YO..Bama.. How about Dot.com,9/11/worst Hurricane SEASONs???


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Poor poor Obama... having to go through all these terrible events...
Boo hoo.. sob sob... don't you feel sorry for Obama after all HE's GONE through according to him...
"And when you think about what we’ve gone through over the last couple of months — a devastating hurricane, and now one of the worst tragedies in our memory, the country deserves folks to be willing to compromise on behalf of the greater good and not tangle themselves up in a whole bunch of ideological positions that don’t make much sense.
Obama uses hurricane, school shootings to push his tax agenda | Conservative News, Views & Books

What the F...k would HE DO if he HAD THESE EVENTS happen???

NO president has EVER faced events of their magnitude in the same 8 year period.

A) Didn't the marvelous dot.com ( that Clinton phony surplus bubble)* bust occur? YES! What did it cost?
1) $5 trillion in market losses which meant the taxpayers who had tax liabilities of $166 billion from 2002 and beyond GONE!
2) 300,000 jobs lost due to dot.com busts....billions in payroll taxes!!!

B) Did 9/11 happen??? YES what did that cost?
1) $2 trillion in losses meant $66 billion a year in reduced TAX payments from 2003 and beyond GONE!
2 145,00 jobs lost in NYC alone due to 9/11... what did that cost? Billions in payroll taxes!

and regarding hurricanes... THE WORST SEASONS not hurricanes like Sandy SEASONS!!!
C) DID the worst hurricane SEASONS not hurricanes SEASONS occur? YES what did that cost?
1) $1 trillion in losses meaning $33 billion a year in reduced tax revenues!
2) 400,000 jobs due to Hurricanes Katrina/Rita

YET how many people seemingly forget those 3 events costing over $8 trillion which is being written off against taxes today.

850,000 jobs lost due to dot.com/911 and hurricanes.

DOES ANYONE WANT to say those events didn't COST MONEY put out by the government?

DOES ANYONE want to say the $8 trillion in tax write offs didn't cost revenue?

What about 850,000 jobs and the unemployment benefits for 99 weeks at $300/week is $25.2 Billion...
ALL paid out and NOT coming in...

SO where are all you people that lived like I did through the above which included the anthrax attack and that caused a lot of anxiety and lost jobs and money!

Boo hoo.. poor Obama... NO $5 trillion losses due to Bust in dot.coms!
Boo hoo.. NO 9/11 killilng 3,000 costing $2 trillion..
And Obama's had ONE hurricane minor .. compared to the WORST HURRICANE SEASONS in history!

But what would you expect by the WHINER-IN-CHIEF!!!
Well.. as he said in his December 19, 2012 Press conference

Q: It seems to a lot of observers that you made the political calculation in 2008, in your first term and in 2012 not to talk about gun violence.
You had your position on renewing the ban on semiautomatic rifles that then-Senator Biden put into place, but you didn't do much about it. This is not the first issue -- the first incident of horrific gun violence of your four years. Where have you been?

PRESIDENT OBAMA: Well, here's where I've been, Jake. I've been president of the United States, dealing with the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression, an auto industry on the verge of collapse, two wars. I don't think I've been on vacation. And so, you know, I think all of us have to do some reflection on how we prioritize what we do here in Washington.

Obama gun violence, fiscal cliff press conference. Transcript - Lynn Sweet
what the hell did you expect you put in some Junior Senator of less than two years community agitator..

Jimma Carter was at least a likable old fool
you poor obsessed robot

Just making valid comparisons!
After All Obama brought up the tiny hurricane, and the "two wars"???

AND the worst economic crisis?? CAUSED BY his 1995 Lawsuit by the way!!!
Starting the same thread over and over again, dozens of times, is a guarantee that no one will take you seriously.

I assume that is your goal.
The thread goes way over your head.. so why are you showing your ignorance by responding to something YOU obviously have little or NO knowledge! You weren't around in 2000 when Dot.com busted much less do you remember 9/11 or the worst hurricanes in history because you would be laughing LIKE I was when I heard poor oppressed Obama say...
I've been president of the United States, dealing with the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression, an auto industry on the verge of collapse, two wars. I don't think I've been on vacation. And so, you know, I think all of us have to do some reflection on how we prioritize what we do here in Washington.

SUCH A JOKE! Such a BIG BIG JOKE!!! ... Obama: "I don't think I've been on VACATION"???????

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