Yo Jeh


Gold Member
Dec 15, 2012
Near the Alamo
Johnson: 'No credible information that Isis planning to attack the US'
Hours before Obama to announce expanded military campaign, senior homeland security official claims militants pose no imminent danger at home

Jeh went on to say there was no credible threat ,period

The former deputy director of the CIA regards the group as potentially more threatening than ISIS. The Pentagon says the group was "nearing the execution phase" of an attack on the U.S. or Europe. And an expert on al Qaeda says they are "following bin Laden's vision."

The group is called Khorasan, a collection of al Qaeda veterans who fought in Afghanistan and Pakistan. And while ISIS has been grabbing most of the terror-related headlines in recent months, it is Khorasan that poses potentially more of a threat to the U.S. - which is why it was also targeted by American bombs in Syria on Tuesday.

Then somebody discovered these guys...

Someone doesn't know his ass from his elbow...
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And then Holder (why is our attorney general giving press conferences on matters that should concern only Homeland Security, the FBI, or NSA) announces that terror attacks were imminent within the US.

Bammy and Hammy should get their shit together and not always be lying at cross purposes to what people who actually know what the hell they're talking about, are saying on such matters.
Johnson: 'No credible information that Isis planning to attack the US'
Hours before Obama to announce expanded military campaign, senior homeland security official claims militants pose no imminent danger at home

Jeh went on to say there was no credible threat ,period

The former deputy director of the CIA regards the group as potentially more threatening than ISIS. The Pentagon says the group was "nearing the execution phase" of an attack on the U.S. or Europe. And an expert on al Qaeda says they are "following bin Laden's vision."

The group is called Khorasan, a collection of al Qaeda veterans who fought in Afghanistan and Pakistan. And while ISIS has been grabbing most of the terror-related headlines in recent months, it is Khorasan that poses potentially more of a threat to the U.S. - which is why it was also targeted by American bombs in Syria on Tuesday.

Then somebody discovered these guys...

Someone doesn't know his ass from his elbow...

I know it's an old saw, but never has it made more sense than now: "Kill all the bastards and let God sort them out".

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