm.
Assuming the Out of Africa theory of human migration is correct (much to my chagrin, there is more and more evidence it is not), at some point in the distant past, one tribe of Africans dared to question what lies beyond the horizon. The descendants of these brave souls were then changed by the struggle for survival of the Pleistocene. With an intellect honed to a razor's edge, higher degrees of gratification deterrence, and stronger reliance on the nuclear family, those non-Africans spread out across the globe.

None of that happened to the African's who remained behind. They were unchanged by the ice age. We, non-Negroes evolved, Negroes did not.

Non-Negroes crafted cities, writing, mathematics, coinage, astronomy, laws. As evidenced by the crumbling ruins they have crafted of our cites, their inability to comprehend even the most basic of ownership laws, and the savage barbarism they never seem to shed, the negro sub-species is utterly incompatible with our way of life.
The question is how do we deal with such a huge difference? How do we not destroy our selfs.

We do nothing. Our govt must stop trying to "help" blacks by affirmative action. We must go to a color-blind society and tell blacks to sink or swim on the own. The way whites and asians do.
The question is how do we deal with such a huge difference? How do we not destroy our selfs.

We do nothing. Our govt must stop trying to "help" blacks by affirmative action. We must go to a color-blind society and tell blacks to sink or swim on the own. The way whites and asians do.


Let them fail or succeed. I seriously doubt they'd succeed.:eusa_boohoo:

The introduction of ox-drawn ambulances is a sign that President Robert Mugabe is taking Zimbabwe back to the stone ages, the opposition says.

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