Your site is infected with Trojan:HTML/Brocoiner!rfn

Natural Citizen

American Made
Aug 8, 2016
Likely one of the bots that populate your sidebar ads. I do not know which one. It's a new occurance.
Someday I'll have to check out all this stuff you guys see.

Will need a fresh Win7/10 install and all the goodies on and using Chrome, for maximum privacy invasion. F'n bonus if I use a smartphone!
Someday I'll have to check out all this stuff you guys see.

Will need a fresh Win7/10 install and all the goodies on and using Chrome, for maximum privacy invasion. F'n bonus if I use a smartphone!
I don't see any of it with ad blocker...I just like to riff...
I get warnings all the time; they don't mean anything if you know how to set up decent security settings on your browser and connections; don't even need those rip off 'virus protection' scams. I use Winblows 7 and Firefox with a few choice add-ons, all I've ever had for years, and do just fine.
Someday I'll have to check out all this stuff you guys see.

Will need a fresh Win7/10 install and all the goodies on and using Chrome, for maximum privacy invasion. F'n bonus if I use a smartphone!
I don't see any of it with ad blocker...I just like to riff...

I use adblocker..and Linux. :rolleyes:

Been a few years since I fooled around with Linux. IS it any better than it was a few years ago? I got tired of not having drivers for my hardware, or having to manually edit them to get anything to work, a constant hassle, plus it was very hard on hardware, and costly; not a problem for geeks who upgraded everything at the first opportunity all the time, but I usually get several years out of a PC before I trash them, something you couldn't do with Linux and the power and speed fanatics who write code for the various Linux modules, especially with video and CD drives.
Been a few years since I fooled around with Linux. IS it any better than it was a few years ago? I got tired of not having drivers for my hardware, or having to manually edit them to get anything to work, a constant hassle, plus it was very hard on hardware, and costly; not a problem for geeks who upgraded everything at the first opportunity all the time, but I usually get several years out of a PC before I trash them.

??? - What the heck distro was you trying that doesn't include working drivers??
I haven't had driver issues for years.
Been a few years since I fooled around with Linux. IS it any better than it was a few years ago? I got tired of not having drivers for my hardware, or having to manually edit them to get anything to work, a constant hassle, plus it was very hard on hardware, and costly; not a problem for geeks who upgraded everything at the first opportunity all the time, but I usually get several years out of a PC before I trash them.

??? - What the heck distro was you trying that doesn't include working drivers??
I haven't had driver issues for years.

I build my own boxes, usually with the 'latest and greatest' at the time of my build, and there was always a significant time lag between a new hardware release and waiting for some Linux nerd to write up a device driver for it, so I was constantly having to write in lines of code. Huge pain in the ass, and why I quit screwing around with Linux; too much of a time waster and a lot of blow ware.
Someday I'll have to check out all this stuff you guys see.

Will need a fresh Win7/10 install and all the goodies on and using Chrome, for maximum privacy invasion. F'n bonus if I use a smartphone!
I don't see any of it with ad blocker...I just like to riff...

I use adblocker..and Linux. :rolleyes:

Been a few years since I fooled around with Linux. IS it any better than it was a few years ago? I got tired of not having drivers for my hardware, or having to manually edit them to get anything to work, a constant hassle, plus it was very hard on hardware, and costly; not a problem for geeks who upgraded everything at the first opportunity all the time, but I usually get several years out of a PC before I trash them, something you couldn't do with Linux and the power and speed fanatics who write code for the various Linux modules, especially with video and CD drives.

I've been playing with Linux since, well.. forever to some.

I passed on Freebsd and dabbled in old redhat.

I've been seriously including it since 2011.
Someday I'll have to check out all this stuff you guys see.

Will need a fresh Win7/10 install and all the goodies on and using Chrome, for maximum privacy invasion. F'n bonus if I use a smartphone!
I don't see any of it with ad blocker...I just like to riff...

I use adblocker..and Linux. :rolleyes:

Been a few years since I fooled around with Linux. IS it any better than it was a few years ago? I got tired of not having drivers for my hardware, or having to manually edit them to get anything to work, a constant hassle, plus it was very hard on hardware, and costly; not a problem for geeks who upgraded everything at the first opportunity all the time, but I usually get several years out of a PC before I trash them, something you couldn't do with Linux and the power and speed fanatics who write code for the various Linux modules, especially with video and CD drives.

I've been playing with Linux since, well.. forever to some.

I passed on Freebsd and dabbled in old redhat.

I've been seriously including it since 2011.

Screwed with Slackware, Debian, BSD, the German one I can't remember the name of now, Red Hat. The German one was the last flavor, 11.0 or something in there. Found a bug in the old Pentium II era, and the fix, disabling the L 2 cache in the BIOS set up, my claim to fame. Apparently some runs of the processor had defective caches in them that the set up programs for the kernel didn't like.

Thought about loading a new flavor, but decided I don't feel like screwing with partitioning and all that stuff any more. My current Win setup has been up and running for going 4 years now and I decided not to mess with it; I'm one of those who leave their boxes on 24/7 and never shut them off, just put them in sleep mode.
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Never had a connection that was secure when visiting this site. One of the few sites I ever visit on the internet that is not safe from computer hackers. Just don't reveal sensitive info. This site is probably continuously hacked.

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