YouTube Focusing On Negative Coverage Of Spaceshuttle...Says Soviets Made A Better Craft


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
I really am wondering what in the Hell is going on with Twitter, Facebook, and now YouTube.
I've been looking at the NASA site and I keep seeing these vids that show how the Russians made a better spaceshuttle than we did, that our spaceshuttle program was a total disaster.....all kinds of doom and gloom videos about our manned space flight program.


I must have missed it.

When did the Russian's have a space shuttle?
I don't have any answers to this. But if Google never bought Youtube, would still focus on negative coverages of the Space Shuttle? Or the Moon landing?

I must have missed it.

When did the Russian's have a space shuttle?

Theirs went to space once that went on to die in a hanger after communism fell due to lack of money and the hanger collapsing on it. I have heard conceptually theirs was expected to be a better system than ours--bigger with bigger payload and it could fly completely without a crew on board if so needed from launch to landing.
Heck, just check out the video on YouTube concerning the revolutionary war museum in Philly. Talk about a scewed hostile look at our history by way of the narrators who are doing the tour guides whom I guess are under liberal control. The whites in this nation are totally going to be the bad guy's in the end. Sad what is going on, and it is bringing or keeping race in the forefront of everything per the agenda reasoning.

Orange man bad ? More like "white man bad".

I must have missed it.

When did the Russian's have a space shuttle?

Theirs went to space once that went on to die in a hanger after communism fell due to lack of money and the hanger collapsing on it. I have heard conceptually theirs was expected to be a better system than ours--bigger with bigger payload and it could fly completely without a crew on board if so needed from launch to landing.
That way when it crashed to Earth nobody died.

I must have missed it.

When did the Russian's have a space shuttle?

Theirs went to space once that went on to die in a hanger after communism fell due to lack of money and the hanger collapsing on it. I have heard conceptually theirs was expected to be a better system than ours--bigger with bigger payload and it could fly completely without a crew on board if so needed from launch to landing.
That way when it crashed to Earth nobody died.

I think it was more so that when it crashed to earth a hell of a lot of people, particularly Americans, died. It was designed to be a military weapon with the expectation that the US would be putting nukes into space thanks to Ronnie Raygun's Star Wars program.
Even if the Soviets stole much of the Shuttle's technology from us it cost them. We now know they put a lot of their resources into military and science while other parts of their economy went lacking. We could have had a shuttle that self landed but the astronauts made demands. Our shuttle in the last decade or so cost 500 million dollars just to roll it to the pad. That did not include its mission and whatever was in the payload bay.
Whatever the Russians were capable of the fact remains that Barry Hussein grounded the Shuttle program and now the United States depends on Russian junk to transport American astronauts to the Space Station.

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