You Don’t Speak for Me!


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Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
You Don’t Speak for Me!
Legal Mexican Immigrants Outraged Over Amnesty for Illegals,
Standing Up Against Illegal Immigration

Posted By Vicki McClure Davidson on May 18, 2010

Legal Mexican immigrants are disgusted and outraged that illegal immigrants are trying to get undeserved amnesty. They are also angry that illegal supporters claim that they represent the mindset of all Hispanics in their support of illegal aliens. WRONG.

Legal immigrants are angry because they DON’T support illegal immigration. They support LEGAL immigration.

More and more legal Mexican immigrants are rising up, demanding that amnesty not be granted to illegals, that our nation’s borders be secured, and that America’s immigration laws be enforced. An anti-illegal alien group of Hispanics, You Don’t Speak for Me!, while not getting much coverage by the left-wing media (just like the nation’s tea parties), is growing in leaps and bounds.
You Don’t Speak for Me! Legal Mexican Immigrants Outraged Over Amnesty for Illegals, Standing Up Against Illegal Immigration (video) « Frugal Café Blog Zone
:clap2::clap2:You Don’t Speak for Me! Legal Mexican Immigrants Outraged Over Amnesty for Illegals, Standing Up Against Illegal Immigration (video) « Frugal Café Blog Zone

I am not so sure he is going to get the Hispanic votes the needs.

I am not sure he will even get the black votes he needs. Most blacks I've talked to say they are not even going to waste time going to the polls.
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The ones takin' the risk on this are the unemployed who have to compete with the influx of foreign workers for jobs...
Analysis: Obama takes a risk on immigration front
16 June`12 WASHINGTON – There's not much President Obama can do to boost the economy in the next five months, and that alone might cost him the November election. But on a range of social issues, Obama is bypassing Congress and aggressively using his executive powers to make it easier for gays to marry, women to obtain birth control, and, now, young illegal immigrants to avoid deportation.
It's a political gamble that might fire up conservatives, many of whom remain cool to Republican candidate Mitt Romney. Democrats think it's more likely to inspire enthusiasm among groups that were crucial to Obama's 2008 victory — young voters, women and Hispanics. In relatively good times, a first-term president's wide array of powers can force his challenger to shift from issue to issue, hoping to find a gap in the incumbent's armor. This year, that scenario is practically turned on its head. Romney is the play-it-safe candidate, rarely straying from his jobs-and-economy talking points and sharply limiting encounters with national reporters. Romney took six hours Friday to offer a short and carefully worded comment that criticized Obama's new immigration policy for not providing "a long-term solution."

Romney didn't say whether he would overturn it if elected. But by noting "it can be reversed by subsequent presidents," he might have sown doubts in the minds of some young illegal immigrants studying the policy. Obama looks like the bigger risk-taker. He doesn't have many options. He is constrained by a complex, interrelated and frail global economy, and by a Republican-run House. Together, they severely limit his ability to influence the struggling U.S. economy, which Obama says needs more investments in education, renewable energy sources and other areas. Using executive powers and persuasion, however, Obama can expand the rights of gays and lesbians in civil and military life; direct Catholic-affiliated employer insurance plans to cover contraceptives; and protect hundreds of thousands of young illegal immigrants from being deported.

Obama took that last step Friday. It delighted many Hispanic groups while prompting Republican officials to grouse more about the process he used than the actual policy. Democrats enjoy a hefty edge among Hispanic voters, and some GOP strategists fear Romney is widening the gap. In the primaries, Romney criticized one rival, Texas Gov. Rick Perry, for granting in-state college tuition to illegal immigrants. The former Massachusetts governor also distanced himself from opponent Newt Gingrich's call for making it clear the United States will not deport illegal immigrants who have led stable, crime-free lives in the United States for many years. "This is the right thing to do," Obama said in the Rose Garden as he outlined the new policy Friday.

Sidestepping Congress, where immigration proposals have languished for years, Obama acted to make illegal immigrants immune from deportation if they were brought to the U.S. before they turned 16 and are younger than 30, have been in the country for at least five continuous years, have no criminal history, graduated from a U.S. high school or earned a GED diploma or certificate, or served in the military. Millions of people in the United States, especially younger voters, rallied to Obama's 2008 campaign because they saw it as a barrier-breaking crusade giving voice to those weary of the Iraq war and falling economic opportunities. Democratic strategists hope to reignite some of that enthusiasm this year. With significant economic gains so hard to achieve, a possible route is to be seen as expanding or protecting the rights of gays and lesbians, young Hispanics and young women.


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