Your 10 Day Weather Forecast?Yah,This Is All Global Warming.Even Florida Will See The 30's


Gold Member
Jul 1, 2018
wow, I live in Sarasota, and we are supposed to dip into the mid-30's Tuesday night? thats insane?
Well John Kerry and Al Gore, can you explain any of this?
And not just the south east, it looks like all 57 states are in for some very very cold weather. Some of it very brutal depending on where you live.
So when responding to this thread, please give us your upcoming weather forecast, and then explain how this is global warming.
:aargh: :aargh: :aargh: :aargh::cul2:
Typical american, interchanging the words 'Global' and 'America'.
wow, I live in Sarasota, and we are supposed to dip into the mid-30's Tuesday night? thats insane?
Well John Kerry and Al Gore, can you explain any of this?
And not just the south east, it looks like all 57 states are in for some very very cold weather. Some of it very brutal depending on where you live.
So when responding to this thread, please give us your upcoming weather forecast, and then explain how this is global warming.

Yeah, my daughter just wrote from North Carolina asking if we are having all the sleet and "weather" they are having --- she's not going outside for a few days, she says. It's been cold here in Maryland, but It was reasonable till last week. I guess we have to expect some Winter during January. Oh, God, if only we don't have to tarp the greenhouse!! (2 degrees F prediction and we're out there on ladders.)

If they are worried about species extinction, plastic pollution, air pollution, etc., etc., the problem is over-population, not global warming!!

What I really worry about is another Ice Age. We really ARE in a high between two Ice Ages (and many such swept over the Earth -- humans only saw the last one!) and that's what I fear --- cold, much of the planet frozen and uninhabitable. Warmth is GOOD. Promises, promises, bring on this global warming myth!! Gardeners will thank you all over America!! But no, it's just leftwing carry-on.
So when responding to this thread, please give us your upcoming weather forecast

there will be weather tomorrow

and then explain how this is global warming.

you first


Asking this particular OP to explain literally anything is like asking Mike Tyson to hold an academic lecture on String Theory.

You'd get more intelligent responses out of a Roomba. With a dead battery. In the rain.
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Heres the thing.....whether it is 30 degrees in Florida tomorrow or 90 degrees, nobody cares about climate change. Zero climate change action in the past 20 years. Congress couldnt possibly be any more disinterested because constituents dont give a rats ass......d0y.

All the science on Gods green earth isnt mattering!

First they called it Global Warming and half the world's coastal cities should have been under water by now. After that epic fail, they changed the name to Climate Change which is an all encompassing total fraud of a theory that takes credit for virtually every weather phenomenon that occurs, whether it gets hot or cold, rains or snows.

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