You all know: Rich people wouldn't be rich without us spending?


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Lefties are accusing rich people of hording money. BUT.....they only get money by us spending it. And if they arrange the world in such a way where we have no money, then we can't spend it. If we don't spend it, they don't get rich.

What are they gonna do, take a bath in money? They spend it. Or invest it. Or save it. And if they simply save it in a vault, then there is less money out there, and thus, ours is worth more. Thats why shit is getting so expensive. Obama flooded the market with cash, and now that there is a supply and demand problem with cash (aka lots of cash, thus, lower demand) it costs us more for everything. Food. Gas. Clothing. It's all costing more paper bills because the larger supply of those bills makes them less in demand. Thats the root theory of inflation.

So, it is in the interest of rich people for us peasants to be able to spend money. If we don't, they don't get rich, right?

No no, I grasp left wingism. Left wingers are simply filled with hateful envy. They despise the idea that there are individuals in the world living a better life than them. How dare the rich people have a big home, a yacht, a nice car. Not when they, the lefty, must live in the ghetto known as a 2 bedroom suburban home and driving a Honda Civic. Oh God forbid the horror!!!!

Yes, I understand lefties. They demand equal opportunity. Ok. Every person has the opportunity at birth to succeed as much as they want. Check that one off.

But when they realize their own opportunity has passed, and they've achieved about as much as they are going to relatively, THEN they see others who achieved far more, they HATE it. They then want a central government to go back, erase their past decisions, and equalize the lifestyle of themselves with the others who saw more success than them.

Pure envy. Pure, sick, disgusting envy.
No no, I grasp left wingism. Left wingers are simply filled with hateful envy. They despise the idea that there are individuals in the world living a better life than them. How dare the rich people have a big home, a yacht, a nice car. Not when they, the lefty, must live in the ghetto known as a 2 bedroom suburban home and driving a Honda Civic. Oh God forbid the horror!!!!

But 7 out of tthe 10 richest us reps are Dems right? John Kerry really hates yatchs...wait, I meant the Kennedys really ha...wait, I know I can get this right eventually:cuckoo:
When a billionaire like Rush Limbaugh openly and proudly expresses contempt for 'shared sacrifice',

I'd say that exemplifies very nicely the fact that class warfare was a war started by the Rich, and the Rich continue to be the aggressors.

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