Z needs your help


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Don't harsh my zen, Jen!

He accepts Paypal.

On Sunday February 26th, I was involved in a life altering event which led me to become the subject of intense media coverage. As a result of the incident and subsequent media coverage, I have been forced to leave my home, my school, my employer, my family and ultimately, my entire life. This website's sole purpose is to ensure my supporters they are receiving my full attention without any intermediaries.

It has come to my attention that some persons and/or entities have been collecting funds, thinly veiled as my “Defense Fund” or "Legal Fund". I cannot attest to the validity of these other websites as I have not received any funds collected, intended to support my family and I through this trying, tragic time.

I have created a Paypal account solely linked on this website as I would like to provide an avenue to thank my supporters personally and ensure that any funds provided are used only for living expenses and legal defense, in lieu of my forced inability to maintain employment. I will also personally, maintain accountability of all funds received. I reassure you, every donation is appreciated.
George Zimmerman

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hXjVx0Lqf0E&feature=related]NY Governor Sets Black Man Free in Teen's Racially Charged Death - YouTube[/ame]

He accepts Paypal.

On Sunday February 26th, I was involved in a life altering event which led me to become the subject of intense media coverage. As a result of the incident and subsequent media coverage, I have been forced to leave my home, my school, my employer, my family and ultimately, my entire life. This website's sole purpose is to ensure my supporters they are receiving my full attention without any intermediaries.

It has come to my attention that some persons and/or entities have been collecting funds, thinly veiled as my “Defense Fund” or "Legal Fund". I cannot attest to the validity of these other websites as I have not received any funds collected, intended to support my family and I through this trying, tragic time.

I have created a Paypal account solely linked on this website as I would like to provide an avenue to thank my supporters personally and ensure that any funds provided are used only for living expenses and legal defense, in lieu of my forced inability to maintain employment. I will also personally, maintain accountability of all funds received. I reassure you, every donation is appreciated.
George Zimmerman

So the poor baby doesn't want to accept responsibility for killing an innocent kid. He wants your MONEY. Send it to him, ASSHOLES. This racist freak may live out his days blogging in his parents basement. He's not the victim. The person he killed isn't the one who'll be discovering his life, was the victim.
The real george zimmerman


The Real George Zimmerman

Mr Zimmerman's lawyers confirmed the authenticity of the website, saying in a statement: "George Zimmerman's family has setup a website for anyone who would like help with George and his family with their living expenses and for his defense".

The website crashed repeatedly under the weight of incoming traffic.

At first glance, Zimmerman appears to be unscathed.

However, former FBI special agent Brad Garrett explains how the surveillance tape has been enhanced by Forensic Protection Inc., a company that specializes in sharpening video footage for the police. He points out how it can clearly be seen in the footage that Zimmerman has a pair of gashes on the back of his head. The ABC News anchor also points out the same thing and anyone seeing the footage can see the gashes.

Agent Garrett also explains how the police report from Zimmerman’s arrest by the arresting officer clearly describes blood coming from the nose and back of Zimmerman’s head.

The report filed by officer Timothy Smith on 2/27/2012 states:

While I was in such close contact with Zimmerman, I could observe that his back appeared to be wet and was covered with grass as if he had been lying on his back on the ground. Zimmerman was also bleeding from the nose and back of his head.

Curiously, this police report which had been available online since the incident has been removed.

Unfortunately, so many things in this case have been revealed that are just not true,” says Sonner.

When asked to elaborate, Sonner replies, “Portraying that Mr. Zimmerman is a racist, that he was profiling Trayvon Martin, and that [Zimmerman] chased him down.”

The charge that Zimmerman was profiling Martin was manufactured by NBC News, which doctored the original 9-1-1 call that Zimmerman made to SPD by excluding a portion of the conversation with the police dispatcher, who clearly asks Zimmerman to describe the race of the suspect.[/U] As a result of this controversy, NBC has issued a public apology and fired the producer responsible, although this person has yet to be named.

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