Your Favorite Things About Israel

Hashem gave to Yisrael the whole country which He had sworn to their fathers that He would assign to them; they took possession of it and settled in it.
Joshua 21:41 (The Israel Bibleā„¢)

Hear the verse in Hebrew

va-yi-TAYN a-do-NAI lā€™-yis-ra-AYL et kol ha-A-retz a-SHER nish-BA la-TAYT la-a-vo-TAM va-yi-ra-SHU-ha va-yay-shā€™-VU VAH

Hashem gave to Yisrael the whole country
Hashem fulfills His promise to the People of Israel, who live in and possess the Land of Israel. The Ramban notes that there are three aspects to the Jewish Peopleā€™s obligation regarding Eretz Yisrael: They are commanded to live in Eretz Yisrael, to build up the land through strengthening its Jewish community, and to maintain a sovereign government ruling over Eretz Yisrael. Thus, though itā€™s important for individuals to live in the Land of Israel, itā€™s also critically important that the Nation of Israel has ā€œtaken possession of it and settled in it,ā€ as this verse describes.
And what is my life span
I'm like a man gone out of Egypt
the Red Sea parts, I cross on dry land
two walls of water; on my right and on my left
Pharaoh's army and his horsemen behind me
Before me the desert,
perhaps the Promised Land, too.
That is my life span.

ā€œBut be most resolute to observe faithfully all that is written in the Book of the Teaching of Moshe, without ever deviating from it to the right or to the left
Joshua 23:6 (The Israel Bibleā„¢)

Hear the verse in Hebrew

va-kha-zak-TEM mā€™-OD lish-MOR vā€™-la-a-SOT AYT kol ha-ka-TUV bā€™-SAY-fer to-RAT mo-SHEH lā€™-vil-TEE sur mi-ME-nu ya-MEEN us-MOL

Strength Isn't Just a Good Character Trait,
It's a Biblical Commandment

Throughout Sefer Yehoshua, the instructions to be ā€œstrongā€ and ā€œresoluteā€ are delivered repeatedly, both to Yehoshua himself and the Children of Israel as a whole. Significantly, this command applies both to spiritual tasks, such as the exhortation in this verse to observe the entire Torah of Moshe, and to physical tasks such as fighting battles to conquer the Land of Israel (see, e.g., Joshua 1:6). A complete national life requires both spiritual and physical fortitude. In todayā€™s Israeli army, many soldiers exemplify this devotion to both Torah study and military service by enlisting in the Hesder program that combines high level Torah study with mandatory army service. The students and graduates of these academies are exemplary soldiers as well as scholars, thereby serving as role models for all.

They found rich, good pasture, and the land was ample, quiet, and peaceful. The former inhabitants were of Ham
1 Chronicles 4:40 (The Israel Bibleā„¢)

Hear the verse in Hebrew

va-yim-tzā€™-U mir-EH sha-MAYN va-TOV vā€™-ha-A-retz ra-kha-VAT ya-DA-yim vā€™-sho-KE-tet ush-lay-VAH KEE min KHAM ha-yo-shā€™-VEEM sham lā€™-fa-NEEM

The Bible on Internal vs. External Harmony
The Hebrew word for ā€˜peacefulā€™ in this verse is shalva (שלוה), rather than the more common word ā€˜shalomā€™ (שלום). What is the difference between shalom and shalva? The 19th-century commentator Malbim explains that shalom refers an external peace, meaning that one is free from threats or harm. Shalva, on the other hand, refers to internal harmony. Accordingly, this verse teaches that the inhabitants of the cities of Shimonexperienced not only a quiet security from outside threats, but also enjoyed peaceful coexistence with their brethren and neighbors. In his prayer for the peace of Jerusalem (Psalm 122:6) the Psalmist includes both terms: ā€œPray for the well-being (shalom) of Yerushalayim; may those who love you be at peace (shalva).ā€

Open the gates, and let A righteous nation enter, [A nation] that keeps faith.
Isaiah 26:2 (The Israel Bibleā„¢)

Hear the verse in Hebrew

pit-KHU shā€™-a-REEM vā€™-ya-VO goy tza-DEEK sho-MAYR e-mu-NEEM

How to be Truly Righteous
Israelā€™s first Chief Rabbi, Abraham Isaac Kook, expounds upon the nature of righteousness, described in beautiful poetry in this verse. ā€œThe purely righteous do not complain about evil, but increase justice. They do not complain about godlessness, but increase faith. They do not complain about ignorance, but increase wisdom.ā€ Let us strive to become ā€œpurely righteousā€ by increasing justice, faith and wisdom in this world.

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