You Say "Ghost Ship", I Say "Target Practice"


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2011
Japanese Tsunami 'Ghost Ship' Found Off Canadian Coast

After being flushed out to sea by last year’s massive tsunami and earthquake, a Japanese squid-fishing boat has drifted across the Pacific Ocean and was about 120 nautical miles off British Columbia’s north coast Friday evening.

The 150-foot ship was found drifting right-side-up about 140 nautical miles (260 km) from Cape Saint James, on the southern tip of Haida Gwaii.

“The ghost ship is probably going to be pretty much worthless — nobody’s going to want to have anything to do with it because of the huge costs that are going to be incurred [towing it to shore],” said Gray, senior captain with the Vessel Assist towing company.

The owner of the ship has said he doesn't want it back. the Navy and sink it.

Problem solved.

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