Your wish list for presidential election


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
What would the ideal ticket look like for the presidential election?

Not a lot to choose from right now on the Republican side, but if you could pick anyone even if they are not still in the race or never were, who would it be?

I'm still a fan of Herman Cain. At one time, I wished that Powell would throw his hat in the ring and team up with Cain. I also like Jeb Bush and think third time would be a charm with that family's presidential members. As it is now, I wish Santorum would get the nod choose Cain as his running mate. Not a fan of Romney, but am going in with the "Anybody but a liberal" attitude when I vote.

This question isn't just for the right. Anyone on the left have a wish list for who they'd like to see win the election, even if they aren't even running?
What would the ideal ticket look like for the presidential election?

Not a lot to choose from right now on the Republican side, but if you could pick anyone even if they are not still in the race or never were, who would it be?

I'm still a fan of Herman Cain. At one time, I wished that Powell would throw his hat in the ring and team up with Cain. I also like Jeb Bush and think third time would be a charm with that family's presidential members. As it is now, I wish Santorum would get the nod choose Cain as his running mate. Not a fan of Romney, but am going in with the "Anybody but a liberal" attitude when I vote.

This question isn't just for the right. Anyone on the left have a wish list for who they'd like to see win the election, even if they aren't even running?

I would like to see Romney select the governor of Puerto Rico...Luis Fortuñ running mate.

"Governor Fortuño announced his Fiscal and Economic Recovery Plan which included reducing the government's annual expenditures by more than $2 billion at the start of the next fiscal year in July 2009.

Media speculation estimated that a reduction of such magnitude would require permanently laying off over 30,000 government workers....

As a result of all the cost-cutting measures taken during his first two years in office, on January 31, 2011, Gov. Fortuño signed Law 1 of 2011, the new Internal Revenue Code that provides, retroactive to January 1, 2010, tax relief including a 50% tax cut for individuals and 30% for businesses, beginning with a 7–14% tax cut for individuals and a 7% tax cut for businesses effective during tax year 2010....

with a goal of achieving a structurally balanced budget by July 1 2012."
Luis Fortuño - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"About 9.7 million Hispanics cast ballots in the November 2008 election that brought Barack Obama to the White House, compared with 7.6 million who did so in 2004, the study notes.
That participation is increasing and according to the report's projections this will be reflected in the 2012 election, when the Latino vote is anticipated to increase by 26 percent to 12.2 million voters, or 8.7 percent of the country's total."

Read more: Record number of Latinos expected to vote in 2012 | Fox News Latino

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