Your"Democrat Lie Of The Year". Was It Pelosi Explaining Why We Have To Impeach Trump ??


Gold Member
Jul 1, 2018
In about 2,,3 months from now we will be nominating the "Lie Of The Year",,right?
well, what about when a few days ago? last week? when Pelosi went on live TV and explained why we need to start the process to impeach Trump?
all she had to say that because of Trumps excellent approval rating and that we have no one out there that can beat Trump, we will have to start impeachment precedings !!!
:iagree: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper:
for all we know, there's probably 100 of them! but Pelosi talking about what Trump said in that phone call, to us 300 million people was beyond laughable
Actually...caveman al green came out on TV and said exactly that!

Out loud :)
i saw al green close up without make up. he looks like this mythical creature of which we should of caught and trapped by now
i wonder if Pelosi has ever made a phone call to another country
Maxine is now saying she can't go to the grocery store because she is being......wait for it.....harrassed.

Karma is a bitch.
Maxine is now saying she can't go to the grocery store because she is being......wait for it.....harrassed.

Karma is a bitch.
In about 2,,3 months from now we will be nominating the "Lie Of The Year",,right?
well, what about when a few days ago? last week? when Pelosi went on live TV and explained why we need to start the process to impeach Trump?
all she had to say that because of Trumps excellent approval rating and that we have no one out there that can beat Trump, we will have to start impeachment precedings !!!
:iagree: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper:

We need the liar of the year: Kamala Harris hands down.

The lie of the year would take a decade to sort out because there are so many of them.
i dont think pelosi or biden even knows the population of the USA, and they think they have the right to Impeach Bush?,,,I mean Trump?
In about 2,,3 months from now we will be nominating the "Lie Of The Year",,right?
well, what about when a few days ago? last week? when Pelosi went on live TV and explained why we need to start the process to impeach Trump?
all she had to say that because of Trumps excellent approval rating and that we have no one out there that can beat Trump, we will have to start impeachment precedings !!!
:iagree: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper:
Trump's approval is headed down.
Did pelosi actually mention Trump's approval rating?
Its six points lower than support for his impeachment.
Maxine is now saying she can't go to the grocery store because she is being......wait for it.....harrassed.

Karma is a bitch.

No doubt....she brought that shit on herself.

She encourages the harassment of Trump cabinet members, yet she cries when it happens to her?

What an utter bitch.
In about 2,,3 months from now we will be nominating the "Lie Of The Year",,right?
well, what about when a few days ago? last week? when Pelosi went on live TV and explained why we need to start the process to impeach Trump?
all she had to say that because of Trumps excellent approval rating and that we have no one out there that can beat Trump, we will have to start impeachment precedings !!!
:iagree: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper:
Trump's approval is headed down.
Did pelosi actually mention Trump's approval rating?
Its six points lower than support for his impeachment.
Impeach him....please! Right Nw......d d d do it! End this nightmare! We can't even watch comedy on TV. TV from hell! Trump has showed us what we are. And if the worst happens where we will go. And it won't be nice...
Maxine is now saying she can't go to the grocery store because she is being......wait for it.....harrassed.

Karma is a bitch.

No doubt....she brought that shit on herself.

She encourages the harassment of Trump cabinet members, yet she cries when it happens to her?

What an utter bitch.
Monkey Butt Scratch Poll has Trump at 65% approval,,,yah,,thats good enough reason to impeach him Via Nancy Pelosi
In about 2,,3 months from now we will be nominating the "Lie Of The Year",,right?
well, what about when a few days ago? last week? when Pelosi went on live TV and explained why we need to start the process to impeach Trump?
all she had to say that because of Trumps excellent approval rating and that we have no one out there that can beat Trump, we will have to start impeachment precedings !!!
:iagree: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper:
Trump's approval is headed down.
Did pelosi actually mention Trump's approval rating?
Its six points lower than support for his impeachment.
Right liar, that's why donations and fundraising is through the roof.
In about 2,,3 months from now we will be nominating the "Lie Of The Year",,right?
well, what about when a few days ago? last week? when Pelosi went on live TV and explained why we need to start the process to impeach Trump?
all she had to say that because of Trumps excellent approval rating and that we have no one out there that can beat Trump, we will have to start impeachment precedings !!!
:iagree: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper:
Trump's approval is headed down.
Did pelosi actually mention Trump's approval rating?
Its six points lower than support for his impeachment.
Right liar, that's why donations and fundraising is through the roof.

Of course he's got the money. All of the special interest groups are flocking to him since the 2 of the 3 top democratic candidates have said they're refusing corporate money.

This has nothing to do with approval rating, which covers regular citizens.

Corporate boards around the country are seeing the death of the profiteering they hold so dear, and are throwing money at the issue to try to make it go away. I'm not at all convinced that it's going to work this time.
In about 2,,3 months from now we will be nominating the "Lie Of The Year",,right?
well, what about when a few days ago? last week? when Pelosi went on live TV and explained why we need to start the process to impeach Trump?
all she had to say that because of Trumps excellent approval rating and that we have no one out there that can beat Trump, we will have to start impeachment precedings !!!
:iagree: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper:
Trump to Pelosi: I triple-dog-dare ya to hold impeachment-inquiry vote

“They want to be a little bit pregnant.”

Donald Trump will send Nancy Pelosi a letter today daring her to hold a full House vote on an impeachment inquiry. Until one passes, the administration will produce no witnesses or documentation for committees:

President Trump and his team can legally ignore lawmakers’ demands until she holds a full House vote formally approving an impeachment inquiry.

This puts in writing what Trump and his supporters have been demanding for days.
  • If The House wants to hold a Presidential Impeachment Inquiry, they can hold a House Vote.
  • Republicans will not be shut out of hearings and other aspects of an inquiry once it is formalized with a vote.
  • By calling this an inquiry without holding a vote, Pelosi and the Democratic committee chairmen are trying to "be a little bit pregnant.”
Democrats want to dodge the vote for crass political purposes, while still claiming the privileges of an impeachment probe. Pelosi’s declaration stripped away that fig leaf, and now it's time for Pelosi to fish or cut bait.

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