You Never Know


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. "Art collecting often seems like a rich man's game, open only to the rarefied few who can plunk down millions of dollars without breaking a sweat. But the recent death of Herbert Vogel, one of America's most famous art collectors, points to another art world, one in which a pair of middle-class workers, following their passion and their pocketbook, can build a world-class collection.

2. A high school dropout, Herb worked as a postal clerk, while Dorothy worked in the Brooklyn Public Library.

3. -- her salary paid for household expenses, while his paid for art -- they focused on the cutting edge of the art world, where prices were lower and investments had more room to appreciate.

4. Their rules were simple: They had to love what they bought, be able to easily afford it, and it had to fit into their tiny, one-bedroom apartment.

5. Their cutting-edge strategy and careful choices eventually bore fruit. The Vogels amassed one of the most significant modern art collections in the U.S., a treasure trove of almost 5,000 sculptures, paintings, and prints that they later donated to 51 museums across the country, including the National Gallery of Art.

6. ...while the Vogels' "artistic eye" may have been lightning in a bottle, their choices reflect sound, classic investing principles that are relevant whether you're buying sculptures or shares of stock."
What a Pair of Unlikely Art Collectors Can Teach You About Investing - DailyFinance

7. "...the National Gallery acquired much of their collection in 1991. By then, its value was estimated to be well into the millions.

“We could have easily become millionaires,” Mr. Vogel told the Associated Press in 1992. “We could have sold things and lived in Nice and still had some left over. But we weren’t concerned about that aspect.”
Herbert Vogel, unlikely art collector and benefactor of National Gallery, dies at 89 - The Washington Post

8. "Nothing in the world can take the place of Persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan 'Press On' has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race."
Calvin Coolidge
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Yea and Thomas Sowell has a GED....

I know a lot of "did you know" facts....

I read - America's Only Humor Site | and Top 10 Lists - Listverse - awesome sites to learn "did you know" facts... Not to mention the cracked team are a bunch of fantastic and amusing writers.....

Let me try to make the point of the OP once again, nicky....

Two ordinary folks...

..perhaps below average...he was a high school drop-out.

Civil service workers, a postal worker and a librarian.

Yet they became millionaires.
Their collection was worth millions.

No inheritance.
Just the opportunity that America provides to all.
Every one.

Make the right choices, persistence, bingo.

That was my point.
It destroys the OWS propaganda.
It destroys the fabrications of the pretender in the people's house: "You didn't build that."

No hand-outs, grants, or crony capitalism.

What a country.
Yea and Thomas Sowell has a GED....

I know a lot of "did you know" facts....

I read - America's Only Humor Site | and Top 10 Lists - Listverse - awesome sites to learn "did you know" facts... Not to mention the cracked team are a bunch of fantastic and amusing writers.....

Let me try to make the point of the OP once again, nicky....

Two ordinary folks...

..perhaps below average...he was a high school drop-out.

Civil service workers, a postal worker and a librarian.

Yet they became millionaires.
Their collection was worth millions.

No inheritance.
Just the opportunity that America provides to all.
Every one.

Make the right choices, persistence, bingo.

That was my point.
It destroys the OWS propaganda.
It destroys the fabrications of the pretender in the people's house: "You didn't build that."

No hand-outs, grants, or crony capitalism.

What a country.

Your metaphor makes no sense...
Yea and Thomas Sowell has a GED....

I know a lot of "did you know" facts....

I read - America's Only Humor Site | and Top 10 Lists - Listverse - awesome sites to learn "did you know" facts... Not to mention the cracked team are a bunch of fantastic and amusing writers.....

Let me try to make the point of the OP once again, nicky....

Two ordinary folks...

..perhaps below average...he was a high school drop-out.

Civil service workers, a postal worker and a librarian.

Yet they became millionaires.
Their collection was worth millions.

No inheritance.
Just the opportunity that America provides to all.
Every one.

Make the right choices, persistence, bingo.

That was my point.
It destroys the OWS propaganda.
It destroys the fabrications of the pretender in the people's house: "You didn't build that."

No hand-outs, grants, or crony capitalism.

What a country.

Your metaphor makes no sense...

A figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an object or action to which it is not literally applicable.
A thing regarded as representative or symbolic of something else, esp. something abstract.

There is no metaphor here.

An admonition, a message, a moral, an instructive tale....
Yea and Thomas Sowell has a GED....

I know a lot of "did you know" facts....

I read - America's Only Humor Site | and Top 10 Lists - Listverse - awesome sites to learn "did you know" facts... Not to mention the cracked team are a bunch of fantastic and amusing writers.....

Let me try to make the point of the OP once again, nicky....

Two ordinary folks...

..perhaps below average...he was a high school drop-out.

Civil service workers, a postal worker and a librarian.

Yet they became millionaires.
Their collection was worth millions.

No inheritance.
Just the opportunity that America provides to all.
Every one.

Make the right choices, persistence, bingo.

That was my point.
It destroys the OWS propaganda.
It destroys the fabrications of the pretender in the people's house: "You didn't build that."

No hand-outs, grants, or crony capitalism.

What a country.

both had government jobs
Yea and Thomas Sowell has a GED....

I know a lot of "did you know" facts....

I read - America's Only Humor Site | and Top 10 Lists - Listverse - awesome sites to learn "did you know" facts... Not to mention the cracked team are a bunch of fantastic and amusing writers.....

Let me try to make the point of the OP once again, nicky....

Two ordinary folks...

..perhaps below average...he was a high school drop-out.

Civil service workers, a postal worker and a librarian.

Yet they became millionaires.
Their collection was worth millions.

No inheritance.
Just the opportunity that America provides to all.
Every one.

Make the right choices, persistence, bingo.

That was my point.
It destroys the OWS propaganda.
It destroys the fabrications of the pretender in the people's house: "You didn't build that."

No hand-outs, grants, or crony capitalism.

What a country.

both had government jobs

1. Steve Martin had a great line about how one becomes a millionaire....

"First you get a million dollars....."

2. "both had government jobs"'re suggesting that the government gave 'em a million bucks?

Or that postal work, or being a librarian is a fast track to becoming a member of the "1%"?
Or that there aren't lots of jobs that pay what those 'government jobs' pay?

What's your point?

3. Lest you miss point is that anyone in America can become a millionaire.
How'd like that millionaire part?
Great, huh?

God bless America.
You want their jobs gone.

You think they do no service for this country

Why would you believe that I need help in expressing my views?

Have you found me to be shy in the past?

In any case, try to be more accurate if you're going to be my press agent. to agree as to how wonderful America is, giving opportunity to be a millionaire to everyone?
Face the facts PoliticalChic.

"They didn't build that collection on their own".

It was only because of government help on the form of a union job that allowed them to amass the art collection.

If this couple had work in the private sector; say he was an auto mechanic, and she was a hair dresser.

Then there is No way they could have acquired such a unique collection of art and sculptures.
you people dont believe in what they did for a living.

You claim their work was worhtless
It was only because of government money that this postal worker and librarian built this art collection.

So it is only right that they donated it to various museums across the country.

Because in reality none of the art belonged to them.

Since government money paid for all of it.

For them to keep it would have been moral theft.

And if they sold the art; they would have become part of the evil 1%
you people dont believe in what they did for a living.

You claim their work was worhtless

"You claim their work was worhtless"

Would you provide such a claim by me....

...or simply retract that fib.

Still searching for said claim?

Here, let me help....

....I've never said such.

Don't you mind being shown to be wrong?
I would.

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