ZIKA and Other Diseases Inevitable Spread to USA, Thank You Open Borders Idiots!

Is this the next thing conservatives are going to shit themselves about?
Lol, and the libtards dont even have the slightest shame KNOWING that they will pitch a bitch about every single thing they can find to include this, gas prices and the war on terrorism too just as soon as there is a Republican in the White House.

lol, these ideologues have ZERO shame, absolutely none at all.
Whatever, pussy.
Whatever, lame ass.
Now that we have no control over our borders, we are united to Latin America and its plague of diseases most of which none of us have ever heard of before outside the medical pro's.

Zika virus expected to spread throughout Americas: WHO

Just one more hidden cost of open borders stupidity.

Oh, don't forget Ebola too.... remember when Obama was the worst president ever because he caused the widespread destruction of the country because everyone contracted Ebola?
You do understand that what you did was a Straw Man fallacy, right?

But never mind, because you are a lying libtard fecal excrement you dont really give a shit.

So your argument is an insult? Wow, wonderful.
Another Straw Man.

Batting a thousand today I see.

You insulted, you think I should bother talking to you if you insult. Well if saying "strawman" a hundred times makes you feel good, then fine, but I don't really expect to get any SENSIBLE conversation out of you, so I think we can just go our separate ways, you to the dung heap and me to somewhere a little more high class than that.
Now that we have no control over our borders, we are united to Latin America and its plague of diseases most of which none of us have ever heard of before outside the medical pro's.

Zika virus expected to spread throughout Americas: WHO

Just one more hidden cost of open borders stupidity.

Oh, don't forget Ebola too.... remember when Obama was the worst president ever because he caused the widespread destruction of the country because everyone contracted Ebola?
You do understand that what you did was a Straw Man fallacy, right?

But never mind, because you are a lying libtard fecal excrement you dont really give a shit.

So your argument is an insult? Wow, wonderful.
Another Straw Man.

Batting a thousand today I see.

You insulted, you think I should bother talking to you if you insult. Well if saying "strawman" a hundred times makes you feel good, then fine, but I don't really expect to get any SENSIBLE conversation out of you, so I think we can just go our separate ways, you to the dung heap and me to somewhere a little more high class than that.
You are trying to change the subject, a typical agit-prop tactic by libtards.

IF you dont like the topic why dont you go do something else?
Oh, don't forget Ebola too.... remember when Obama was the worst president ever because he caused the widespread destruction of the country because everyone contracted Ebola?
You do understand that what you did was a Straw Man fallacy, right?

But never mind, because you are a lying libtard fecal excrement you dont really give a shit.

So your argument is an insult? Wow, wonderful.
Another Straw Man.

Batting a thousand today I see.

You insulted, you think I should bother talking to you if you insult. Well if saying "strawman" a hundred times makes you feel good, then fine, but I don't really expect to get any SENSIBLE conversation out of you, so I think we can just go our separate ways, you to the dung heap and me to somewhere a little more high class than that.
You are trying to change the subject, a typical agit-prop tactic by libtards.

IF you dont like the topic why dont you go do something else?

Ah, you insult, passing it off as an argument, and it's ME who is changing the subject. Like I said, you have nothing good to contribute to this debate.
So how did it get to England?...

U.K. diagnoses 3 with Zika virus; CDC expands travel warnings
Jan. 24, 2016 -- Officials in the U.K. diagnosed three British travelers with the Zika virus as the Centers for Disease Control in the United States expanded its travel warnings.
The Public Health England agency said the three cases are "associated with travel to Colombia, Suriname and Guyana." Zika virus is spread by the same types of mosquitoes that transmit dengue and chikungunya and are found in the Americas, including the United States.


The Zika virus was first isolated from a monkey in Uganda's Zika forest in 1947.​

Hospitalizations and fatalities are rare, with symptoms such as rash and fever lasting from a few days to one week. The virus was first isolated from a monkey in Uganda's Zika forest in 1947. The CDC added several countries to the list pregnant women should avoid in travels. The list now includes Brazil, Colombia, El Salvador, French Guiana, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Martinique, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Suriname, Venezuela and Puerto Rico.

The Zika virus has been linked to brain damage in newborns. There is no vaccine or medication to prevent or cure Zika virus infection. The virus has also been linked to an epidemic of microcephaly -- a developmental defect resulting in a smaller-than-normal head or brain -- in Brazil, and the birth defect has been found in other children where the Zika virus has been confirmed. The first case of Zika in the United States was confirmed in Puerto Rico on Jan. 1, with the first baby with microcephaly born in Hawaii two weeks later.

U.K. diagnoses 3 with Zika virus; CDC expands travel warnings
After reading this it will be clear why ... the pandemic script has the babies born with reduced heads alias brains.

Reminder of Last Prophet's words from May 2006
After reading this you'll know why the illuminati with the avian flu and switched to swine flu the first time that the hoax was renamed.

The avian flu and the BIG LIE technique
The bigger the lie the easier it is to expose it.
The super virus pandemic hoax belongs to the category "biggest lies", since by defintiion supposedly might affect any environemnt where birds are present.
There's not a beep about pigeons in the same illuminati media and state organizations used to scare the human cattle, although there are pigeons in all cities.
This simple fact is all it takes to expose the avian flue as hoax.

Why avian and not a name more openly mocking the human cattle?
At first sight it seems that
- the ideal name to launch the super virus pandemic hoax to panic the human cattle would be bovine or swine flu.
- the reason to chose birds is because the scare would be more efficient.
But if you know the illuminati use the commandment of truth in plain sight to prove that almost all humans are cattle then it's easy to see the real reason for selecting the avian option:
prove that human cattle isn't able to add 1+1, in this case pigeons + cities.

Avian influenza
While its most highly pathogenic strain (H5N1) had been spreading throughout Asia since 2003, avian influenza reached Europe in 2005, and the Middle East, as well as Africa, the following year
On January 22, 2012, China reported its second human death due to bird flu in a month following other fatalities in Vietnam and Cambodia.
Companion birds in captivity and parrots are highly unlikely to contract the virus, and there has been no report of a companion bird with avian influenza since 2003. Pigeons do not contract or spread the virus.
84% of affected bird populations are composed of chicken and farm birds, while the 15% is made up of wild birds according to capture-and-release operations in the 2000s, during the SARs pandemic.

21 March 2006 - page created in 2004 extended from one to three lines, and one already has the pandemic word.
Avian influenza - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

One year later, not a beep yet about pigeons
Avian influenza - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Humans reduced to beasts fattenable for slaughter: Human cattle

Compulsory vaccination alias vassassination: Why it was postponed again and again since 2009 (4th time added May 4 2014, 5th time added Jan 18, 2015)

Jan 2016 - Super virus pandemic hoax: Zika follows ebola for mandatory vaccuination: GLOBAL kill shot
Big Bang is NOW - from annihilation of pensions and savings to race war: Super virus pandemic hoax: Zika follows ebola for mandatory vaccuination: GLOBAL kill shot

BIG LIE TECHNIQUE: Avian flu pandemic hoax pigeons cities
After reading this it will be clear why ... the pandemic script has the babies born with reduced heads alias brains.
Jan 2016 - Super virus pandemic hoax: Zika follows ebola for mandatory vaccuination: GLOBAL kill shot
Big Bang is NOW - from annihilation of pensions and savings to race war: Super virus pandemic hoax: Zika follows ebola for mandatory vaccuination: GLOBAL kill shot
What comes next - from pregnant women in the tropics to everyone everywhere
The script for the super virus hoax setting the stage for the madatory and global kill shot has everyone everywhere in danger.
By introducing the ZIKA hoax as affecting only some not all the illuminati fulfill the commandment of total deception. What follows:
- from spread by mosquitoes to person-to-person.
- from only pregnant in danger to everyone.

Diversion psy-ops
"Bill Gates releases genetically modified mosquito in Brazil...guess what happened":
Psy-op makes people believe that the super virus pandemic is real, suggesting that it's about the genocide in particular areas and groups (pregmant women in Brazil) to divert from the real weapon, the kill shot and the real target: every country.
"Governments telling women of the region to not have children until 2018":
Psy-op to make peope believe that it's about "Population control" and in its mildest form (voluntarily) diverting from global genocide by mandatory "vaccination".
Posted by Last Prophet before the "worldide explosion of ZIKA" was announced - also at page 5 of this very thread
Big Bang is NOW - from annihilation of pensions and savings to race war: Super virus pandemic hoax: Zika follows ebola for mandatory vaccination: GLOBAL kill shot

Transcript: What comes next - from pregnant women in the tropics to everyone everywhere

Days later: Perfect headlines to set the stage for the KILL SHOT just days after the hoax was launched:
Jan 28 - WHO: Zika virus 'spreading explosively' in the Americas
WHO: Zika virus 'spreading explosively' in Americas

Jan 30 - As Zika spreads, Brazil deploys everything from local workers to troops
As Zika spreads, Brazil deploys everything from local workers to troops[/QUOTE]
From page 5
Reductiionism: time span between launch and pointing out at the "solution"
Many months reduced to a few days: Contrast 2006, when the hoax was launched with the avian flu, with now Glaxo immediately announcing that it might already have the "vaccine".
Big Bang is NOW - from annihilation of pensions and savings to race war: Super virus pandemic hoax: Zika follows ebola for mandatory vaccination: GLOBAL kill shot

The end is nigh, as predicted by Last Prophet
There is 'promising pathway' for vaccine against Zika: Obama
There is 'promising pathway' for vaccine against Zika: Obama
After reading this it will be clear why
- are the same two babies used again and again to launch the ZIKA pandemic hoax
- at the end of the show the script has the babies born with reduced heads alias brains.

As the BIG BANG is postponed again and again so is the ...
"Super virus pandemic" hoax extended and/or renamed: Zika follows ebola.
The Zika hoax, same as ebola and the previous flus:
Agendas range from the main agenda of global compulsory vaccination (global genocide) to stripping human cattle friom air travel.
Although the "super virus pandemic" hoax hasn't yet been used to fulfill its main agenda, it has already been useful advancing other agendas such as "human cattle stripped from air travel":

All in Blog
Big Bang is NOW - from annihilation of pensions and savings to race war: Super virus pandemic hoax: Zika follows ebola for mandatory vaccuination: GLOBAL kill shot

Three days after Erdogan enters Syria the very day it was predicted and to perform the task that was explained worldwide only by Last Prophet:
FDA expands Zika screening to all US blood centers
August 26, 2016
FDA expands Zika screening to all US blood centers

Reminder from Jul 2016, after the fake coup in Turkey, a hoax immediately exposed by Last Prophet:
Erdogan's invasion of Syria one day after the Olympics: ZIKA and the senator/president Obama paradox
BIG BANG postponed: renaming the Kill Shot vs renaming the climax of the figurative crucifixion of the Obamessiah of the Obamanation of Desolation.
No, I don't mean Obama's execution by hanging. In the anti-bible's cruci-fiction the climax is served weeks before that act.

Renaming: super pandemic virus hoax vs "Obama arrested on live TV" headlines - an end times paradox
The day after: the 2016 summer Olympics ends Erdogan will enter Syria in a remake of the CRIMEA 2014 script.
Goals include to ensure that the ZIKA kill shot will be part of an end of show that PARADXICALLY should include keeping the president word in one of its headlines; "Obama arrested on live TV".
Reminder of what the paradox is: postponing the BIG BANG also forced the illuminati to rename:
- the kill shot several times since 2006: avian, swine, ebola and now ZIKA.
- one of the words in the coming "Obama arrested on live TV".headlines: from senator to president, a long time ago, more precisely in October 2008, the first time that the surprise was cancelled.

2016 Jul - To get what the fake Turkey coup is about, start here:
The day after the 2014 winter Olympics ended "Putin entered Crimea" - The day after the 2016 summer Olympics ends Erdogan will enter Syria
Illuminati parallel and reversed scripts: Day after Olympics:: Syria 2016 is CRIMEA 2014 remake: Erdogan plays role of fake Putin

Jan 2016 - Super virus pandemic hoax: Zika follows ebola for mandatory vaccination: GLOBAL kill shot
Big Bang is NOW - from annihilation of pensions and savings to race war: Super virus pandemic hoax: Zika follows ebola for mandatory vaccination: GLOBAL kill shot

Consequence of illuminati overtime extended again and again:
"North Korea sentences US tourist to 15 years in prison": superfluous theater act mocks AGAIN Obama's staged arrested in Congress on live TV
Only goal: refresh brains of human cattle, two years after the orginal comedy.
Illuminati Overtime: Obama staged arrest mocked again: superfluous "N Korea sentences US tourist" act

All in Blog
End Times Paradoxes: Erdogan's invasion of Syria one day after the Olympics: ZIKA and the senator/president Obama paradox
Your filthy disease ridden fore father's didn't mind infecting Native American Indians with diseases..
That was a couple of centuries before anyone knew about infectious diseases being spread by viruses and bacteria, dude.

Wrong stupid. Guess you never heard of one of the first uses of biological warfare have you? It was smallpox infected blankets that they gave to the Native Americans to try to wipe them out. Granted, it wasn't the only tactic, but it was one of them.
What I find really funny is that the OP is trying to blame illegals coming across the border, but here's the thing...................if it was illegals coming across the border, wouldn't Zika have shown up in CA or TX first? The first cases happened in Miami, and then jumped across the river to another place just due west.

However...................if you REALLY want to scare yourself, then what is happening is that ISIL sympathizers are going to Zika infested areas and getting bit, then going to other places and getting bit by the mosquitoes there, and spreading the disease.

Or..............maybe they are just going to Zika infested places, catching mosquitoes they hope are infected, and then taking them to other places and releasing them.

People are getting way too jumpy and scared of their own shadows nowadays.
Illegal immigration has nothing to do with the spread of Zika in the US.

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