You're welcome

Two Thumbs

Platinum Member
Sep 27, 2010
Where ever I go, there I am.
I'm thanked for my service almost every time I mention I was in the Navy. I always say "You're welcome." Even though I'm a little embarrassed. See, I was in during the Cold War. We were fully prepared to blow each other to Kingdom come, but it never came to that. And for Shield and Storm, it was little more than practice, for me. The scariest moment was a fly over by a jet while I was manning our radar. People died though. I knew none of them nor was I ever close enough to know what war was like.

Basically what I'm saying is that I get to say "You're welcome." Memorial Day is for those who can not.

So enjoy the long weekend, fry up some hotdogs and burgers, check out the parade, and shake the hands of Veterans young and old. Then, if you would, go by any grave yard and look at all the new Flags, look at your family, think of all the freedoms you have, all the things you can do and can't be done to you. Just take in the greatness of America. And you just might hear,

You're welcome.
yur all a bunch of ungrateful slacker dweebs,wheres my thx?

I need my pool deck re-stained, and my orange, persimmon trees pruned....I'll provide potable water and a bathroom, get it done and I'll forgive you....


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