'You're not gay, you're transsexual'


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Watching the debut episode of "I am Jazz" on TLC yesterday, I found myself marvelling at how supportive the boy's family was in letting him dress, identify, and begin the transsexual process as with hormone therapy. That's all well and good, but as he stated in the show he likes boys. So he's homosexual. Wouldn't his parents have been as supportive of their son being homosexual and feminine? Did the decision to identify as 'transsexual' come about so he 'wouldn't be gay, but transsexual?'

As in Iran, homosexuality is illegal and taboo. So homosexuals there become transsexual, get sex changes, and suddenly aren't in violation of the law any more. Yet biologically, chromosomally, they are in fact homosexual. They simply look like the opposite sex. I wonder how often supposedly transsexual people are in fact simply homosexual and feminine or masculine men and women who're unaccepted as homosexuals. Be it socially, culturally, or spiritually, how many homosexuals are compelled to identify as transsexual? Used to be you were just butch or femme homosexual.

Asa bisexual man myself I know there are those who used to insist homosexuality was something that needed to be fixed. Mental illness whether organic or psychological in origin. Now that that's pretty much gone away, seeing transsexualism coming into the fore I can't help but wonder if this is simply the latest attempt to erradicate homosexuality by telling homosexuals they aren't gay or lesbian but transsexual.

Short of an organic manifestation where the chromosomes don't match the apparent sex of a person, transsexual is at best a body dysmorphic disorder. As with annorexia nervosa where the person sees themselves as too fat while everyone else is shocked at how you can see their ribcage and heart beating within their chest, transsexuals think they're the opposite sex than their bodies, chromosomes, and brains indicate. Some are in fact transsexual or intersex having the chromosomes which indicate that, but many I think are simply gays and lesbians who either aren't accepted as that or dont' accept themselves as that so go through this delusional song and dance to be accepted.

They're not homosexual, they're transsexual. And perhaps due to our hyper-PC culture, a genuine desire to do good, or possibly something more malevolent, we're perpetuating the idea that it's physically possible to be born in the wrong body. It isn't. If you were born successfully you're exactly as you're supposed to be. May be a very feminine man or very masculine woman and homosexual, but that's just a normal variation. Doesn't mean you're trapped in the wrong body. You need counselling to learn to accept and like yourself, not surgery.
If he likes boys he will get together with other boys who have penises and expect, nay long for him, to penetrate them with his penis. Will he not present himself as a half a loaf...so to speak?

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