You know it's gotten really sad when...


Jun 27, 2009
...your supporters tells you it's now ok to take positions the base hates because hopefully it will help your campaign with voters who are NOT in your base:

A little more than 24 hours have passed since Mitt Romney took the base-alienating step of touting the health care law he signed while governor of Massachusetts in an interview with NBC. Unlike the last time his campaign heralded his signature achievement, however, the conservative grumbling was relatively muted.

Why? Because, Republicans say, things are so bad for Romney that they’ll even let him talk up his health care law.

Trailing In the Polls, Romney Gets A Pass From Republicans To Tout Romneycare
Yet another ill-advised step imho.
Romney doesn't need to reach out to moderates at this point. There are too few undecideds left and he's got too much back-tracking to do. That will only feed into the flip-flop meme.

IMHO - it's all about turnout now. Just fire up the base and get them chomping at the bit to get to the polls. SCREAM about the 47%!!!!

Throwing water on their enthusiasm is counter-productive imho.
IMHO - it's all about turnout now. Just fire up the base and get them chomping at the bit to get to the polls. SCREAM about the 47%!!!!

Why would he do that? A large chunk of that "47% (of which the asserted "victimhood" we all know to be inerently dishonest) are his base? Have you met many wildly liberal little old ladies? I haven't... How many hard-working blue collar wage slaves in the blood red midwest did he just insult?
IMHO - it's all about turnout now. Just fire up the base and get them chomping at the bit to get to the polls. SCREAM about the 47%!!!!

Why would he do that? A large chunk of that "47% (of which the asserted "victimhood" we all know to be inerently dishonest) are his base? Have you met many wildly liberal little old ladies? I haven't... How many hard-working blue collar wage slaves in the blood red midwest did he just insult?

But he can't take it back - there is nothing he can do to make that comment disappear.
So run with it and run HARD with it.

The right wing has lost the election of 2012.

The evidence for this is overwhelming, yet it is the year’s best-kept secret. Mitt Romney would not be throwing virtually all of his past positions overboard if he thought the nation were ready to endorse the full-throated conservatism he embraced to win the Republican nomination.

If conservatism were winning, does anyone doubt that Romney would be running as a conservative? Yet unlike Ronald Reagan and Barry Goldwater, Romney is offering an echo, not a choice. His strategy at the end is to try to sneak into the White House on a chorus of me-too’s.

The right is going along because its partisans know Romney has no other option. This, too, is an acknowledgment of defeat, a recognition that the grand ideological experiment heralded by the rise of the tea party has gained no traction. It also means that conservatives don’t believe that Romney really believes the moderate mush he’s putting forward now. Not to put too fine a point on it, but if the conservatives are forgiving Romney because they think he is lying, what should the rest of us think?

E.J. Dionne: The tea party’s drubbing in 2012 - The Washington Post

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