You Don't Think Right Wing Power Knew Cain And Bachmann

If anybody doubts the viciousness of the democrat party and their little army of investigators probably hired at taxpayer expense look at the difference between what we knew about George W. Bush and what we don't know about B. Hussein Obama. We knew what grades Bush made at Yale and what fraternities he belonged to and we even had about a dozen programs on cable about the (sinister?) "skull and crossbones society" that Bush belonged to. When Palin was selected to be a VP candidate the little atmy of left wing investigators swooped down on Alaska and dug up every detail about Palin's family and her family's family and turned it into a soap opera although it had nothing to do with her ability as a politician. What do we know about president Obama? We don't even know for sure where he was born and Harvard managed a lockdown regarding Obama's time as a student.
Anybody who isn't sickened by the image of the pizza delivery girl engaging in sodomy with the president of the US must be a zombie or a victim of pop culture and the teachers union education system. Yet lefties actually defended Clinton's world class abuse of women. Now they expect Americans to be upset about a 30 year old sexual harassment case that a republican was involved in? The world is upside down under liberalism.
...were crazy idiots with skeletons in their closet so therefore unelectable. They were put out here for the same reason Beck was put out there, to male Bill O'reilly look sane and inelligent compared to Beck.

Yeah. I was AT the meeting of the Right Wing Power that day. I remember it like it was yesterday.


We were wondering how we could make the eventual GOP nominee look sane and inelligent.

"Say, I know," I said. "Why not put in some crazy idiots with skeletons in their closet?"

Well, needless to say, my former boss, Karl Rove, loved the idea. He chimed in, "Yeah! Like we made O'Reilly seem sane and inelligent compared to Beck!"

"Exactly," said I.

And so the plan was conceived. So, we searched high and low.

Finding Bachmann and Cain was not easy. Damnit. They have brains and actual credentials. This was not what we were looking for. We wanted somebody more like the conservative version of the current President. You know. A true lightweight who has never actually accomplished diddly dog. But finding such a person in the realm of conservatives is obviously not easy. So we had to settle for people with genuine merit.


Anyway, I was wondering. Has anybody ever seen any hint of a shred of a ghost of a whisper of an afterimage of a shadow of a speck of any intelligence in Truthseeker420?

I didn't think so.

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