YOU the people can end this farce now-the Boomerang!


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
By his recent stunt, it's timing, and declaration to hear witnesses, Parnas is so obviously being lead to disrupt the trial and parrot Dem speaking points. So simply put, just find out who offered him a reduced sentence or dropped case and find out which politicians are working with him and slap charges on those politicians for "colluding with Foreign entities to manipulate an election and abuse of power to harass and file false charges on an election opponent."=boomerang!

You the people can do this by filing a formal request of investigation with the Dept of Justice and one with the O.C.E. (online forms).
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I don't understand why the WH council doesn't use the question and answer period of the Impeachment trial to ask Adam Schiff questions they would have asked him at witness testimony.
Like explaining the law on recusal of himself for conflict of interest and describe those conflicts=boomerang zingers!
Ask him if it's illegal to use the impeachment to obstruct investigation and digging into his own Ukraine quid pro quo scandal as in why is he, Biden, Kerry, Pelosi, and others tied to Ukraine, above the law and investigation?
Etc etc.. Then that ties to his part in starting the charade, his ties, motivation, in leading the misslabled whistleblower, which is an abuse of power.

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