Yippee another jobs stimulus bill on the way--now with TARP funds--LOL


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
rocky mountains
:lol:Is this the most economically ignorant President we have ever had? Now he is taking TARP funds & is planning on throwing another 50 BILLION toward (again) roads, bridges & infracstructure projects. You know--you've heard this before--"on shovel ready projects"---:lol::lol: Of course BILLIONS were dedicated to these so-called "shovel ready projects" in the original 787 BILLION dollar stimulus bill--which hasn't created any new job growth. The economy is still in the tank after promises of "if we spend this" we will create hundreds of thousands of new jobs.

This President doesn't seem to understand that we are not in the 1930's--where it required thousands of men with "shovels" to do road--bridge & dam construction. He doesn't get it--that it takes several years of design & engineering before the first shovel goes into the dirt. He doesn't understand that our heavy equipment today is operated by one single person--that can complete the work of hundreds of men with "shovels." He simply doesn't understand that our economy is so much more diverse than the 1930's.

So--what does he do? He continues to throw good money after bad. Obama's flood the basement economics at it's best--:lol::lol:

President Obama unveils jobs plan, no price tag - - POLITICO.com

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The fact this is totally illeagal as usual matters not to Barry.

TARP repayments are not an extra pot of gold, they were meant to pay down the deficeit.

Once again Barry shows us what a phoney he is, braking the law as it suits him to waste more money on givaways and payoffs.
Not to mention that the bulk of Stimulus money already allocated for this, has yet to be spent. Of course grabbing this extra "pot of gold" makes it that much easier to hold off spending the bulk of the stimulus until the few months leading up to next falls elections that much easier.
So easy to spend what isn't your to begin with. Legal? He doesn't give a shit; he's the Obamaster he does as he pleases. This guy is an asshat if ever there was one.

The requirements for POTUS should be amended to include the individual will have run something (town, city, state, business) successfully. Community organizer my ass.
Not to mention that the bulk of Stimulus money already allocated for this, has yet to be spent. Of course grabbing this extra "pot of gold" makes it that much easier to hold off spending the bulk of the stimulus until the few months leading up to next falls elections that much easier.

The bulk of the money was porky and payback. It was a stimuless for the country; stimulating for those who got theirs.
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Whats the old saying, "If at first you don't succeeed. Try, Try again."

The first porkulus ain't done much in the way of job production so lets have another. This one might just work doncha know???????????

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